Literature 7-8
Review and application. Please read carefully and respond in complete sentences to the embedded questions and instructions. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 1.
1. One of the questions from "Cub Pilot": "According to Twain on p. 374, he continues to profit from his experience as a pilot-in-training (a "cub pilot"). How can that be, since he isn't a pilot anymore?" A lot of people got this wrong, and it's an important one. Twain wrote, "I got personally and familiarly acquainted with about all the different types of human nature that are to be found in fiction, biography, or history." In your own words, what does he mean?
2. This doesn't just work on steamboats, of course. When you are old enough to hold down a job, you will likely have a similar experience. Working brings you into contact with many different kinds of people: co-workers, customers and clients, bosses, and so on. Your knowledge of human nature is expanded, and not always in pleasant ways. What is the main idea of this paragraph, in your own words?
3. Find an adult nearby that you can talk to. Ask this person what he or she learned about human nature by being in the working world. Whom did you ask and what did he or she say?
4. We see the same thing when we are together at school. Even at a small school like ours, you come into contact with an array of personalities among students, teachers, and others. And for many of you, this is not your first school. This can be an enriching experience as we learn to value and learn from the abilities and perspectives of others. Honestly, it can be a difficult experience, too, when others don't understand us or don't respect us. I hope your experience at RTCS has been mostly a positive one. According to this paragraph, what are two sides of the school experience?
5. Mark Twain's "school" on the steamboat was made much more difficult by the teasing (by George Ritchie) and especially the bullying (by Brown). Learning all the little quirks of the Mississippi would have been plenty hard, anyway; the personal stresses made it much harder. But, later on at least, Twain was able to see the value of the experience beyond his life on the river. What was that lesson again?
6. Attending school remotely, as you have discovered by now, has its good side and its not so good side. You no longer have to deal with difficult people at school in the same way, which may be a relief. At the same time, you are missing out on their humor, their help, and their friendship. No matter how often you text, call, or Skype, it's just not the same. God created us to be social creatures, even those of us who really value our time away from others. We learn, and grow, and flourish in community with each other. Being with others can be a real challenge, but as Twain recognizes, even the bad experiences can ultimately have value for us. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
7. We have also been cut off from our churches to some extent. Church people can be difficult sometimes, just like school people and home people. So can we. It is right to miss the fellowship of believers. But even the difficult ones have been put in our path by a God who rules over all and knows what he is doing. In the church community, just like in other communities, we can learn from the difficult people as well as the ones we love to be around. What we are supposed to learn may not appear right away; Twain made his discovery years later. But if we believe what the Bible teaches, none of our experiences is random, and none of the people in our lives are there merely by chance. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
8. Back to literature. Literature can be enjoyed alone or with other people. And one of the great things about literature is not just the enjoyment of a good story or poem or learning about something that interests us. Literature can be a way of helping us understand other people better. In literature, people often reveal what is important to them, what motivates them, what they fear, and what they love. Good literature can be a window into another person's life, or even their soul. Good books like The Banner in the Sky or A Wrinkle in Time can expand not only our vocabulary and our imaginations, but our ability to understand others, and even ourselves. Literature can help us connect not only with people in our own time and place, but with people of long ago and far away. Humanity hasn't changed much over time. Literature can help us discover what makes people tick. How does literature help us understand others?
9. We might ask why we should we care about other people anyway. In many ways our culture teaches us to be selfish, to think of ourselves first--our desires, our priorities, our happiness, etc. All of us do this sometimes; many people do this a lot. But Christian believers, when we are being consistent with who we are, have different priorities. You remember from the gospel of Luke, when Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, he said there are two: Love God and love your neighbor. The experiences we have in the real world can help us know our neighbor better so that we can love him better. the experiences we have in literature can serve the same purpose. Literature can help us understand God better (very important); it can also help us understand ourselves better (also important). But literature--poems, plays, novels, stories, nonfiction--can help us understand our neighbors better so that we can love them wisely and bring glory to God as we do so. Choose one of the poems by Robert Frost and explain in about 50 words how it can help us as readers to understand our neighbor better.
American Literature
Please read carefully and respond in complete sentences unless there is an asterisk. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 1.
1. You can't have the full experience of Spoon River Anthology simply by reading and studying a couple of the poems. That is worth doing, which is why I made you do it. But the book is not just a random collection of individual voices. These people are connected in death as they were in life. Several of the dead tell pieces of the story they know--or think they know--but the reader gets the full story, and it often makes for interesting reading. Secrets kept hidden in life are revealed in death. The bodies are buried, but the truth rises up. If you are interested in reading more, check out the book online here. So why is the whole book worth reading?
"Mr. Flood's Party" by Edward Arlington Robinson (516ff.). (Overview)
2. Read "About the Author. a) What life-long emotional issue did he deal with? b) What made him feel like a failure? c) What success did he experience? d) In what sense was he a "bridge"?
3. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. a) Which did you do? b) What are your initial impressions of the poem (25 words)?
4. Technical matters. a) How many strong beats are there per line? b) Give the rhyme pattern of the first stanza (all the stanzas use the same one).
5. Vocabulary*. Write the word and its meaning in context: a) hermitage; b) convivial; c) acquiesce; d) auld lang syne.
6. Allusions (see footnotes). a) What is an allusion? b) What are the possible allusions in line 11? c) What is the allusion in line 20? d) What is the allusion in line 42 & 49? e) What does it suggest about Mr. Flood that he can make such allusions even in his rather unsteady condition?
7. The jug. a) What do you think is in it, and why? b) How does the jug account for Mr. Flood's being out tonight?
8. Monologue and dialogue. a) What is a monologue? b) What is a dialogue? c) Briefly explain how, in this poem, a monologue is a dialogue.
British Literature
Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 1.
1. Reflect on yesterday's Zoom session and respond in complete sentences. a) In what ways did you participate in the session, other than simply being there? b) What was something specific that you learned? c) For you personally, what was the most valuable aspect of the session? d) Make a suggestion to improve our next session. It can relate to me, to your classmates, to yourself, or to the format we used. e) I plan to meet with you for Bible next. Make a suggestion about the best way to use our time.
2. The Lord of the Flies. We will start reading it next week. What steps have you taken to secure a copy? Please respond.
3. The Power and the Glory. Respond in complete sentences. You may consult your notes and email responses. a) What would you say is the theme of the novel? Briefly explain why you think so. b) Make a list of 10 motifs that you noticed in the novel. This does not have to be in sentence form. c) Choose one of these motifs that seems especially important. Give at least 5 examples of it. If you can't come up with 5, pick a different one. d) Mr. Tench is the first character we meet and one of the last we hear from, though he is a secondary character. Tell me about him (50 words). e) Does Mr. Tench tie in to any of your 10 motifs? Which ones? How? Tell me about several, but you don't have to cover them all.
C.S. Lewis
If you have not responded yet to any of your classmates' observations and questions, you should do so before tomorrow.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 17:24-34. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 1.
1. Review. a) Why is Paul in Athens in the first place? b) At what places in Athens has he already spoken about Jesus? c) Where is he speaking now? d) What did he say that was intended to get his audience's attention?
2. Paul's speech. a) Why do you suppose he doesn't use any Bible quotations, which is his usual method? b) He does allude to Genesis 1, however. How does he identify God? c) What does he say about temples? d) What is something Stephen said about the temple in ch. 7? e) God doesn't need us, but we need him. According to Paul, what do we depend on him for? f) Why are people scattered all over the earth? g) What does God want these and all people to do? h) Paul doesn't quote from the Bible, but who does he quote from? i) These people were not inspired in the way the Bible is inspired, but some of the things they said about God were still true. Like what?
j) What mistake (that the Athenians have made) should people avoid? k) What warning does Paul give them? l) He doesn't refer to Jesus by name. How does he refer to Jesus? m) He gets a mixed reaction to this speech. Explain. n) What is another story in Acts where there is a mixed reaction like this? Briefly explain.
Poets and Prophets
Please read the following carefully and respond as requested in complete sentences. Numbers 1-5 are due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 1. Numbers 6-10 are due no later than Monday at noon. Do not turn in any part of this assignment today.
Rhetoric in Isaiah 40
1. As we have been using the word, "rhetoric" means the art of persuasion. Rhetorical devices help to get our attention. Rhetorical devices help to make ideas clear. Rhetorical devices help to make ideas memorable. Rhetorical devices help to make ideas attractive and therefore persuasive. a) I have just used the rhetorical device of anaphora. What does that mean? b) What are 3 ways in which rhetorical devices are helpful?
2. The poets and prophets we have been studying in this course make much use of rhetorical devices. Such devices are desirable because people can be inattentive or distracted. There may be gaps in their knowledge that need to be filled in, or they may need to be reminded. All of us can be forgetful, after all. And sometimes people resist paying attention for spiritual reasons. Strange as it may seem, in their rebellion they want to have blind eyes, deaf ears, and hard hearts. a) I have used the rhetorical device of cataloguing. What does that mean? b) What are 3 reasons even a believer may benefit from rhetorical devices?
3. Isaiah 40 uses a number of devices to get our attention. One general technique is repetition. It can be repetition of the same exact words. a) Give an example from this chapter. Repetition can also take the form of parallelism, a common feature of Hebrew poetry. b) Define this term. Look at v. 10 in the NIV. c) What terms correspond to: "Sovereign Lord?" "comes with power"? " his reward is with him"? Anaphora is another for of repetition. d) Give an example from this chapter.
4. It's not exactly repetition, but using language from the same lexical field works in a similar way. a) Define "lexical field." b) Identify the lexical field of vv. 18-20. c) Specify 5 words used in this strophe that belong to this lexical field.
5. Familiar images and metaphors that connect to our daily lives can be a way to help us understand and remember. These images can come from nature or from human activity. a) What is a striking natural image that Isaiah uses here? b) What is the point that he is making? c) What is a striking image of human activity that he uses here? d) What is the point that he is making?
6. Such images most often relate to sight and hearing, less often to the sense of touch and smell, and perhaps least often to the sense of taste. a) Why do you suppose that is? b) Which Bible book that we have studied did make much use of smell and taste senses?
7. We tend to remember best those things that have either been especially pleasant or especially terrible. Images also often have emotional connections. In this chapter there really aren't any negative ones, so a) name one in Job 3. b) Name another in Ps. 22. c) Quote Ecclesiastes 10:1 as another example.
8. We have seen that chanting and singing can be a good way to get someone's attention and to make words attractive and memorable. What evidence is there that Is. 40 was originally chanted?
9. Isaiah uses many rhetorical questions in this chapter, but those are obvious. He also likes to use contrasting language and tone, but we don't see that here. a) Explain how the two parts of Is. 2 contrast. b) Explain how the two parts of Is. 9 contrast.
10. Language that has a recognizable structure also aids our understanding and our memory. When something seems random to us, it helps if we can reorganize it. Structure can even be a beautiful thing; chiasms can be very satisfying. You have already written about the structure of this chapter; these notes and questions have been carefully organized too. If you can, briefly tell me how.
French classes: check your inbox.
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Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Troll Island Notes 28: Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Literature 7-8
In "Cub Pilot," the author had to deal with a person who was very difficult to get along with. As he recalls the story, he does so in a humorous way. It's a situation we have all been in: We are in a situation that we can't just walk away from, and we have to deal with a person who seems to enjoy making life difficult for us. Tell your own true story about such a situation. You should use a humorous tone, as Twain did. Nothing too serious or too personal, please. Don't be mean.
