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Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Earn extra credit by being the first person in your class to tell me a place where gourds are mentioned in the Bible!

L 7-8
We will start on the essay tomorrow.
Absentees: get notes, take makeup quiz.

Choose an essay topic for tomorrow.
Read the Poe introduction and take notes as instructed.  Also read the pointers for understanding Poe better.
We have begun the Poe poem "To Helen."
Absentees: get a copy of the book and get caught up on your work; get notes. 

Wall Words quiz tomorrow.  Know the word meanings, their context (if appropriate), and be prepared to give examples.
We are finishing Gawain

We are still working on chs. 6-7 (great question today, Nate), but read and know chs. 8-9 for Fri.

B 7-8
We have read through the Blessings and Woes section of Luke 6 (Sermon on the Plain).
Absentees: Keep up with the reading and get notes when you return.

B 11-12
We will be studying Job 28 together. 

l'estomac: stomach
les doigts: fingers
le genou: knee
l'epaule: shoulder
le coude: elbow
la pouce: thumb
les orteils: toes
la cheville: ankle
les dents: teeth
j'ai mal a  ______: my ______ hurts
la gorge: throat

Finish ch. 7.

See previous post.

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