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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Troll Island Notes 2A: Assignments for Seventh and Eighth Grades (March 17, 2020)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

All written assignments should be sent as an email attachment to my school email address (   In the subject line, include a) your name, b) the class, and c) the name of the assignment.  Make sure that you do this--I will be receiving a lot of these, so they need to be clearly marked.  Each assignment has a due date as well.  There will be deductions for unexcused late assignments and incorrectly-labeled ones.  Email any questions you may have.

Review Questions for "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes
Due no later than noon tomorrow (Wednesday, March 18)

1.  Read the biographical note about Hughes on p. 227.
     a. How did Gwendolyn Brooks ("The Bean Eaters") praise him?
     b. How did he get himself noticed by the poet Vachel Lindsay?
2. In what specific way is this poem an inclusio?
3. This is also an extended metaphor.  What does this term mean?
4.  Describe what a "crystal stair" life might be like.  (25 words)
5. The mother's life has not been a crystal stair life.  Based on class discussion, give an example of real-life events that would correspond to the following:
     a. tacks and splinters
     b. "boards torn up"
     c. "no carpet.../ Bare.
     d. a landing
     e. a corner
     f. a dark place
6.  Explain why line 7 is so short.
7. Tell one way in which the mother demonstrates the following characteristics:
     a. lack of formal education
     b. her determination
     c. her creativity
     d.  her concern for her son
8.  Explain what is so significant about the shape of the poem on the page.  (15 words)
9. (Optional)  Watch this very well done reading of the poem: Mother to Son.

Review Questions on Acts 1 & 2
Due no later than tomorrow at noon (Wednesday, March 18)

Ch. 1
1. Who is Theophilus?
2. What was the "gift" that Jesus promised?
3. Explain how v. 8 is an outline of the book of Acts.
4. What was the message of the two men in white?
5. Who met in the upper room besides the apostles?
6. How many people were in the church in Jerusalem at this time?
7. What is the significance of this number?
8. According to our class discussion, why did Judas die in such a gruesome way?
9. What does Akeldama mean, and what happened there?
10. According to our class discussion, why was it so important that there be twelve apostles?
11. What were the qualifications for the men being considered to replace Judas?
12.  How was Matthias chosen?

Ch. 2
1. What was the original purpose of the Pentecost festival?
2. Three unusual events signaled the coming of the Holy Spirit.  What were they?
3. Explain how this story related to the story of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11). 
4. How did some people mock these events?
5. Why is it somewhat surprising that Peter of all people explains what is happening?
6. Why does he quote from Joel 3?
7. What accusation does Peter make?
8. What point is Peter making when he quotes from Psalm 16?
9. What does Peter tell the people to do?
10. How many respond?

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