The story should be true, but you may change some details to protect the identities of the people involved. I will be the only one reading this, and I will not share with anyone without your permission.
1. Set up the scene and the background right away. You may use a catchy sentence to get started. 2. Tell about the conflict in your own words. Give enough details to make it interesting and draw the reader into the story. Remember to use a humorous tone. Ask yourself what would help other people enjoy the story. 3. Tell how the conflict finally ended. 4. If you learned something from the experience, you can end with that.
Your paragraph should be about 150 words. Use standard English spelling, grammar, etc. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, April 30.
American Literature
We continue our close look at "Petit, the Poet." Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, April 30.1. According to folklore, when the dead happen to speak, they can only speak what they believe to be the truth. Petit spent his lifetime, he now believes, lying to himself and wasting his opportunities. What dismissive metaphor does use in the second line to describe his poetic efforts? 2. What might be an analogous activity for people today who aren't writers? 3. What is the meaning of "iambics" in the third line? (See the "Handbook of Literary Terms" in the back of your book.) 4. Is Petit using a lot of iambs in this poem?
Traditionally the wind and breath are associated with different kinds of inspiration. In fact, the roots of the word "inspiration" mean "to breathe into." We see this in the Bible sometimes. 5. How is this image used in Ezekiel 37? 8. How is it used in Acts 2?
We also see it in this poem. 6. What did "the full breeze" awaken in Petit when he was alive? 7. How does this contrast with the pine trees? Things could have been different, he thinks. The inspiration was there , but his "instrument" was not up to it. He had much technical knowledge of poetry, but it served no purpose during his life.
8. What was there in the village that could have been used for powerful poetry? 9. What was there in nature that could have fired his imagination? 10. What do you think line 12 means?
He sees Homer and Whitman as models that he should have followed. 11. What did Homer write? Whitman you already know. 12. Give an example of Whitman finding inspiration in his fellow human beings. 13. Give an example of his finding inspiration in nature.
In this poem there is an implied contrast with Lucinda Matlock, even though she was not a writer. 14. Show that she was in touch with her fellow human beings. 15. Show that she was in touch with nature.
We take this poem as one writer's advice to other writers. But it may also have a more general application to others, whoever they may be. 16. What do you think is the theme of the poem?
British Literature
There will be no assignment for tomorrow for those who attend today's Zoom meeting. For those who have not finished the book, or for those who can't or don't attend, I will get in touch with you by email with a written assignment.
C.S. Lewis
See earlier posts.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 17:13-23. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, April 30.
1. Why is Paul in Athens? 2. Why is he there without Silas and Timothy? 3.Where is Athens with respect to Berea? 4. What upset Paul there? 5. Where did he speak besides at the synagogue? 6. What group speaks out mockingly against Paul and the gospel?
7. From there, Paul went to the Areopagus, a place where intellectual discussions were often held. What is the critical remark that Luke makes about these men of Athens?
8. In addressing the meeting of the Areopagus, Paul says that they are very "religious." What evidence does he give? 9. He focuses attention on one particular object. What is it? He will use that as a starting point to preach the gospel.
This is not the first time Paul has dealt with "religious" people who were not Jewish. Remember the story of Paul and Barnabas at Lystra during the first missionary journey (Acts 14). 10. What miracle did Paul perform there? 11. What pagan religious response did the people there want to make? 12. How did Paul try to talk them out of it?
Poets and Prophets
Today we reflect further on Is. 40. Please respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, April 30.
1. (vv.1-2) On what basis can Isaiah offer comfort to Jerusalem? 2. How does this point to Christ and the Church? 3. (vv. 3-5) How did John the Baptist fulfill these words in the gospels? 4. In what sense do these words also apply to the Church as a whole? 5. (vv. 6-8) Quote a similar thought from Ps. 90. 6. Cite a story from the Bible that illustrates this idea. 7. (vv. 9-11) How does the first part apply to the Church? 8. How does the last verse tie to Ps. 23? 9. (vv. 12-14). Where do we find similar language in Job? 10. (vv. 15-17) In Isaiah's lifetime, what "nations" would come first to the minds of the people of Judah? 10. (vv. 18-20) How are these verses a criticism of idolatry? 11. Things that are not literal images can also be idols. What does Colossians 3:5 say about that? 12. (vv. 21-24) Name two psalms that use building imagery in a similar way. 13. How does v. 24 echo Psalm 1? 14. (vv. 25-31) How are these verses being fulfilled in the faithful Church of today?
French classes: check your email.
In "Cub Pilot," the author had to deal with a person who was very difficult to get along with. As he recalls the story, he does so in a humorous way. It's a situation we have all been in: We are in a situation that we can't just walk away from, and we have to deal with a person who seems to enjoy making life difficult for us. Tell your own true story about such a situation. You should use a humorous tone, as Twain did. Nothing too serious or too personal, please. Don't be mean.
The story should be true, but you may change some details to protect the identities of the people involved. I will be the only one reading this, and I will not share with anyone without your permission.
1. Set up the scene and the background right away. You may use a catchy sentence to get started. 2. Tell about the conflict in your own words. Give enough details to make it interesting and draw the reader into the story. Remember to use a humorous tone. Ask yourself what would help other people enjoy the story. 3. Tell how the conflict finally ended. 4. If you learned something from the experience, you can end with that.
Your paragraph should be about 150 words. Use standard English spelling, grammar, etc. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, April 30.
American Literature
We continue our close look at "Petit, the Poet." Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, April 30.1. According to folklore, when the dead happen to speak, they can only speak what they believe to be the truth. Petit spent his lifetime, he now believes, lying to himself and wasting his opportunities. What dismissive metaphor does use in the second line to describe his poetic efforts? 2. What might be an analogous activity for people today who aren't writers? 3. What is the meaning of "iambics" in the third line? (See the "Handbook of Literary Terms" in the back of your book.) 4. Is Petit using a lot of iambs in this poem?
Traditionally the wind and breath are associated with different kinds of inspiration. In fact, the roots of the word "inspiration" mean "to breathe into." We see this in the Bible sometimes. 5. How is this image used in Ezekiel 37? 8. How is it used in Acts 2?
We also see it in this poem. 6. What did "the full breeze" awaken in Petit when he was alive? 7. How does this contrast with the pine trees? Things could have been different, he thinks. The inspiration was there , but his "instrument" was not up to it. He had much technical knowledge of poetry, but it served no purpose during his life.
8. What was there in the village that could have been used for powerful poetry? 9. What was there in nature that could have fired his imagination? 10. What do you think line 12 means?
He sees Homer and Whitman as models that he should have followed. 11. What did Homer write? Whitman you already know. 12. Give an example of Whitman finding inspiration in his fellow human beings. 13. Give an example of his finding inspiration in nature.
In this poem there is an implied contrast with Lucinda Matlock, even though she was not a writer. 14. Show that she was in touch with her fellow human beings. 15. Show that she was in touch with nature.
We take this poem as one writer's advice to other writers. But it may also have a more general application to others, whoever they may be. 16. What do you think is the theme of the poem?
British Literature
There will be no assignment for tomorrow for those who attend today's Zoom meeting. For those who have not finished the book, or for those who can't or don't attend, I will get in touch with you by email with a written assignment.
C.S. Lewis
See earlier posts.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 17:13-23. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, April 30.
1. Why is Paul in Athens? 2. Why is he there without Silas and Timothy? 3.Where is Athens with respect to Berea? 4. What upset Paul there? 5. Where did he speak besides at the synagogue? 6. What group speaks out mockingly against Paul and the gospel?
7. From there, Paul went to the Areopagus, a place where intellectual discussions were often held. What is the critical remark that Luke makes about these men of Athens?
8. In addressing the meeting of the Areopagus, Paul says that they are very "religious." What evidence does he give? 9. He focuses attention on one particular object. What is it? He will use that as a starting point to preach the gospel.
This is not the first time Paul has dealt with "religious" people who were not Jewish. Remember the story of Paul and Barnabas at Lystra during the first missionary journey (Acts 14). 10. What miracle did Paul perform there? 11. What pagan religious response did the people there want to make? 12. How did Paul try to talk them out of it?
Poets and Prophets
Today we reflect further on Is. 40. Please respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, April 30.
1. (vv.1-2) On what basis can Isaiah offer comfort to Jerusalem? 2. How does this point to Christ and the Church? 3. (vv. 3-5) How did John the Baptist fulfill these words in the gospels? 4. In what sense do these words also apply to the Church as a whole? 5. (vv. 6-8) Quote a similar thought from Ps. 90. 6. Cite a story from the Bible that illustrates this idea. 7. (vv. 9-11) How does the first part apply to the Church? 8. How does the last verse tie to Ps. 23? 9. (vv. 12-14). Where do we find similar language in Job? 10. (vv. 15-17) In Isaiah's lifetime, what "nations" would come first to the minds of the people of Judah? 10. (vv. 18-20) How are these verses a criticism of idolatry? 11. Things that are not literal images can also be idols. What does Colossians 3:5 say about that? 12. (vv. 21-24) Name two psalms that use building imagery in a similar way. 13. How does v. 24 echo Psalm 1? 14. (vv. 25-31) How are these verses being fulfilled in the faithful Church of today?
French classes: check your email.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Troll Island Notes 27: Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Literature 7-8
Read "Cub Pilot on the Mississippi" (p. 373 ff.) and respond in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 28.
1. What book does this selection come from? 2. Mark Twain is famous for his sense of humor. Give an example from the first paragraph. 3. According to Twain, many neighborhood boys found work on the steamboats, but "the grandest position of all" was a pilot. How does the word "pilot" apply to a steamboat"? Look in a dictionary. 4. According to Twain on p. 374, he continues to profit from his experience as a pilot-in-training (a "cub pilot"). How can that be, since he isn't a pilot anymore? 5. Of all the pilots he trained with, Brown is the one he remembers most often. Write out his humorous description of the man. 6. what effect did the presence of Brown have on his "soul"? 7. Name 3 things that made their first meeting awkward. 8. On p. 376, Twain uses "snake" language to describe Brown. Quote what he says. 9. Who is George Ritchie, and how did he make life more difficult for Twain? 10. Explain how Brown's deafness and arrogance led to a problem. 11. Why did Twain clobber Brown, something he never would have done in ordinary circumstances? 12. This was obviously dangerous for Twain. But why was it a danger to the boat? 13. What kind of one-sided "battle" did Twain have with Brown next? 14. The captain has a talk with Twain after his watch (his shift) is over. What does the captain question him about? 15. The captain's response is as surprising as it is humorous. What does he tell Twain to do when they get to shore? 16. How happened to Brown?
Read "About the Author" and respond in complete sentences.
17. What was Twain's real name? 18. What books is he famous for?
American Literature
Please read aloud "Petit the Poet" (p. 513) or listen to it here and respond in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 28. 1. Which did you do? 2. What does the poet's name suggest about the kind of person that he was? 3. According to his own self-evaluation in the poem, is his name accurate or ironic? Briefly explain. 4. Like his name, the verse forms he mentions in ll. 5 and 15 are all derived from French. How awesome is that? 5. These verse forms are complicated, and you don't need to know them all. For example, "triolet" is defined this way: "a poem or stanza of eight lines in which the first line is repeated as the fourth and seventh and the second line as the eighth with a rhyme scheme of ABaAabAB." Does that seem complicated to you? The other terms resemble it. That's why I'm not making you learn them. 6. Why is Petit talking about these forms? 7. What kind of verse is he using to say these things? 8. His poem isn't formless. The lines about the poetic forms, as we have seen, are repeated. The poem is also an (almost) inclusio. Quote the relevant lines. 9. He also uses the repeated image of a pine tree. Quote the 2 lines that use this image. 10. What does the pine seem to symbolize for him? 11. What contrasting plant image does he use for his own work?
