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Friday, March 27, 2020

Troll Island Notes 10: Friday, March 27, 2020

Some encouragement from God's Word: Psalm 121
I lift up my eyes to the hills.
    From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot be moved;
    he who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, he who keeps Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is your keeper;
    the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all evil;
    he will keep your life.
The Lord will keep
    your going out and your coming in
    from this time forth and forevermore.

Literature 7-8
Poe has a massive vocabulary, and he's not ashamed to show it.  Your editors have helpfully identified many of the difficult words in the margins, but there are a number of challenging ones left.  Pease write out and define terms.  All or most of them may be found in the glossary in the back of your textbook. Due no later than noon on Monday, March 30.
1. to ponder (1)
2. quaint (2)
3. bleak (6)  entreat (16)
5. to implore (20)
6. lattice (33)
7. stately (38)
8. yore (38)
9. to beguile (43)
10. decorum (44)
11. countenance (44)
12. ungainly (49)
13. discourse (49)
14. placid (55)
15. apt (61)
16. dirge (65)
17. to divine (75)
18. to gloat (76)
19. undaunted (87)
20. laden (93)
21. plume (99)

American Literature
Read chs. 10-11. Write and answer 10 how/why questions taken from these chapters.  Due no later than noon on Monday.

British Literature
Notes on religion in  1984
1. Party members, including Winston, are atheists.  Proles have no interest in religion, though not forbidden.
2. A perverted sort of religion exists, however--Bigbrotherism.  You have already written about it in some detail. 
3. There is a god--Power, as O'Brien says, and he should know.  The party, Ingsoc, embodies power, and Big Brother is its public face.  Therefore in daily life Big Brother is god. 
4. In addition to some of the features already noted in your homework, note these:
    a. People give their "testimonies" to the wisdom and good ness of BB all the time.
    b. Various sacrifices are demanded in this perverted religion: people sacrifice their time and money for "voluntary" causes; foreign prisoners are publicly hanged with a great deal of festivity; everybody regularly sacrifices much (time, energy, freedom, individuality, etc.) in the service of BB.  Indeed, the party members are virtually monks and nuns who have taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience!
    c. The Thought Police are a parody of elders and church leaders who are to keep watch over the congregation lest anyone be "found wanting in doctrine or in life." 
    d. The four pyramidal ministry buildings that dominate the London skyline are like cathedrals.
    e. One or two students pointed out how Winston's time in the Ministry of Love resembles the Roman rite of confession.  Winston is the penitent sinner.  He makes his confessions to "Father" O'Brien, who assigns him penance and finally pronounces "absolution" in letting him leave. 
    f.  There are no martyrs, as O'Brien says, only converts. 
5.  Is there a holy book?  Only if you're a heretic, and then it's Goldstein's book.  If you are orthodox, the Newspeak dictionary comes closest, but even that is not a good fit.  History is always changing; Winston and many others are employed in changing it.  Therefore, the truth is whatever Big Brother says it is, and you use doublethink and crimestop to keep yourself on the straight and narrow. 
Essay Assignment
Use this as a working theme: "Be careful about those to whom you entrust power, because the abuse of that power can make a hell on earth."  Do your best to defend this.  AP students should have 3 paragraphs, excluding the introduction and conclusion; the rest should have 2 paragraphs excluding the introduction and conclusion.  The main paragraphs should be no fewer than 150 words each.  Be careful, be organized, be clear, be accurate, and be specific.  Due no later than noon on Tuesday, March 31.
Announcement about the next novel
It will be The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene.  There are copies available at the school for you to pick up from Mrs. West.  Call ahead to schedule an appointment for the pickup (412.787.5919).  Reading assignments will begin in the middle of next week. 

Ransom is the most sympathetic human character in the novel.  As such, though he is imperfect, he in many ways embodies the best of the culture of his time.  (Think of characters like Guy Montag, Beowulf, Sir Gawain, and Hester Prynne).  Choose 3 important characteristics of Ransom that you believe make him a moral model for others to follow.  Develop each into a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words by giving specific examples of his exhibiting those qualities. Be careful, be organized, be clear, be accurate, and be specific. Due no later than noon on Wednesday, April 1.

Luke and Acts
Acts 10 continues to follow Peter in his travels.  Read vv. 1-23.  Write and answer 10 how/why questions based on those verses.  Due no later than noon on Monday, March 30.

Poets and Prophets
After more prophecies about foreign nations (chs. 20-21), Isaiah prophesies about Jerusalem in ch. 22.  This placement in the midst of the nations may suggest that Jerusalem, sadly, is not all that different from them in their sin.  Ch. 23 turns to Tyre, the wealthy Phoenician city to the north.  The people were renowned sailors and merchantmen, the source of their great wealth.  Phoenicia is known to Bible students for two important "exports"--Jezebel, the wicked queen of Israel during the time of Elijah, and the cedar trees used in constructing Solomon's temple.  Isaiah's prophecy here focuses on the destruction of their sea power. this section of Isaiah arguably concludes with ch.24, a chapter about worldwide destruction, not just individual cities and nations.  Read this chapter carefully with an eye to how it relates not only to this section of Isaiah, but to the broader context of the Bible.  Write down 10 specific ways in which language and images used in this chapter tie to other parts of God's Word.  Begin with what you can come up with on your own; then use secondary resources if you need to.  Due no later than noon on Monday, March 30.

Introduction to French

Finish the book for Tuesday.

Intermediate French
See previous post.

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