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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Troll Island Notes 7: Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Literature 7-8
Read "Lochinvar" on pp. 438-439.  This is a narrative poem, which means that the poem tells a story.  The focus is on events rather than on states of mind.  "Stopping by Woods" also tells a kind of story, but not that much happens; the focus of the poem is on the speaker's thoughts and feelings.  That kind of poem is a lyric poem.  "Blue-Butterfly Day" and "The Road Not Taken" are also lyric poems.  But "Lochinvar" as a narrative poem is much more centered on action. 
As you are reading, or after you have finished, summarize the main events of each stanza  in one or two complete sentences.  If you have any questions, email me.  Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25.
American Literature
Background Notes on the Novel (Do this first.)
1. The men in this battle, like most in the American Civil War, are using rifles that must be loaded through the barrel and can only fire one shot at a time.  An experienced rifleman could fire three rounds a minute.  Watch a demonstration here. The rifles were loud, and they gave off a puff of black smoke each time they were fired.  The cannons, which fired from behind the troops, were even louder and gave off even more smoke.  The enemy lines would also be choked with smoke, so that aiming your weapon often consisted in pointing it through one cloud into another cloud, where you hoped the enemy was.  Maybe you would even hit one.  The enemy would have to be pretty close before you could see them very well; of course, they would be able to see you, too!  Officers on horseback, being more visible,  would make easier targets for the enemy, and sharpshooters would often try to pick them off. The Civil War had unbelievable casualty rates, but officers proportionately had the highest rates of wounds and death. 
2. Henry's regiment shows its newness in a lot of ways.  They carried too much stuff with them.  As they marched, they threw off a lot of junk--and some things they should have kept.  Their hats and uniforms are still in good shape, and the veterans laugh at their sharp appearance.  "Real" soldiers don't dress like they're in a parade! Another sign of their inexperience is that they talk too much. They spread rumors and talk knowingly about things they don't really know about. They feel to criticize, loudly, things they don't really understand. (Think what they would have done with an Internet!)
3.  But for all their newness, they are learning, slowly.  Henry sees his first dead body--a poor Confederate soldier.  He gets his first taste of battle.  He's got a lot more to learn, but he is learning.
Read chs. 6-7.  Summarize the events of the chapters in one paragraph of no fewer than 150 words.  Include a sparkle for each chapter and a brief explanation.  Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25.
British Literature
You will have finished 1984 by the end of the day.
C.S. Lewis
See previous post.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 9:1-22. Write and answer 10 questions that use "why" or "how."  Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25.
Poets and Prophets
Read Isaiah 13.  Keep in mind that Babylon was the nation that was to destroy the temple, crush Jerusalem, and take tens of thousands of Hebrews into an exile from which most would never return.  Answer the following questions. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25.
1. What is the point of the signal on the bare hill?
2. How does Isaiah describe the sound of those who respond to the signal?
3. Tie this to Psalm 29 and Ezekiel 1.
4. What sound will the Babylonians make?
5. How is this tied to the second part of Is. 2?
6. How is Is. 13:10 related to Joel 3?
7.  What image in v. 12 is also found in Ps. 45?  How is it used differently?
8. How does v. 13 tie to Ps. 46?
9. What image in v. 16 is also found in Ps, 137?
10. What people will take down Babylon (Chaldeans)?
11. What comparison in v. 19 is also used in Is. 1?
12. What is the point of this comparison?
13. There are, alas, no badgers in vv. 21-22.  However, there are a number of other animals.  List them, and explain why they are there.
14. What images in Is. 1 function is the same way?
Introduction to French
Read ch. 9 and answer the following questions in complete French sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25.
1. Comment est la maison de Debbie?
2. Est-ce qu'il ya une piscine chez vous?
3. Quel temps fait-il a Ventura?
4. Selon Fama, comment est la Mauritanie?
5. Comment est sa famille?
6. Selon Fama, c'est une chose terrible que d'etre pauvre?
7. Pourquoi/pourquoi pas?
8. Est-ce que Fama aime la nourriture a la fete de Debbie?
9. Est-ce que Debbie veut visiter Fama en Mauritanie?
10. Comment est le fleuve chez Fama?
12. Quand est-ce qu'elle va retourner a Nouakchott?
Translate into English.
13. vendredi
14. un maillot de bain
15. Ta maison me plait.
16. a mon avis
17. se baigner
18.  rentrer
19. l'apres-midi

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