We will continue with this poem tomorrow, Lord willing.
British Literature
Look for an invitation to a Zoom session in your inbox today, unless you haven't finished your reading of The Power and the Glory. Your attendance and participation are both welcome and expected. See yesterday's post for the topic and how to prepare.
Our next (and final) novel of the year will be Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Please arrange with Mrs. West to pick up a copy at school this week. Reading assignments will begin in a few days.
Let's take a closer look at "When I Have Fears." Read it aloud or listen to it again (link in yesterday's post). Respond in complete sentences. 1. Look at the structure of the poem. Each of the 3 quatrains begins with basically the same word. What is it? 2. this repeated word highlights the fact that the speaker is using 3 different metaphors to describe the same phenomenon. 3. What is the phenomenon? 4. What are the 3 metaphors? 5. The 3 metaphors are not randomly ordered; there is a progression to them. How would you state the nature of the progression? Explain briefly.
Shakespeare used a similar device in Sonnet 73. 6. What is the phenomenon described there? 7. What are the 3 metaphors that he used? 8. The 3 quatrains imaginatively describe the problem; the couplet provides a resolution of some sort to the problem. In your own words, what is that resolution? 9. How does the couplet make you feel, and why?
10. This poem is particularly rich in alliteration and assonance. Write out and mark 4 lines that give evidence of this. 11. Given the topic of the poem, how is it appropriate that Keats would load it down with sound effects like these? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 28.
C.S. Lewis
Juniors' responses due today; seniors' due tomorrow. Follow directions given in the previous post. Remember to acknowledge receipt of other people's responses. Follow up if you wish.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 17:1-15. Write and answer 10 how/why questions based on these verses.
Poets and Prophets
As we have seen, an important motif Is. 40-48 is idolatry, a common motif in the Bible as a whole. Today we focus on ch. 40, one of the most beautiful chapters in a book with a lot of beautiful chapters in it! Read it aloud or chant it or listen to it (in the KJV) here. 1. Which did you do? 2. What are your first impressions? 3. State in your own words the main idea of the following units: a) vv.1-2; b) vv. 3-5; c) vv. 6-8; d) v. 9; e) vv. 10-11; f) v. 12; g) vv. 13-14; h) vv. 15-17; i) vv. 18-20; j) vv. 21-22; k) vv. 23-24; l) vv. 25-26; m) vv. 27-28; n) vv. 29-31. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 28.
French students: check your inboxes.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Troll Island Notes 26: Monday, April 27, 2020
Literature 7-8
1. Today we pause in our nonfiction unit to review some literary terms, using the "Guide to Literary Terms and Techniques" in the back of your anthology. According to the guide, what is "nonfiction"? 2. The guide cites 3 different kinds of nonfiction: a) what are they, and b) what does each mean?
3. "Allusion" is a word we have used a lot this year. According to the guide, what does it mean? 4. What example does it give from Emily Dickinson? 5. What example does it give from Edgar Allan Poe? 6. What does this entry say about Shakespeare and other writers? 7. What poem did we read of Shakespeare's?
8. "Ballad" is another term we have used before. According to the guide, what does it mean? 9. What is an example that we have studied together? 10. In one sentence, what was it about? 11. In your previous answer, you should have referred to a kind of conflict. According to the guide, what does this term mean? 12. What is the main conflict in "The Coyotes"?
13. According to the guide, what is meant by "connotation"? 14. How is it different from "denotation"? 15. According to the guide, what are the connotations of beans in the example given? 16. Now be creative. Give 5 positive connotations of "fire." 17. Now give 5 negative ones. 18.Which connotations are central in "Forest Fire"?
19. "Dialect" is another word we have used. According to the guide, what does it mean? 20. We studied a poem by an African-American poet that used dialect. What was the title of the poem?
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
American Literature
1. Read "About the Author" p. 510. Answer in complete sentences. What is his best-known work? 2. What career did he follow while he was also writing poems? 3. What ancient collection of poems inspired him? 4. How was his own first book received? 5. Read "About the Selections" on the same page. What is an epitaph? 6. What are these poems about?
7. Read "Lucinda Matlock" and answer the "Reviewing the Selection" questions 1-8.
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
British Literature
I am planning to have a Zoom meeting later this week (Wednesday?) to discuss The Power and the Glory. Details will follow by email, but I plan to have a question and answer session. We will start with your questions, and then we'll do mine. I am especially interested in two things: 1. the priest as a Christ figure and 2. the sympathetic portrayal of several unbelievers and unsympathetic portrayals of some "believers." Students who have not yet finished the book or who do not attend will be given an alternative written assignment. Come, and come prepared. Plan on about an hour.
"When I Have Fears" by John Keats. Respond in complete sentences. 1. Note 5 things about the author that are worth knowing. 2. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. Which did you do? 3. What are your initial impressions of the poem (30 words)? 4. How many stresses are in each line? 5. What is the rhyme pattern? 5. This poem is an example of a __________. 6. What do these words mean in context? a) glean, b) charactry, c) garners, d) romance, e) relish, f) unreflecting. In what sense is it a love poem? 7. What do you think it is saying about love?
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
C.S. Lewis
Sophomores have an assignment due later today (Monday); juniors, the same assignment for Tuesday; seniors, the same assignment for Wednesday. See previous post.
Luke and Acts
1. Read Acts 16:16-40. Use complete sentences in your responses. There are essentially 3 parts to the story: before jail, in jail, and after jail. Retell each part in your own words for a total of about 100 words. 2. The story uses motifs we have seen before in Luke and Acts. Explain with several examples (100 words).
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
Poets and Prophets
Our outline refers to Is. 40-48 as "The Lord's Supremacy Over Worthless Idols." That of course, is not a new idea. 1. In the chapters we have already read together, give the references to 3 places where idols worship is condemned. 2. The psalms also condemn idolatry. Write out an example from Ps. 16. 3. The 10 Commandments also make reference to idolatry--how?
4. Is. 40-66 is sometimes referred to as "The Book of Comfort" because the note of consolation is much more often expressed than it was in Is. 1-39. However, we should not overstate the case. There are many expression of comfort and love there, too. Give 7 examples from chapters 1-39.
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
French classes: On Friday I emailed your assignments for tomorrow.
1. Today we pause in our nonfiction unit to review some literary terms, using the "Guide to Literary Terms and Techniques" in the back of your anthology. According to the guide, what is "nonfiction"? 2. The guide cites 3 different kinds of nonfiction: a) what are they, and b) what does each mean?
3. "Allusion" is a word we have used a lot this year. According to the guide, what does it mean? 4. What example does it give from Emily Dickinson? 5. What example does it give from Edgar Allan Poe? 6. What does this entry say about Shakespeare and other writers? 7. What poem did we read of Shakespeare's?
8. "Ballad" is another term we have used before. According to the guide, what does it mean? 9. What is an example that we have studied together? 10. In one sentence, what was it about? 11. In your previous answer, you should have referred to a kind of conflict. According to the guide, what does this term mean? 12. What is the main conflict in "The Coyotes"?
13. According to the guide, what is meant by "connotation"? 14. How is it different from "denotation"? 15. According to the guide, what are the connotations of beans in the example given? 16. Now be creative. Give 5 positive connotations of "fire." 17. Now give 5 negative ones. 18.Which connotations are central in "Forest Fire"?
19. "Dialect" is another word we have used. According to the guide, what does it mean? 20. We studied a poem by an African-American poet that used dialect. What was the title of the poem?
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
American Literature
1. Read "About the Author" p. 510. Answer in complete sentences. What is his best-known work? 2. What career did he follow while he was also writing poems? 3. What ancient collection of poems inspired him? 4. How was his own first book received? 5. Read "About the Selections" on the same page. What is an epitaph? 6. What are these poems about?
7. Read "Lucinda Matlock" and answer the "Reviewing the Selection" questions 1-8.
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
British Literature
I am planning to have a Zoom meeting later this week (Wednesday?) to discuss The Power and the Glory. Details will follow by email, but I plan to have a question and answer session. We will start with your questions, and then we'll do mine. I am especially interested in two things: 1. the priest as a Christ figure and 2. the sympathetic portrayal of several unbelievers and unsympathetic portrayals of some "believers." Students who have not yet finished the book or who do not attend will be given an alternative written assignment. Come, and come prepared. Plan on about an hour.
"When I Have Fears" by John Keats. Respond in complete sentences. 1. Note 5 things about the author that are worth knowing. 2. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. Which did you do? 3. What are your initial impressions of the poem (30 words)? 4. How many stresses are in each line? 5. What is the rhyme pattern? 5. This poem is an example of a __________. 6. What do these words mean in context? a) glean, b) charactry, c) garners, d) romance, e) relish, f) unreflecting. In what sense is it a love poem? 7. What do you think it is saying about love?
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
C.S. Lewis
Sophomores have an assignment due later today (Monday); juniors, the same assignment for Tuesday; seniors, the same assignment for Wednesday. See previous post.
Luke and Acts
1. Read Acts 16:16-40. Use complete sentences in your responses. There are essentially 3 parts to the story: before jail, in jail, and after jail. Retell each part in your own words for a total of about 100 words. 2. The story uses motifs we have seen before in Luke and Acts. Explain with several examples (100 words).
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
Poets and Prophets
Our outline refers to Is. 40-48 as "The Lord's Supremacy Over Worthless Idols." That of course, is not a new idea. 1. In the chapters we have already read together, give the references to 3 places where idols worship is condemned. 2. The psalms also condemn idolatry. Write out an example from Ps. 16. 3. The 10 Commandments also make reference to idolatry--how?
4. Is. 40-66 is sometimes referred to as "The Book of Comfort" because the note of consolation is much more often expressed than it was in Is. 1-39. However, we should not overstate the case. There are many expression of comfort and love there, too. Give 7 examples from chapters 1-39.
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
French classes: On Friday I emailed your assignments for tomorrow.
Friday, April 24, 2020
Troll Island Notes 25: Friday, April 24, 2020
Literature 7-8
You will be reading "The Coyotes" ( begins on p. 370) and responding in complete sentences. First we will do some pre-reading activities. 1. What do you know about coyotes already? Or what impressions do you have of them? Have you ever encountered any?
Now read the introduction 2. What book is this selection taken from? 3. What is meant by a "quest"? 4. What was the object of the author's quest? 5. Where does this story take place? 6. A Wrinkle in Time is also a quest--for what?
Watch a video about this location here. 7. What nickname is sometimes given to it? 8. Give 3 details about how hot it gets. 9. Look at the scene from the salt flats. Describe it briefly. 10. How much rain does it receive annually? 11. Do an online search--how much rain does the Pittsburgh area receive each year? 12. Name 4 kinds of animals that live in this environment. 13. According to the video, what enables these animals to survive here?
Now read the selection. 14. After you have finished, do a written activity of your choice that will show me that you have read the selection carefully and that you have understood what you read.
Finally, read "About the Author" on p. 372. 15. Write 5 notable things about him.
Due no later than noon on Monday, April 27.
American Literature
The introduction to modern American literature that you have been working on sets the stage for our studies for the rest of the year, including our next unit on modern poetry. If there is one central idea in the introduction, it is that the modern era makes a decided break with the past in terms of history, technology, thought, and of course, literature. Your notes will have many examples of this.
