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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Troll Island 2C: Assignments for Eleventh and Twelfth Grades--and C.S. Lewis (March 17, 2020)

See instructions on Post 2A.

British Literature
You should have finished Part 2 of 1984.  Finish Part 3 for Tuesday, March 24.  The appendix on Newspeak is interesting, but optional.

Study Questions on "Kubla Khan," Sections 1 & 2
Due no later than noon tomorrow (March 18)

Section 1
1. Historically, who is Kubla Khan?
2. According to our class discussion, how is the river Alph possibly connected to the word "elf" and the word "aleph"?
3. What is unusual about the course of the river?
4. How do the grounds around the "pleasure dome" seem to invite comparison:
     a.  with the Graden of Eden
     b. with a temple
Note how the speaker implies a contrast between the dome with its grounds and the river. 
5. What do you notice about the rhyme and meter here and all through the poem?
6. This poem is thick with alliteration and assonance.  Choose 3 lines from this section that illustrate this, write them out, and clearly mark the examples.
Note how the rhyme, the meter, the assonance, and the alliteration all work together with the imagery to create a dreamlike feelRead aloud, it sounds almost like the chanting of a magic spell.

Section 2
The reference to the "demon lover" is an allusion to an old ballad.  In it, a woman's drowned sweetheart returns to her to take her away with him, even though she is now the wife of another man and a mother as well.  Here's a link to the poem: The Demon Lover.  You can also find a number of good musical versions on YouTube. 
1. The river erupts into a fountain.
     a.  What physical power does it have?
     b.  What does it prophesy?
In Greek mythology, the fountain of Peirene was sought out by those who wished to be gifted writers.  Drinking the water was said to give one inspiration.  There is also an allusion to the myth of Alpheus and Arethusa.  Read about it here:The Myth of Arethusa. 
2. The speaker depicts the mixing of the fountain (natural) with the dome and grounds (artificial).  Tell how he does so:
     a. sight image
     b. sound image
3.  Write 3 adjectives that are used to describe the river that emerges from the fountain. 
4. How does the speaker describe the subsequent course of the river?

Poets and Prophets

Review Questions on Isaiah 1-4

Ch. 1
1. What is the meaning of the ox and donkey image?
2. What is the meaning of the melon field image?
3. What is the meaning of the reference to Sodom and Gomorrah?
4.Why does the Lord so emphatically reject the offerings of the people?
5. What does it look like to do right (v. 17)?
6. What promise does the Lord make in v. 198?
7. What is the meaning of the harlot image?
8.  How are the people like oak trees?

Ch. 2
1. List 3 important actions that are taking place in the first 5 verses of the chapter.
2. List 3 sins the people are committing (vv. 6-9).
3. List 3 humiliating things that will happen (vv. 10ff.).

Ch. 3
1. What will happen to the current leaders?
2. Who will the new leaders be?
3. For what does the Lord condemn the women?
4.  What desperate action will these women take?

Ch. 4
1. Discuss the significance of the Branch as described here and elsewhere in the prophets.  See class notes. (50 words or more)
2. Discuss the significance of the canopy spoken of here and elsewhere in the OT.  See class notes.  (50 words or more)

C.S. Lewis
You should be finished with Out of the Silent Planet by tomorrow at noon.

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