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Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Absentees are reminded to stay as current as possible on reading and other assignments. 

L 7-8

Read and know ch. 3 of Witch.  Write and answer 10 how/why questions about the chapter.  Note that in this chapter you are introduced to four new characters.  Kit also reveals why she had to leave Barbados in such a hurry.

L 9-10

No new assignments. 


Cantos 31-32 for Tuesday, 12.2; 33-34 for Wednesday, 12.3.

B 7-8

We are working on II Kings 2--Elijah taken into heaven.  We have asked a lot of questions about the passage, and we have started trying to answer them.

B 9-10

We have started on ch. 36--Esau's family tree.


Review recent vocabulary, including the parts of the body.

F2B (Dominic)

Brief journal summaries in French for chs. 4 & 5.  Do more, if possible.

F2C (Jimmy)

Brief journal summaries of the chapters you have read so far.  Or, you may do the "Que sais-je" questions. 

Monday, November 23, 2020


L 7-8

Read and know ch. 2 of The Witch of Blackbird Pond.  Watch for new information on a) Kit; b) Nat; c) John, and d) Prudence and her family. 

L 9-10

Read and know "The Most Dangerous Game." Use book questions to verify your comprehension.


Cantos 29-30.  Review occasionally to help your memory of details.


Read and know 3:2-3 for after break (Wednesday, 12.2).

B 7-8

We are working on II Kings 2--preparations for Elijah's final departure. 

B 9-10

We are working on Genesis 35--Jacob's return to Bethel.


Review recent vocabulary.


Reading, journal, and trouble spots.

Friday, November 20, 2020


L 7-8

We are finishing Witch ch. 1.  No new reading.

L 9-10

For Tuesday: Read and know "The Most Dangerous Game."


Cantos 27-28 for Monday.


TT 3:1 for Monday.

B 7-8

We are working on II Kings 1--Ahaziah attempts to arrest Elijah.

B 9-10

We are working on Gen. 34--the attack on Dinah.


Review recent vocabulary.


Have journal and marked words ready.


Read also ch. 5 with journal and marked words. 


No assignment.

Thursday, November 19, 2020


L 7-8

Read and know ch. 1 of The Witch of Blackbird Pond.  Be able to a) describe the setting, b) tell about the characters, and c)  identify a source of conflict.

L 9-10

Read and know "To Build a Fire."  Pay attention to a) details about the cold, b) the man's mistakes, and c) the relationship between the man and the dog.


Cantos 25-26 (Thieves, Evil Counselors).


Finish FOTR for tomorrow.

B 7-8

We are finishing II Kings--Jehoshaphat and Ahaziah ( ch. 22).

B 9-10

We are finishing Gen. 33--Jacob and Esau meet again, then part.


Review recent vocab (parts of the body, Sophie 2) for Mon.

F2A & F2B

Have reading done, journals ready, and pages marked.


Read and know the rest of ch. 2.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


L 7-8

Absentees need to make up the Ulysses test.  No assignment for the rest.

L 9-10

Read and know "The Monkey's Paw."


Cantos 23-24.

B 7-8

We are working on I Kings 22--Ahab and Micaiah: the showdown continues.

B 9-10

Review Gen. 32--Jacob's wrestling match.


Quiz tomorrow on the "Sophie" vocabulary.


Finish the current chapter for Fri.


Finish ch. 4 for Friday.


Finish ch. 2.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


L 7-8

Test tomorrow on The Adventures of Ulysses.

L 9-10

No new assignments. Absentees, keep current with your assignments--check previous posts.


Cantos 21-22--grafters to the rafters!


Finish The Lord of the Rings for Friday.

B 7-8

We are working on I Kings 22--Ahab and Micaiah.  Lots of pressure on the prophet to just go along.

B 9-10

We have begun the strange story of Jacob's wrestling match in Gen. 32.  Many questions, few answers.


We are finishing Part 1 of "Le Tresor de Sophie."  Le tresor, qu'est-ce que c'est?  Ou est-il?  Pauvre Sophie--elle le veut, mais elle ne peut pas le trouver!