But at the same time, it is possible to overstate the case. In fact we have seen a number of authors who, well before the watershed events of the 20th century, were already challenging and altering received traditions in a number of ways. Let's think about that together. Please respond in complete sentences.
Starting with fiction, a number of writers broke with the past in some way. One of those was Edgar Allan Poe. Although his stories are traditional enough in structure, their content was unusual for the time. Poe presents a world in which Christianity pushed into the background, perverted, or entirely absent. 1. Explain briefly, using one of his short stories as an example. The Scarlet Letter is also traditional in form, though Hawthorne does take great interest in the psychology of the characters. However, the novel can be read (and has been read) as a sharp criticism America's Christian heritage. 2. Briefly explain.
Moby Dick, if it can rightly be called a novel at all, has a radically different form from other novels of the time. 3. Briefly explain. It is unusual in content also. Like The Scarlet Letter, it can be read as criticism of Christian beliefs and values. 4. Briefly explain.
The Red Badge of Courage is not radical in form, though like earlier writers Crane is very interested in individual psychology. Crane espoused a radically anti-Christian approach to literature known as Naturalism. 5. What does this term mean? We see evidence of this in his poetry as well as his fiction. 6. If this novel is in fact an example of Naturalism, what is the point that the author is making about Henry Fleming in his particular circumstances?
It is not only in fiction that we see radical developments in literature before the 20th century; we see a similar phenomenon in poetry. The poetry of Poe is an early example. Its form is fairly traditional, but the content seems very distant from the world of Christian belief. 7. Explain briefly, using one of his poems as an example. Of course, Emily Dickinson is much more radical in terms of form. 8. Briefly explain.
Walt Whitman's social views were not much in step with his times. 9. Briefly explain. The form of his poetry was also in many ways ahead of his time. 10. Briefly explain. Stephen Crane's poetry was unusual in both form and content. 11. Write out "A man said to the Universe."
Now reflect on this essay that you have just read. 12. What is the main point? 13. What are the two main headings? 14. Ask a question if you have one.
British Literature
Finish the assignment on the Shakespeare videos. See previous post.
I am planning to host a Zoom session with this class next week. Details will follow, but it will be a requirement for all who have finished the book and responded. If you have not finished the book by then, you will not be allowed to attend. If you choose not to attend, you will regret it. Besides, why would you not want to hang out with me and your classmates? My intention is to host of a discussion The Power and the Glory. I will be asking you for questions that you still may have and your observations about the novel. Come prepared. Expect that it will be during normal school hours and take about an hour.
C.S. Lewis
Review your chapter impressions and my responses to them. What are some questions that you asked that you received helpful answers to? What are some replies that you received that you benefited from and that others might benefit from? Write these up in an email and send it to me and to everyone else in the class. (They should all be available on FACTS SIS, the school's electronic platform, which you all have access to.) We will discuss the structure and meaning of the book after we have had a chance to reflect on the individual chapters this way. Sophomores, respond by noon on Monday; juniors, noon on Tuesday; seniors, noon on Wednesday.
Luke and Acts
Respond in complete sentences. Read everything, not just the questions. 1. In 16:10 the author begins to use the pronoun "we." So what? 2. What general direction have Paul and his companions been traveling to this point? 3. They come now to the region of Macedonia, the home of Alexander the Great. Who was he? Read Acts 16:11-15. 4. They will spend some time in Philippi. How does Luke introduce this city? 5. It is Paul's normal practice to go to the local synagogue to begin his preaching. At this stage, Jews, the OT people of God, are the primary target for the preaching of the gospel. They know the OT, which Paul and the other preachers often appeal to in explaining who Jesus is and what he did. 6. Why did Paul usually begin preaching at a synagogue? 7. He didn't do that here. There were many people who thought of themselves as Romans, including retired Roman soldiers. But there weren't many Jews, and so there wasn't a synagogue. According to Jewish tradition, ten adult Jewish males need to be present for a synagogue meeting to take place. 8. Why wasn't there a synagogue in a major city like Philippi? 9. There was, however, a place of prayer. Where was it? 10. Make an educated guess about why this would be a good place to meet to pray. 11. Water has a role in Christian worship. What is it? 12. What group of people was already gathered there to pray? 13. Why is that important? 14. Lydia is there. She's not from Philippi. She's from a city in Asia. Which one? 15. She's a businesswoman. What does she do? 16. According to Luke, how was she able to respond to Paul's message? 17. What happened then? 18. How did she show kindness to Paul and his companions?
Poets and Prophets
No assignment unless you owe me work. In that case, get your work done. You know who you are.
French assignments will be emailed to you.
You will be reading "The Coyotes" ( begins on p. 370) and responding in complete sentences. First we will do some pre-reading activities. 1. What do you know about coyotes already? Or what impressions do you have of them? Have you ever encountered any?
Now read the introduction 2. What book is this selection taken from? 3. What is meant by a "quest"? 4. What was the object of the author's quest? 5. Where does this story take place? 6. A Wrinkle in Time is also a quest--for what?
Watch a video about this location here. 7. What nickname is sometimes given to it? 8. Give 3 details about how hot it gets. 9. Look at the scene from the salt flats. Describe it briefly. 10. How much rain does it receive annually? 11. Do an online search--how much rain does the Pittsburgh area receive each year? 12. Name 4 kinds of animals that live in this environment. 13. According to the video, what enables these animals to survive here?
Now read the selection. 14. After you have finished, do a written activity of your choice that will show me that you have read the selection carefully and that you have understood what you read.
Finally, read "About the Author" on p. 372. 15. Write 5 notable things about him.
Due no later than noon on Monday, April 27.
American Literature
The introduction to modern American literature that you have been working on sets the stage for our studies for the rest of the year, including our next unit on modern poetry. If there is one central idea in the introduction, it is that the modern era makes a decided break with the past in terms of history, technology, thought, and of course, literature. Your notes will have many examples of this.
But at the same time, it is possible to overstate the case. In fact we have seen a number of authors who, well before the watershed events of the 20th century, were already challenging and altering received traditions in a number of ways. Let's think about that together. Please respond in complete sentences.
Starting with fiction, a number of writers broke with the past in some way. One of those was Edgar Allan Poe. Although his stories are traditional enough in structure, their content was unusual for the time. Poe presents a world in which Christianity pushed into the background, perverted, or entirely absent. 1. Explain briefly, using one of his short stories as an example. The Scarlet Letter is also traditional in form, though Hawthorne does take great interest in the psychology of the characters. However, the novel can be read (and has been read) as a sharp criticism America's Christian heritage. 2. Briefly explain.
Moby Dick, if it can rightly be called a novel at all, has a radically different form from other novels of the time. 3. Briefly explain. It is unusual in content also. Like The Scarlet Letter, it can be read as criticism of Christian beliefs and values. 4. Briefly explain.
The Red Badge of Courage is not radical in form, though like earlier writers Crane is very interested in individual psychology. Crane espoused a radically anti-Christian approach to literature known as Naturalism. 5. What does this term mean? We see evidence of this in his poetry as well as his fiction. 6. If this novel is in fact an example of Naturalism, what is the point that the author is making about Henry Fleming in his particular circumstances?
It is not only in fiction that we see radical developments in literature before the 20th century; we see a similar phenomenon in poetry. The poetry of Poe is an early example. Its form is fairly traditional, but the content seems very distant from the world of Christian belief. 7. Explain briefly, using one of his poems as an example. Of course, Emily Dickinson is much more radical in terms of form. 8. Briefly explain.
Walt Whitman's social views were not much in step with his times. 9. Briefly explain. The form of his poetry was also in many ways ahead of his time. 10. Briefly explain. Stephen Crane's poetry was unusual in both form and content. 11. Write out "A man said to the Universe."
Now reflect on this essay that you have just read. 12. What is the main point? 13. What are the two main headings? 14. Ask a question if you have one.
British Literature
Finish the assignment on the Shakespeare videos. See previous post.
I am planning to host a Zoom session with this class next week. Details will follow, but it will be a requirement for all who have finished the book and responded. If you have not finished the book by then, you will not be allowed to attend. If you choose not to attend, you will regret it. Besides, why would you not want to hang out with me and your classmates? My intention is to host of a discussion The Power and the Glory. I will be asking you for questions that you still may have and your observations about the novel. Come prepared. Expect that it will be during normal school hours and take about an hour.
C.S. Lewis
Review your chapter impressions and my responses to them. What are some questions that you asked that you received helpful answers to? What are some replies that you received that you benefited from and that others might benefit from? Write these up in an email and send it to me and to everyone else in the class. (They should all be available on FACTS SIS, the school's electronic platform, which you all have access to.) We will discuss the structure and meaning of the book after we have had a chance to reflect on the individual chapters this way. Sophomores, respond by noon on Monday; juniors, noon on Tuesday; seniors, noon on Wednesday.
Luke and Acts
Respond in complete sentences. Read everything, not just the questions. 1. In 16:10 the author begins to use the pronoun "we." So what? 2. What general direction have Paul and his companions been traveling to this point? 3. They come now to the region of Macedonia, the home of Alexander the Great. Who was he? Read Acts 16:11-15. 4. They will spend some time in Philippi. How does Luke introduce this city? 5. It is Paul's normal practice to go to the local synagogue to begin his preaching. At this stage, Jews, the OT people of God, are the primary target for the preaching of the gospel. They know the OT, which Paul and the other preachers often appeal to in explaining who Jesus is and what he did. 6. Why did Paul usually begin preaching at a synagogue? 7. He didn't do that here. There were many people who thought of themselves as Romans, including retired Roman soldiers. But there weren't many Jews, and so there wasn't a synagogue. According to Jewish tradition, ten adult Jewish males need to be present for a synagogue meeting to take place. 8. Why wasn't there a synagogue in a major city like Philippi? 9. There was, however, a place of prayer. Where was it? 10. Make an educated guess about why this would be a good place to meet to pray. 11. Water has a role in Christian worship. What is it? 12. What group of people was already gathered there to pray? 13. Why is that important? 14. Lydia is there. She's not from Philippi. She's from a city in Asia. Which one? 15. She's a businesswoman. What does she do? 16. According to Luke, how was she able to respond to Paul's message? 17. What happened then? 18. How did she show kindness to Paul and his companions?
Poets and Prophets
No assignment unless you owe me work. In that case, get your work done. You know who you are.
French assignments will be emailed to you.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Troll Island Notes 24: Thursday, April 23, 2020
Today is the birthday of William Shakespeare in 1564. Oddly enough, he died on the same date, but in 1616. But it's all the stuff that he wrote between those dates that makes him famous. Seventh and eighth graders know him for "When Icicles Hang by the Wall." Sophomores know him for Romeo and Juliet. Juniors and seniors know him best--for several of his sonnets and for his great tragedy Macbeth. However well you know him, he's a writer worth knowing better, whose influence on our language and culture has been immense. Happy birthday to the Bard of Avon! Give him a nice birthday message with the first assignment you send in today.
Literature 7-8
Today we will be walking in the footsteps of Shakespeare (a little bit) and (mostly) of Anais Nin by doing some original writing. Read "Developing Skills of Expression: Writing a Firsthand Record" on p. 369. Do the assignment there with one important change: Instead of 4 sentences, write a paragraph of at least 150 words. Take your time and make it good. Use standard English spelling, capitalization, etc. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Friday, April 24.
