L 7-8
Read and know "Circe." 1. What is the problem Circe causes? 2. How does the author prepare you for that problem (foreshadowing)? 3. How is the problem resolved? 4. What is next for Ulysses and his crew?
L 9-10
Essay 1.0 (rough draft) due Thursday. See handout for instructions.
Read and know ch. 1 of The Pearl. 1. What is the main problem? 2. What is the background of the problem? 3. How do the characters try to resolve the problem? 4. Why are they unsuccessful?
Read and know Cantos III & IV. Spark a markle for each canto.
B 7-8
Expect a review quiz on I Kings 18.
B 9-10
Expect a review quiz on recent material through ch. 26.
Review numbers 0-79. Review other recent vocabulary.
Vehicles Q on Friday.
Review Normandie vocabulary through ch. 2.
Original stories due tomorrow. Make copies for the class.
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