Journal and vocab for today's reading.


Journal and vocab for ch. 3.


As always, review.  Revisez!


Demain  il y aura une interro sur le vocabulaire de "La Croisiere." 

Monday, November 16, 2020


L 7-8

Test on Ulysses on Wednesday. 

L 9-10

Test tomorrow on The Pearl.


Cantos 19 & 20.

B 7-8

Review I Kings 21 for possible quiz or journal.

B 9-10

Review Genesis 31 for possible quiz or journal.


Review recent vocabulary.


Have journal ready for conference.

Friday, November 13, 2020


L 7-8

Finish Ulysses: 1. Who are these characters, and how do they relate to Ulysses? a) Antinous; b) Iros; c) Eurymachus.  2. Know about a) the boxing match; b) the archery contest; and c) the conclusion of the story. 

B 7-8

We are working on the story of Naboth's vineyard (I Kings 21), a story that closely parallels the story of the crucifixion.

B 9-10

We are working on Gen. 31--Laban confronts Jacob in Gilead.


We have finished Normandie

Thursday, November 12, 2020


L 7-8

For tomorrow: Read and know pp. 147-156.  For each of the following, identify who they are and what they do for Ulysses: a) Telemachus; b) Eumaeus; c) Argo.  Also write and answer 5 why/how questions based on the reading. 

L 9-10

No class tomorrow.  On Monday, we will finish our discussion of The Pearl.  There will be a test on


No class tomorrow.  Read and know Cantos XVII & XVIII for Monday.


No class tomorrow.  2:7-8 for Monday. 

B 7-8

We have finished I Kings 20 about Ahab and Ben-Hadad.  You may want to review.

B 9-10

Quiz tomorrow on the children of Jacob.  Use the memory palace, if that is helpful.


For Monday: Review recent vocabulary and grammar from "Sophie."


Review recent vocabulary for tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


We are thankful for veterans and those currently serving in the armed forces.  Their defense of our liberties make our school (and others like it) possible. 

L 7-8

We are finishing our work on "Nausicaa."  No new reading assignment.  If you missed work or are absent, this is a chance to get caught up.

L 9-10

We are discussing the conclusion of The Pearl and the novella as a whole.


Cantos XV & XVI. 

B 7-8

We are continuing I Kings 20--Ahab vs. Ben-Hadad. 

B 9-10

We are practicing the "memory palace" technique as we learn the sons of Jacob (Gen. 29, 30).


We are reading an outstanding new story called "Le Tresor de Sophie."  It is outstanding.


Review through ch. 8. 

F2B, C

See previous post.


We have finished the outstanding story "La Crosiere."  It was outstanding.  Review the vocabulary for a quiz next week.

Finish ch. 1 of Vive le Taureau.  It could be outstanding; we'll see. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


L 7-8

Read and know "Nausicaa."  1.  How does she help Ulysses?  2. What tense moments arise after the Phaiacians welcome Ulysses?  3.  What happens at his departure? 

L 9-10

Finish The Pearl (ch. 6).


Cantos XIII & XIV.

B 7-8

We are learning about Ahab's struggles with Ben-Hadad (I Kings 20).

B 9-10

We are learning about Jacob's children ( Gen. 29-30). 


Review recent vocabulary.


A: Finish ch. 7.

B-C: See previous post.

Monday, November 9, 2020


L 7-8

Quiz tomorrow on wall words.  Review.

Read and know "Calypso": 1.  How did Ulysses get there?  2.  What happened there?  3.  How did he finally leave?

L 9-10

Read and know ch. 5.


Read and know Cantos XI & XII.


For next Monday: 2:7-8.

B 7-8

Review I Kings 19 for possible quiz or journal response.

We have begun ch. 20--Ben-Hadad picks a fight with Ahab.

B 9-10

We are working on Gen. 29--Jacob in Paddan-Aram.


Quiz tomorrow on numbers.