American Literature
Read the introduction to the unit on modern poetry on pp. 500-508. Take notes on each section. Send me your notes and your questions. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Friday, April 24.
British Literature
In honor of Shakespeare's birthday, we will take a break from Graham Greene (those of you that have completed the reading and writing assignments, at least). You will be watching the third episode of an acclaimed documentary series called The Story of English. It was produced in the 1980's, but it provides a valuable perspective on the development of English, including Shakespeare's role. In the YouTube format, this episode, "O, For a Muse of Fire," has been divided into seven shorter segments of less than ten minutes each. Watch each segment and take notes. Watch the first three segments for today's assignment, and the last four will be due Monday. Send me your notes and questions. Shakespeare Videos
C.S. Lewis
No assignment.
Luke and Acts
Look at a map of Paul's second missionary journey here and look at the last verses of ch. 15. There are several things I want you to notice. First, like the first missionary journey, it is roughly circular. Respond in complete sentences. 1. Where did they start from? 2. Who is with Paul this time? Second, Paul visits several places he's already been to, but he visits many more places he hasn't been to before. 3. Where has he already visited? 4. He doesn't revisit Cyprus. Who did? 5. What is a famous city that he will visit this time?
Read Acts 16:1-10 and respond in complete sentences. 6. Where did Timothy join the mission team? 7. What is unusual about his parents? 8. Paul had Timothy circumcised, not because it was necessary for Timothy's salvation, but for another reason. What was it? 9. What did they do in the towns they visited? 10. What was the result of their visit? 11. How did the Lord change Paul's traveling plans? 12. What was the vision he saw in Troas, and what was the message? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Friday, April 24.
Poets and Prophets
1. Read ch. 39 and summarize it in about 50 well-chosen words of your own. 2. Review the events in chs. 37-39. In what ways do they foreshadow Christ and his church. Respond in a paragraph of about 100 words. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Friday, April 24.
French classes, check your inboxes.
Literature 7-8
Today we will be walking in the footsteps of Shakespeare (a little bit) and (mostly) of Anais Nin by doing some original writing. Read "Developing Skills of Expression: Writing a Firsthand Record" on p. 369. Do the assignment there with one important change: Instead of 4 sentences, write a paragraph of at least 150 words. Take your time and make it good. Use standard English spelling, capitalization, etc. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Friday, April 24.
American Literature
Read the introduction to the unit on modern poetry on pp. 500-508. Take notes on each section. Send me your notes and your questions. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Friday, April 24.
British Literature
In honor of Shakespeare's birthday, we will take a break from Graham Greene (those of you that have completed the reading and writing assignments, at least). You will be watching the third episode of an acclaimed documentary series called The Story of English. It was produced in the 1980's, but it provides a valuable perspective on the development of English, including Shakespeare's role. In the YouTube format, this episode, "O, For a Muse of Fire," has been divided into seven shorter segments of less than ten minutes each. Watch each segment and take notes. Watch the first three segments for today's assignment, and the last four will be due Monday. Send me your notes and questions. Shakespeare Videos
C.S. Lewis
No assignment.
Luke and Acts
Look at a map of Paul's second missionary journey here and look at the last verses of ch. 15. There are several things I want you to notice. First, like the first missionary journey, it is roughly circular. Respond in complete sentences. 1. Where did they start from? 2. Who is with Paul this time? Second, Paul visits several places he's already been to, but he visits many more places he hasn't been to before. 3. Where has he already visited? 4. He doesn't revisit Cyprus. Who did? 5. What is a famous city that he will visit this time?
Read Acts 16:1-10 and respond in complete sentences. 6. Where did Timothy join the mission team? 7. What is unusual about his parents? 8. Paul had Timothy circumcised, not because it was necessary for Timothy's salvation, but for another reason. What was it? 9. What did they do in the towns they visited? 10. What was the result of their visit? 11. How did the Lord change Paul's traveling plans? 12. What was the vision he saw in Troas, and what was the message? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Friday, April 24.
Poets and Prophets
1. Read ch. 39 and summarize it in about 50 well-chosen words of your own. 2. Review the events in chs. 37-39. In what ways do they foreshadow Christ and his church. Respond in a paragraph of about 100 words. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Friday, April 24.
French classes, check your inboxes.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Troll Island Notes 23: Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Literature 7-8
Please Read "Forest Fire" (pp. 366- 368)and respond to the following in complete sentences. 1. Where is this selection taken from? 2. When and where did it happen? 3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? 4. Why did animals rush back into the fire? 5. How did the author feel about that? 6. When you wrote about a forest fire, did you say something about your feelings? 7. How did the author help the Campions? 8. How has she been helping others before that? 9. How is the fire like a monster? 10. Write out what she says about the smell? 11. In your paragraph, did you say something about the smell? 12. Ms. Nin lives in a rural area. According to her, why were so many city houses burned? 13. Why was the reporter upset with her? 14. If you were in her place (God forbid) what object would you be sure to save? 15. What did the fire do that contributed to flooding in January? 16. Why does the author admire the ranger she's helping?
Read "About the Author" on p. 369. 17. What was unusual about her background? 18. What was her goal in writing? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Thursday, April 23.
American Literature
"We Wear the Mask" (p. 481). Yes, I appreciate the irony of reading this poem during a pandemic! Please reread the poem and respond in complete sentences. 1. The speaker is not talking about literal masks. What does the figurative mask look like to outsiders? 2. Mr. Dunbar probably means "we" to refer to his fellow African-Americans. 3. What are they trying to hide? 5. Explain why you think they want to hide these things. 4. What indicates that this poem is also a prayer? 6. What two images does the speaker contrast with singing? 7. What do you think these two images mean in less figurative language? 8. The poem ends on an unhappy note. What do you think a Christian could say to a fellow believer who confessed something like this? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Thursday, April 23.
British Literature
Finish The Power and the Glory and respond to each chapter by the end of the day. To those diligent students who have already done so, enjoy a small, well-earned break!
C.S. Lewis
Finish Perelandra and respond to each chapter by the end of the day. To those diligent students who have already done so, enjoy a small, well-earned break!
Luke and Acts
Before we move on to Paul's second missionary journey, let's take a little time to reflect on a motif that has been slowly developing in Acts so far. Please respond in complete sentences. The motif is that the Christians often come together in groups to take actions that affect them all.
1. What are 4 other motifs that you have noticed or that we have worked on together? To be sure, there are many stories in Acts that focus on individuals. 2. Name 5 individuals that have received a lot of attention so far. Nevertheless, these group actions are quite important. The choice of Matthias in ch. 1 was made in the context of a large group. 3. Which Christians were there? 4. Who is the spokesman? 5. What did the Christians agree needed to be done? 6. How did God show his choice of Matthias?
Ch. 6 narrates the choosing of the Seven, which was also done in a gathering of believers. 7. Which groups of believers were there? 8. What was the purpose of the Seven?
When Philip preached the Word in Samaria, (ch. 8) there were many converts. The church in Jerusalem, in support of the new church in Samaria, sent Peter and John as representatives. 9. What gift did they convey to the Samaritan believers that Philip did not?
When Peter returned from his missionary trip (ch. 11), he thought it was important to report to the church in Jerusalem the things that had taken place during this journey. 10. What was the story that he thought was especially important? 11. How did the Jerusalem church respond? In the same chapter, at the end, the prophet Agabus came from Jerusalem to Antioch and made a prediction. 12. What was it? The church at Antioch wanted to express its unity with the church at Jerusalem. 13. How did it do so?
In ch. 13, Paul and Barnabas are sent out as missionaries. 14. What group of Christians sent them? 15. What symbolic action did they perform to show that Barnabas and Paul were their representatives? We just finished ch. 15, another good example of this motif. 16. What is that motif again? A problem arose in Antioch that was settled by a gathering of believers in Jerusalem. 17. What was the question they debated? 18. What answer did they come up with? 19. How did they communicate that decision to Antioch and other churches in the region? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Thursday, April 23.
Poets and Prophets
In a paragraph of about 100 words, write a summary of the important actions and discussions in Is. 38.
French Classes: Remember that we are doing emails now. Check your inbox.
Please Read "Forest Fire" (pp. 366- 368)and respond to the following in complete sentences. 1. Where is this selection taken from? 2. When and where did it happen? 3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? 4. Why did animals rush back into the fire? 5. How did the author feel about that? 6. When you wrote about a forest fire, did you say something about your feelings? 7. How did the author help the Campions? 8. How has she been helping others before that? 9. How is the fire like a monster? 10. Write out what she says about the smell? 11. In your paragraph, did you say something about the smell? 12. Ms. Nin lives in a rural area. According to her, why were so many city houses burned? 13. Why was the reporter upset with her? 14. If you were in her place (God forbid) what object would you be sure to save? 15. What did the fire do that contributed to flooding in January? 16. Why does the author admire the ranger she's helping?
Read "About the Author" on p. 369. 17. What was unusual about her background? 18. What was her goal in writing? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Thursday, April 23.
American Literature
"We Wear the Mask" (p. 481). Yes, I appreciate the irony of reading this poem during a pandemic! Please reread the poem and respond in complete sentences. 1. The speaker is not talking about literal masks. What does the figurative mask look like to outsiders? 2. Mr. Dunbar probably means "we" to refer to his fellow African-Americans. 3. What are they trying to hide? 5. Explain why you think they want to hide these things. 4. What indicates that this poem is also a prayer? 6. What two images does the speaker contrast with singing? 7. What do you think these two images mean in less figurative language? 8. The poem ends on an unhappy note. What do you think a Christian could say to a fellow believer who confessed something like this? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Thursday, April 23.
British Literature
Finish The Power and the Glory and respond to each chapter by the end of the day. To those diligent students who have already done so, enjoy a small, well-earned break!
C.S. Lewis
Finish Perelandra and respond to each chapter by the end of the day. To those diligent students who have already done so, enjoy a small, well-earned break!
Luke and Acts
Before we move on to Paul's second missionary journey, let's take a little time to reflect on a motif that has been slowly developing in Acts so far. Please respond in complete sentences. The motif is that the Christians often come together in groups to take actions that affect them all.
1. What are 4 other motifs that you have noticed or that we have worked on together? To be sure, there are many stories in Acts that focus on individuals. 2. Name 5 individuals that have received a lot of attention so far. Nevertheless, these group actions are quite important. The choice of Matthias in ch. 1 was made in the context of a large group. 3. Which Christians were there? 4. Who is the spokesman? 5. What did the Christians agree needed to be done? 6. How did God show his choice of Matthias?
Ch. 6 narrates the choosing of the Seven, which was also done in a gathering of believers. 7. Which groups of believers were there? 8. What was the purpose of the Seven?
When Philip preached the Word in Samaria, (ch. 8) there were many converts. The church in Jerusalem, in support of the new church in Samaria, sent Peter and John as representatives. 9. What gift did they convey to the Samaritan believers that Philip did not?
When Peter returned from his missionary trip (ch. 11), he thought it was important to report to the church in Jerusalem the things that had taken place during this journey. 10. What was the story that he thought was especially important? 11. How did the Jerusalem church respond? In the same chapter, at the end, the prophet Agabus came from Jerusalem to Antioch and made a prediction. 12. What was it? The church at Antioch wanted to express its unity with the church at Jerusalem. 13. How did it do so?
In ch. 13, Paul and Barnabas are sent out as missionaries. 14. What group of Christians sent them? 15. What symbolic action did they perform to show that Barnabas and Paul were their representatives? We just finished ch. 15, another good example of this motif. 16. What is that motif again? A problem arose in Antioch that was settled by a gathering of believers in Jerusalem. 17. What was the question they debated? 18. What answer did they come up with? 19. How did they communicate that decision to Antioch and other churches in the region? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Thursday, April 23.
Poets and Prophets
In a paragraph of about 100 words, write a summary of the important actions and discussions in Is. 38.
French Classes: Remember that we are doing emails now. Check your inbox.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Troll Island Notes 23: Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Literature 7-8
Today we begin a new unit in your anthology, a unit on nonfiction writing. In nonfiction writing, people give an account of events that actually happened, either to themselves or to others. The selections in this unit are intended to give you a taste of what good factual writing can be like. The first selection, "Forest Fire," begins on p. 366. Before you read the selection, respond to the following in a paragraph of no fewer than 100 words. If you have ever personally witnessed a forest fire, tell me about it. If you have not, watch a video here of a Colorado fire that took place several years ago. In either case, use the sense of a) sight, b) hearing, c) touch, d) smell, and even e) taste to convey to the reader what the experience was like or what you think it would be like. A good description will provide concrete details about the experience. Impress me with the quality of your work, not how fast you can rush through it. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22.
American Literature
Paul Laurence Dunbar was a writer who was a contemporary Stephen Crane. Respond to the following in complete sentences, except #10. 1. Read the biographical note on p. 480 of your anthology. Write 5 things about Dunbar that are worth knowing. 2. "About the Selection." Write 3 things that are worth knowing about the background to this poem. 3. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. a) Which did you do? b) What are your first impressions about it? 4. The lines are not all of the same length, but most of them are. How many strongly-accented syllables are there in most of the lines? 5. Write out the line that is an exception to this. 6. Give the rhyme pattern for all 15 lines of the poem. 7. Why might someone say that this poem is a kind of prayer? 8. Who do you think the "we" refers to, and why? 9. What sort of mask does the speaker mean? 10. Give the meaning of the following words: a) guile, b) myriad, c)subtlety, d) vile. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22.
British Literature
The Power and the Glory needs to be finished by tomorrow at 5:00 pm. Chapter responses should be sent one at a time. I don't want summaries. I do want you to respond to what you have read--things questions you have, thoughts about what you have read, feelings about characters and events, connections with other books you have read or real-life experiences you have. Always include a sparkle and a comment on it.
C. S. Lewis
See earlier posts.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 15:22-41 and respond to the following in complete sentences. 1. Review: What was the question the church leaders were discussing? 2. Who made the decision about how to respond to the question? 3. Four men were sent with a letter. To whom is the letter addressed? 5. Why were Judas Barsabbas and Silas sent with Paul and Barnabas, according to the letter? 6. What do you think that means? Put it in your own words. 7. What are the four rules that they want to make sure the Gentiles follow? 8. Does the letter tell the Gentiles to get circumcised and become Jews? 9. How did the church in Antioch respond to this letter? 10. How did Judas Barsabbas and Silas help the church there? 11. What did Paul and Barnabas continue to do in Antioch? 12. Tell in your own words the dispute that developed between Paul and Barnabas, and what ended up happening. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22.
Poets and Prophets
Read Is. 37:21-38 and respond to the following in complete sentences. 1. Summarize Hezekiah's response in your own words. 2. According to Isaiah, how will the Virgin Daughter of Jerusalem act? Explain this image. 3. At whom has Assyrian pride been directed? 4. Compare and contrast v. 24 with Isaiah 2B. 5. Compare and contrast v. 25 with Is. 11:15-16. 6. Why does Isaiah start talking about grass? Be specific. 7. Quote another passage from the Bible that is similar. 8. Why does Isaiah talk about a hook? Be specific. 9. What is the main thought in verses 30-32? 10. Connect this to Is. 11:1. 11. What is the main thought of verses 33-35? 12. Summarize in your own words what happened: vv. 36-38. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22.
French Classes: I am going to start communicating with all of you directly by email. Watch your inboxes.
Today we begin a new unit in your anthology, a unit on nonfiction writing. In nonfiction writing, people give an account of events that actually happened, either to themselves or to others. The selections in this unit are intended to give you a taste of what good factual writing can be like. The first selection, "Forest Fire," begins on p. 366. Before you read the selection, respond to the following in a paragraph of no fewer than 100 words. If you have ever personally witnessed a forest fire, tell me about it. If you have not, watch a video here of a Colorado fire that took place several years ago. In either case, use the sense of a) sight, b) hearing, c) touch, d) smell, and even e) taste to convey to the reader what the experience was like or what you think it would be like. A good description will provide concrete details about the experience. Impress me with the quality of your work, not how fast you can rush through it. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22.
American Literature
Paul Laurence Dunbar was a writer who was a contemporary Stephen Crane. Respond to the following in complete sentences, except #10. 1. Read the biographical note on p. 480 of your anthology. Write 5 things about Dunbar that are worth knowing. 2. "About the Selection." Write 3 things that are worth knowing about the background to this poem. 3. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. a) Which did you do? b) What are your first impressions about it? 4. The lines are not all of the same length, but most of them are. How many strongly-accented syllables are there in most of the lines? 5. Write out the line that is an exception to this. 6. Give the rhyme pattern for all 15 lines of the poem. 7. Why might someone say that this poem is a kind of prayer? 8. Who do you think the "we" refers to, and why? 9. What sort of mask does the speaker mean? 10. Give the meaning of the following words: a) guile, b) myriad, c)subtlety, d) vile. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22.
British Literature
The Power and the Glory needs to be finished by tomorrow at 5:00 pm. Chapter responses should be sent one at a time. I don't want summaries. I do want you to respond to what you have read--things questions you have, thoughts about what you have read, feelings about characters and events, connections with other books you have read or real-life experiences you have. Always include a sparkle and a comment on it.
C. S. Lewis
See earlier posts.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 15:22-41 and respond to the following in complete sentences. 1. Review: What was the question the church leaders were discussing? 2. Who made the decision about how to respond to the question? 3. Four men were sent with a letter. To whom is the letter addressed? 5. Why were Judas Barsabbas and Silas sent with Paul and Barnabas, according to the letter? 6. What do you think that means? Put it in your own words. 7. What are the four rules that they want to make sure the Gentiles follow? 8. Does the letter tell the Gentiles to get circumcised and become Jews? 9. How did the church in Antioch respond to this letter? 10. How did Judas Barsabbas and Silas help the church there? 11. What did Paul and Barnabas continue to do in Antioch? 12. Tell in your own words the dispute that developed between Paul and Barnabas, and what ended up happening. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22.
Poets and Prophets
Read Is. 37:21-38 and respond to the following in complete sentences. 1. Summarize Hezekiah's response in your own words. 2. According to Isaiah, how will the Virgin Daughter of Jerusalem act? Explain this image. 3. At whom has Assyrian pride been directed? 4. Compare and contrast v. 24 with Isaiah 2B. 5. Compare and contrast v. 25 with Is. 11:15-16. 6. Why does Isaiah start talking about grass? Be specific. 7. Quote another passage from the Bible that is similar. 8. Why does Isaiah talk about a hook? Be specific. 9. What is the main thought in verses 30-32? 10. Connect this to Is. 11:1. 11. What is the main thought of verses 33-35? 12. Summarize in your own words what happened: vv. 36-38. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22.
French Classes: I am going to start communicating with all of you directly by email. Watch your inboxes.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Troll Island Notes 22: Monday, April 20, 2020
Literature 7-8
We finish our review of the poetry unit today with an overview of the four narrative poems we did: "Lochinvar," "The Raven," "Casey at the Bat," and "Jabberwocky." For each of these four poems, respond to the following in complete sentences. 1. Who is the main character (the protagonist)? 2. Describe the setting in about 25 words. 3. Describe the main conflict in about 25 words. 4. What was the result of the conflict? 5. What characteristics of the protagonist are the most important ones? Give several. 6. What led to the character's success or failure in the conflict? Explain. 7. What is meant by the term "free verse"? 8. Which of these narrative poems is written in free verse?
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21.
American Literature
Respond to each of the following in a paragraph of about 50 words. 1. Explain how the author uses religious references and religious language. 2. Henry's friend John Wilson has a prized possession. What is it, and how does it relate to the plot? 3. Reread the first paragraph of the book. In what ways does it foreshadow what is to come? 4. Henry is generally a sympathetic character, but he has his flaws. Explain what some of his flaws are. 5. Henry is a different person at the end of the novel. it doesn't happen all at once, but it happens gradually. Choose a scene that helps to bring about this change in Henry and briefly explain how. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21.
British Literature
You are to have The Power and the Glory finished by Wednesday no later than 5:00 pm. Respond to each chapter as you read them, one at a time: questions, impressions, sparkle and reason for choosing it.
"She Walks in Beauty" (pp.631-633). All responses except #6 should be in complete sentences. 1. Read the biographical notes on Byron and write down 5 facts worth knowing about him. 2. What is the background of the poem? 3. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. What are your first impressions? 4. How many strong beats are in each line? 5. All of the stanzas have the same rhyme pattern. What is it? 6. Give the meaning of the following as they are used in the poem: a) clime, b) aspect, c) mellow'd, d) gaudy, e) impair'd, f) raven, g) serenely, h) eloquent, i) tint. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21.
C.S. Lewis
Finish Perelandra later than 5:00 pm on Wednesday. Respond to each chapter as you read them, one at a time: questions, impressions, sparkle and reason for choosing it.
Luke and Acts
Paul's first missionary journey is over. In the meantime, another problem has arisen with in the church. 1. What was the earlier problem with Ananias and Sapphira? 2. What was the earlier problem with the widows of the Hebraic Jews? Read Acts 15:1-21 and respond in complete sentences. 3. What were the men from Judea teaching in Syrian Antioch? 4. What have we heard before about Syrian Antioch? 5. How did Paul and Barnabas get involved? 6. Why were they sent to Jerusalem? 7. What good news did they spread to the churches during the journey? 8. What were the Christian Pharisees saying? 9. What's the main thing you remember about the Pharisees from the gospel of Luke? 10. According to Peter, what is the proof that God accepts believing Gentiles just as they are? 11. What is the literal meaning of the work "yoke"? 12. Peter is using it figuratively. What does he mean? 13. According to Peter, how are all people saves, Jew and Gentile? 14. Who replies to Peter? 15. What is the main point of his quotation from the prophet Amos? 16. What 4 rules does he say the Gentiles should be sure to follow? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21.
Poets and Prophets
Read Is. 37:1-20. Write and answer 10 how/why questions about it. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21.
French Classes: see earlier posts.
We finish our review of the poetry unit today with an overview of the four narrative poems we did: "Lochinvar," "The Raven," "Casey at the Bat," and "Jabberwocky." For each of these four poems, respond to the following in complete sentences. 1. Who is the main character (the protagonist)? 2. Describe the setting in about 25 words. 3. Describe the main conflict in about 25 words. 4. What was the result of the conflict? 5. What characteristics of the protagonist are the most important ones? Give several. 6. What led to the character's success or failure in the conflict? Explain. 7. What is meant by the term "free verse"? 8. Which of these narrative poems is written in free verse?
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21.
American Literature
Respond to each of the following in a paragraph of about 50 words. 1. Explain how the author uses religious references and religious language. 2. Henry's friend John Wilson has a prized possession. What is it, and how does it relate to the plot? 3. Reread the first paragraph of the book. In what ways does it foreshadow what is to come? 4. Henry is generally a sympathetic character, but he has his flaws. Explain what some of his flaws are. 5. Henry is a different person at the end of the novel. it doesn't happen all at once, but it happens gradually. Choose a scene that helps to bring about this change in Henry and briefly explain how. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21.