F2A (Theo)

We will talk about ch. 5

F2B (Dom)

Review for vehicle quiz.

F2C (Jimmy)

Turn in work that you have.

Friday, November 6, 2020


L 7-8

Read and know "Scylla and Charybdis" and "The Cattle of the Sun."  Several students from this class will be receiving detentions next week for incomplete work.  Stay on top of your assignments.

L 9-10

Read and know ch. 4.


Read and know Cantos IX & X.


Read and know 2:6.

B 7-8

We are finishing I Kings 19--the call of Elisha.

B 9-10

We are finishing Gen. 28--Jacob at Bethel.


Review numbers, colors, and other recent vocabulary for Monday.  You'll be glad you did.

F2 Accelerated

Ch. 4.


Vehicle quiz.  Review recent vocabulary.


Revise story--SH.

Thursday, November 5, 2020


L 7-8

Read and know "The Wandering Rocks" and "The Sirens."  For each chapter: 1.  What is the conflict?  2.  How is it resolved?

L 9-10

Read and know ch. 3 of The Pearl.  Which of your guesses were right so far?


Read and know Cantos VII & VIII.  Kram a elkraps. 


FOTR 2: 4-5. 

B 7-8

We are working on I Kings 19--the whispers of God.

B 9-10

We are finishing Gen. 27--the consequences of Jacob's latest trick.


Review numbers, colors, and other recent vocabulary.


Quiz tomorrow on vehicle cards.  Review through the beginning of ch. 3.


On est en train de lire l'histoire de Severine.  C'est excellente, n'est pas?

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


L 7-8

Read and know "The Land of the Dead."  1. What is the journey there like?  2.  What is the underworld like?  3.  What does Ulysses find out?

L 9-10

Read and know ch. 2 of The Pearl.  Essay rough drafts (1.0) due tomorrow--see instruction sheet.


Read and know Cantos IV (Carnal) and V (Gluttons).  Mark sparkles.

B 7-8

We are working on I Kings 19--Elijah's journey to Horeb and how it resembles the wilderness wanderings.

B 9-10

We are finishing Gen. 27--Jacob deceives Isaac.


Review: 0-89, colors, other recent vocab.


We are working on Normandie ch. 3.  Vehicle quiz Friday.


We are working on the original stories.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


L 7-8

Read and know "Circe."  1.  What is the problem Circe causes?  2.  How does the author prepare you for that problem (foreshadowing)?  3.  How is the problem resolved?  4.  What is next for Ulysses and his crew?

L 9-10

Essay 1.0 (rough draft) due Thursday.  See handout for instructions. 

Read and know ch. 1 of The Pearl.  1.  What is the main problem?  2.  What is the background of the problem?  3.  How do the characters try to resolve the problem?  4.  Why are they unsuccessful?


Read and know Cantos III & IV.  Spark a markle for each canto. 

B 7-8

Expect a review quiz on I Kings 18.

B 9-10

Expect a review quiz on recent material through ch. 26.


Review numbers 0-79.  Review other recent vocabulary. 


Vehicles Q on Friday.

Review Normandie vocabulary through ch. 2.


Original stories due tomorrow.  Make copies for the class.

Monday, November 2, 2020


L 7-8

Read and know "Cannibal Beach."  1.  What is the conflict?  2.  What led up to it?  3.  How was it resolved?  4.  What were the lasting consequences?

L 9-10

See "Animal Farm Essay" sheet.  List the 3 episodes you plan to use.  Write about the first episode, using the example given in class.  Due tomorrow.


Inferno 2 with sparkle.


2:4-5 for Friday.

B 7-8

We are finishing I Kings 18 and the drama on Mt. Carmel.  Why did God empower Elijah to run ahead of Ahab's chariot?  We'll talk about that tomorrow.

B 9-10

We are finishing Gen. 25--Esau sells his birthright.


Quiz tomorrow on the review sheet and numbers 0-69.


We are finishing ch. 2 of Normandie.