British Literature
You are to have The Power and the Glory finished by Wednesday no later than 5:00 pm. Respond to each chapter as you read them, one at a time: questions, impressions, sparkle and reason for choosing it.
"She Walks in Beauty" (pp.631-633). All responses except #6 should be in complete sentences. 1. Read the biographical notes on Byron and write down 5 facts worth knowing about him. 2. What is the background of the poem? 3. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. What are your first impressions? 4. How many strong beats are in each line? 5. All of the stanzas have the same rhyme pattern. What is it? 6. Give the meaning of the following as they are used in the poem: a) clime, b) aspect, c) mellow'd, d) gaudy, e) impair'd, f) raven, g) serenely, h) eloquent, i) tint. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21.
C.S. Lewis
Finish Perelandra later than 5:00 pm on Wednesday. Respond to each chapter as you read them, one at a time: questions, impressions, sparkle and reason for choosing it.
Luke and Acts
Paul's first missionary journey is over. In the meantime, another problem has arisen with in the church. 1. What was the earlier problem with Ananias and Sapphira? 2. What was the earlier problem with the widows of the Hebraic Jews? Read Acts 15:1-21 and respond in complete sentences. 3. What were the men from Judea teaching in Syrian Antioch? 4. What have we heard before about Syrian Antioch? 5. How did Paul and Barnabas get involved? 6. Why were they sent to Jerusalem? 7. What good news did they spread to the churches during the journey? 8. What were the Christian Pharisees saying? 9. What's the main thing you remember about the Pharisees from the gospel of Luke? 10. According to Peter, what is the proof that God accepts believing Gentiles just as they are? 11. What is the literal meaning of the work "yoke"? 12. Peter is using it figuratively. What does he mean? 13. According to Peter, how are all people saves, Jew and Gentile? 14. Who replies to Peter? 15. What is the main point of his quotation from the prophet Amos? 16. What 4 rules does he say the Gentiles should be sure to follow? Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21.
Poets and Prophets
Read Is. 37:1-20. Write and answer 10 how/why questions about it. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21.
French Classes: see earlier posts.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Troll Island Notes 21: Friday, April 17, 2020
Literature 7-8
Reread and reflect in writing on our two winter poems, "When Icicles hang by the Wall" ( p.436) and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" (link here ). 150 words. Proofread for spelling, grammar, etc., before you submit it. Due Monday, April 20, no later than noon.
American Literature
As you reflect on your reading, your responses, and the online notes I have given you, what would you say is the theme of the novel? Explain why you think so. 150 words. Proofread for spelling, grammar, etc., before you submit it. Due Monday, April 20, no later than noon.
British Literature
Continue your reading and responses to The Power and the Glory. You should be finished by Wednesday.
"Ode to the West Wind." We have looked at the poem as a whole and have taken a closer look at the first stanza. Perhaps you have already noticed a certain irony: Although the wind is depicted as creating disorder of some sort, the poem itself is very orderly. It has a regular, predictable rhyme pattern (unlike ""Ozymandias") and meter. It is written in five stanzas of equal length. Each of the first three stanzas end with the same words. 1. What are they? In other words, each of the first three stanzas is an invocation. 2. What does that mean again? The first stanza highlights the power of the wind among the leaves. 3. What is the focus of the wind's power in the second stanza? 4. What about the third stanza? All in all, it is a very orderly way to write about disorder!
There is an order to the last two stanzas also. The speaker has finished his invocation, and now he turns to what we might call a prayer. That is, he is turning to a higher power (the wind) and making a personal request. 5. In your own words, what is he asking for himself in the final stanzas? Shelley is using religious forms (invocation and prayer) as well as religious language. 6. Give some examples of this language from the last two stanzas. 7. Given what you know about Shelley's life, how might this be seen as ironic? Another evidence of orderliness is the way the last two stanzas explicitly make reference to the images of the previous three. 8. Write out one quotation that supports this.
This ode is more than a nature poem or even a prayer. Shelley seems to be thinking in wider terms of human history and his hopes for the future. (We noted a similar concern in "Ozymandias.) 9. In terms of his personal beliefs, what would you guess are Shelley's hopes for the future? 10. This poem was written about 200 years ago. Would you say his prayer has been answered or not? Please explain. Due Monday, April 20, no later than noon.
See earlier post.
Luke and Acts
Today we pause to review Paul's first missionary journey (Acts 13-14). You will make a chart including the following information. The first column will be the names of different places they went. I have given you the list below. In the second column, write a specific problem they had there. In the third column, write about who was converted. In the fourth column, write about any miracles that were performed there. 1) Paphos 2) Pisidian Antioch 3) Iconium 4) Lystra. Due Monday, April 20, no later than noon.
Poets and Prophets
Next we move on to Is. 36-39, labeled on your outline as a "Collection of Historical Narratives." Ch. 36 narrates a threat from the Assyrians; no surprise there. Read through the chapter, and in your own words write a summary of about 100 words, focusing on the main events of the chapter. Observe the standards of American English in spelling, grammar, etc. If you have any questions on the chapter or about what we have done in Isaiah so far, write them below your summary, and I will try to answer them. In fact, as a general rule, ask questions in any of my classes when you don't understand something.
Introduction to French
Watch the short video "La Bretagne: Terre de Legendes" here. Watch it as many times as you wish; pause it whenever you need to. There is no narration, but it is a French video and it has a soundtrack. Write out a translation of the following statements into English. There will be some words that you need to look up; note that there is a link to a French/English dictionary on the right side of this page. Then, after you have done the translation, indicate whether the statement is true (vrai) or false (faux) only on the basis of this video. Due no later than noon on Tuesday, April 21.
1. Il pleut beaucoup. 2. Beaucoup de gens nagent dans la mer. 3. Il y a des menhirs a Carnac. 4. Il y a beaucoup de circulation dans les villes. 5. Toutes les maisons sont tres colorees. 6. Il y a un grand nombre de bateaux. 7. Les eglises sont grandes. 8. Vous voyez la foret de Broceliande. 9. Vous voyez des images de Rennes et Saint Malo. 10. La cote est rochereuse avec des falaises. 11. On joue de la musique classique. 12. Il y a des piscines. 13. Vous voyez le Mont St.-Michel. 14. Il y a des phares le long la cote. 15. Vous voyez des jettees et des ponts.
Intermediate French
Watch a delightful (?) French video here. Write a summary of the story in French in your own words--you may use the present tense. Please also share with me your thoughts about the story, the theme, the music, the animation, etc. About 75 words should do it. If you have any questions, you know what to do. Due no later than noon on Tuesday, April 21.
Reread and reflect in writing on our two winter poems, "When Icicles hang by the Wall" ( p.436) and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" (link here ). 150 words. Proofread for spelling, grammar, etc., before you submit it. Due Monday, April 20, no later than noon.
American Literature
As you reflect on your reading, your responses, and the online notes I have given you, what would you say is the theme of the novel? Explain why you think so. 150 words. Proofread for spelling, grammar, etc., before you submit it. Due Monday, April 20, no later than noon.
British Literature
Continue your reading and responses to The Power and the Glory. You should be finished by Wednesday.
"Ode to the West Wind." We have looked at the poem as a whole and have taken a closer look at the first stanza. Perhaps you have already noticed a certain irony: Although the wind is depicted as creating disorder of some sort, the poem itself is very orderly. It has a regular, predictable rhyme pattern (unlike ""Ozymandias") and meter. It is written in five stanzas of equal length. Each of the first three stanzas end with the same words. 1. What are they? In other words, each of the first three stanzas is an invocation. 2. What does that mean again? The first stanza highlights the power of the wind among the leaves. 3. What is the focus of the wind's power in the second stanza? 4. What about the third stanza? All in all, it is a very orderly way to write about disorder!
There is an order to the last two stanzas also. The speaker has finished his invocation, and now he turns to what we might call a prayer. That is, he is turning to a higher power (the wind) and making a personal request. 5. In your own words, what is he asking for himself in the final stanzas? Shelley is using religious forms (invocation and prayer) as well as religious language. 6. Give some examples of this language from the last two stanzas. 7. Given what you know about Shelley's life, how might this be seen as ironic? Another evidence of orderliness is the way the last two stanzas explicitly make reference to the images of the previous three. 8. Write out one quotation that supports this.
This ode is more than a nature poem or even a prayer. Shelley seems to be thinking in wider terms of human history and his hopes for the future. (We noted a similar concern in "Ozymandias.) 9. In terms of his personal beliefs, what would you guess are Shelley's hopes for the future? 10. This poem was written about 200 years ago. Would you say his prayer has been answered or not? Please explain. Due Monday, April 20, no later than noon.
See earlier post.
Luke and Acts
Today we pause to review Paul's first missionary journey (Acts 13-14). You will make a chart including the following information. The first column will be the names of different places they went. I have given you the list below. In the second column, write a specific problem they had there. In the third column, write about who was converted. In the fourth column, write about any miracles that were performed there. 1) Paphos 2) Pisidian Antioch 3) Iconium 4) Lystra. Due Monday, April 20, no later than noon.
Poets and Prophets
Next we move on to Is. 36-39, labeled on your outline as a "Collection of Historical Narratives." Ch. 36 narrates a threat from the Assyrians; no surprise there. Read through the chapter, and in your own words write a summary of about 100 words, focusing on the main events of the chapter. Observe the standards of American English in spelling, grammar, etc. If you have any questions on the chapter or about what we have done in Isaiah so far, write them below your summary, and I will try to answer them. In fact, as a general rule, ask questions in any of my classes when you don't understand something.
Introduction to French
Watch the short video "La Bretagne: Terre de Legendes" here. Watch it as many times as you wish; pause it whenever you need to. There is no narration, but it is a French video and it has a soundtrack. Write out a translation of the following statements into English. There will be some words that you need to look up; note that there is a link to a French/English dictionary on the right side of this page. Then, after you have done the translation, indicate whether the statement is true (vrai) or false (faux) only on the basis of this video. Due no later than noon on Tuesday, April 21.
1. Il pleut beaucoup. 2. Beaucoup de gens nagent dans la mer. 3. Il y a des menhirs a Carnac. 4. Il y a beaucoup de circulation dans les villes. 5. Toutes les maisons sont tres colorees. 6. Il y a un grand nombre de bateaux. 7. Les eglises sont grandes. 8. Vous voyez la foret de Broceliande. 9. Vous voyez des images de Rennes et Saint Malo. 10. La cote est rochereuse avec des falaises. 11. On joue de la musique classique. 12. Il y a des piscines. 13. Vous voyez le Mont St.-Michel. 14. Il y a des phares le long la cote. 15. Vous voyez des jettees et des ponts.
Intermediate French
Watch a delightful (?) French video here. Write a summary of the story in French in your own words--you may use the present tense. Please also share with me your thoughts about the story, the theme, the music, the animation, etc. About 75 words should do it. If you have any questions, you know what to do. Due no later than noon on Tuesday, April 21.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Troll Island Notes 20: Thursday, April 16, 2020
I am grateful for the many students (and their supportive parents and caregivers) who are doing so much to make remote learning a success: for correctly labeling their work (actually a big deal for me), for following directions, for putting in a good effort, and for getting things in to me on time. You know who you are--this thank you is for you!
Literature 7-8
We continue reviewing the poetry unit today with "Blue-Butterfly Day" (pp. 434-435) and "When Icicles Hang by the Wall" (pp. 436-437). There are several parts to the assignment, so be sure to do everything. Follow directions. First, as you did before, use the "Seeking Meaning" questions at the end of each selection. Write out each question and answer in complete sentences. Label each set of questions clearly. Second, answer the following questions from the "About the Author" section on p. 437. Clearly label it also, and use complete sentences. 1. When did he live? 2. Where was he born? 3. What did he end up doing in London? 4. He also wrote plays--how many? 5. Give 2 examples. 6. Which play was this poem taken from? 7. Did you follow my directions carefully? Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
American Literature
Seeing, literal and figurative, is very important in The Red Badge of Courage. To begin with, Henry and the other soldiers cannot see the enemy very well in a literal way, both during battle and at other times. 1. Account for this in a 50-word response. In a more figurative way, they cannot "see" the grand strategy of the war, of troop movements in battle, or much of anything beyond their little piece of ground. 2. Give evidence of this in a 50-word response. On a more fundamental level, Henry and the others cannot "see" into their own hearts. That is, they are unclear about what kind of people they are until they are forced to see it. 3. Give evidence to support this in a 50-word response.
But in time, they do come to see. 4. In a 100-word paragraph, discuss how Henry gets his "eyes" opened in the course of the novel. In descriptive passages, the narrator tries to open the eyes of the reader also. 5. In a 100-word paragraph, discuss some of the techniques that Crane uses to help the reader see and feel what it was like to be there. Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
British Literature
You have a long-term reading assignment due On Wednesday. See previous post.
In your anthology, we will return to Percy Shelly and the Romantic movement with his poem "Ode to the West Wind" (pp. 625ff.). read it aloud or listen to it here (the reader does an excellent job of capturing the mood of the poem). 1. This poem is an ode. Based on your reading, guess what an ode is. 2. Now write out the definition of an ode given here. 3. How close was your guess? 4. How many accented syllables are there in each line? 5. Give the rhyme pattern for the first stanza (ll. 1-14). 6. Each stanza is 14 lines long. So what? 7. Do a close reading of just the first stanza, and respond to the following: a) It is one long, complex sentence. What is the main verb? b) The first stanza is also an invocation. Read the definitions here and write out the one that you think fits best. Briefly explain. c) Find and write out 4 words in this stanza that connect to death in some way. d) On a literal level, what does the wind do? e) What does "hectic" mean in this context? f) What does "azure" mean? g) What is a clarion, and what does it refer to here? h) Your editors suggest that Shelley is referencing Hinduism here. Explain. i.) Write out a good example of alliteration, j) of assonance, and k) of onomatopoeia. Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
See previous post.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 14:21-28 and answer the following questions, all of them, in complete sentences. 1. What happened at Derbe? 2. Where did they go next? 3. What did they say to the people there? 4. Jesus says something similar in Luke 6:20-24. Read it and summarize it in your own words. 5. Paul and his friends have had many difficulties on this journey: a) What happened in Paphos? b) Why did they have to leave Pisidian Antioch? c) How were they threatened in Iconium? d) What terrible thing happened to Paul at Lystra? 6. Which officers did Paul and Barnabas appoint in the churches? 7. Why do you think that such officers would be needed in the days ahead? 8. What report did the missionaries give when they returned to Syrian Antioch? 9. Did you follow all the directions on this assignment? Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
Poets and Prophets
Is. 35 concludes this third section of Isaiah's prophecy, "Messages of Woe," but it's not a message of woe. Read the chapter aloud or chant it. Then respond to the following in complete sentences. 1. Generally speaking, what is going on in the chapter? 2. How do you think it may have been partially fulfilled in the OT? 3. How do you think it is being fulfilled in the church today? 4. Write a 150-word paragraph in which you discuss the biblical connections that you can see. Isaiah, Song of Songs, and Psalms would be good places to begin, but don't restrict yourself to these. This is not intended to involve research, but you may use secondary sources if you really need to. If you do, tell me what sources you used and provide a link if they are online. In any case, use your own words. Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
Introduction to French
Read ch. 4. Write in French and answer in French 10 questions based on the chapter. After you have done that, write and translate any French words from the chapter that you had to look up. Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
Intermediate French
Using your best French (no online translators, please), write me an email! Tell me how you and your family are, tell me about a typical day for you in these atypical times, tell me about the ups and downs you have experienced. It should be about 100 words. If you want to include some pictures, that would be great! Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
Literature 7-8
We continue reviewing the poetry unit today with "Blue-Butterfly Day" (pp. 434-435) and "When Icicles Hang by the Wall" (pp. 436-437). There are several parts to the assignment, so be sure to do everything. Follow directions. First, as you did before, use the "Seeking Meaning" questions at the end of each selection. Write out each question and answer in complete sentences. Label each set of questions clearly. Second, answer the following questions from the "About the Author" section on p. 437. Clearly label it also, and use complete sentences. 1. When did he live? 2. Where was he born? 3. What did he end up doing in London? 4. He also wrote plays--how many? 5. Give 2 examples. 6. Which play was this poem taken from? 7. Did you follow my directions carefully? Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
American Literature
Seeing, literal and figurative, is very important in The Red Badge of Courage. To begin with, Henry and the other soldiers cannot see the enemy very well in a literal way, both during battle and at other times. 1. Account for this in a 50-word response. In a more figurative way, they cannot "see" the grand strategy of the war, of troop movements in battle, or much of anything beyond their little piece of ground. 2. Give evidence of this in a 50-word response. On a more fundamental level, Henry and the others cannot "see" into their own hearts. That is, they are unclear about what kind of people they are until they are forced to see it. 3. Give evidence to support this in a 50-word response.
But in time, they do come to see. 4. In a 100-word paragraph, discuss how Henry gets his "eyes" opened in the course of the novel. In descriptive passages, the narrator tries to open the eyes of the reader also. 5. In a 100-word paragraph, discuss some of the techniques that Crane uses to help the reader see and feel what it was like to be there. Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
British Literature
You have a long-term reading assignment due On Wednesday. See previous post.
In your anthology, we will return to Percy Shelly and the Romantic movement with his poem "Ode to the West Wind" (pp. 625ff.). read it aloud or listen to it here (the reader does an excellent job of capturing the mood of the poem). 1. This poem is an ode. Based on your reading, guess what an ode is. 2. Now write out the definition of an ode given here. 3. How close was your guess? 4. How many accented syllables are there in each line? 5. Give the rhyme pattern for the first stanza (ll. 1-14). 6. Each stanza is 14 lines long. So what? 7. Do a close reading of just the first stanza, and respond to the following: a) It is one long, complex sentence. What is the main verb? b) The first stanza is also an invocation. Read the definitions here and write out the one that you think fits best. Briefly explain. c) Find and write out 4 words in this stanza that connect to death in some way. d) On a literal level, what does the wind do? e) What does "hectic" mean in this context? f) What does "azure" mean? g) What is a clarion, and what does it refer to here? h) Your editors suggest that Shelley is referencing Hinduism here. Explain. i.) Write out a good example of alliteration, j) of assonance, and k) of onomatopoeia. Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
See previous post.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 14:21-28 and answer the following questions, all of them, in complete sentences. 1. What happened at Derbe? 2. Where did they go next? 3. What did they say to the people there? 4. Jesus says something similar in Luke 6:20-24. Read it and summarize it in your own words. 5. Paul and his friends have had many difficulties on this journey: a) What happened in Paphos? b) Why did they have to leave Pisidian Antioch? c) How were they threatened in Iconium? d) What terrible thing happened to Paul at Lystra? 6. Which officers did Paul and Barnabas appoint in the churches? 7. Why do you think that such officers would be needed in the days ahead? 8. What report did the missionaries give when they returned to Syrian Antioch? 9. Did you follow all the directions on this assignment? Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
Poets and Prophets
Is. 35 concludes this third section of Isaiah's prophecy, "Messages of Woe," but it's not a message of woe. Read the chapter aloud or chant it. Then respond to the following in complete sentences. 1. Generally speaking, what is going on in the chapter? 2. How do you think it may have been partially fulfilled in the OT? 3. How do you think it is being fulfilled in the church today? 4. Write a 150-word paragraph in which you discuss the biblical connections that you can see. Isaiah, Song of Songs, and Psalms would be good places to begin, but don't restrict yourself to these. This is not intended to involve research, but you may use secondary sources if you really need to. If you do, tell me what sources you used and provide a link if they are online. In any case, use your own words. Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
Introduction to French
Read ch. 4. Write in French and answer in French 10 questions based on the chapter. After you have done that, write and translate any French words from the chapter that you had to look up. Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
Intermediate French
Using your best French (no online translators, please), write me an email! Tell me how you and your family are, tell me about a typical day for you in these atypical times, tell me about the ups and downs you have experienced. It should be about 100 words. If you want to include some pictures, that would be great! Due tomorrow, Friday, April 17, no later than noon.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Troll Island Notes 19: Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Literature 7-8
Please read the following and answer all the questions in complete sentences. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
We continue our review of the poetry unit with reflections on "The Road Not Taken" (p. 430). It is a poem about choices. Sometimes the choices we make have a big impact on our lives: choices about church, education, career, marriage, and so on. At your stage in life, many of these choices still lie ahead of you. 1. What is a choice that you have made (or that has been made for you) that has had or will have a big impact on you? But we make smaller choices all the time, or at least, what seem to be smaller choices, choices that don't seem to have far-reaching consequences (though sometimes they do): what to wear, what kind of cereal to eat, which assignment to do first, and so on. We make hundreds and even thousands of these little choices every day. 2. What's a little choice you have already made today?
Frost's poem is a poem about choices we have made. He says several things about them. For one thing, we don't know where our choices may lead us. 3. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that. Another thing he says about choices is that our options often look pretty similar. 4. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that. Still another thing he says about choices is that we don't often get a chance to go back and change them. 5. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that. The last thing that Frost suggests in the poem is that we tend to exaggerate the importance of some of the decisions that we make. 6. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that.
Of course, the Bible has much to say about our choices, too. 7. Briefly retell a story from the book of Acts in which a person makes a choice that may have seemed to be a small one but turned out to be very important. Explain as much as necessary.
American Literature
Please read the following and answer the questions in complete sentences. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
First, a few notes on the final chapters. Once again we see the importance of the flag-bearer. 1. Explain what makes a flag-bearer so important in general. 2. Specifically, how does this relate to the final chapters? We have also noted that in several ways Henry's experiences are progressive, that is, he is gradually introduced to new experiences. 3. What is an example of this? Another example is his contact with the Confederates. He saw a dead one early on, but he hasn't seen living ones up close until the final chapters of the book. Most of the time they have been hidden by distance, by darkness, or by the smoke of battle. 4. Write out a quotation that refers to this hidden enemy and tell what chapter it is from. In the final chapters Henry sees living Confederates up close and personal--the 4 prisoners of war. Each of them is different in appearance but also in their attitudes toward their captors. 5. Explain. Most importantly, however, he has had very personal experiences with death. A key quotation from the novel is found on about the last page. It says: "He had been to touch the great death, and found that after all, it was but the great death. He was a man." 6. Explain what you think this quotation means, not just in the context of the last chapter, but in the context of the whole novel. The final pages depict Henry as being haunted in some way. 7. In what way? 8. How has this haunting been instrumental in his growth as a soldier and as a person. Briefly explain.
British Literature
Please share your impressions and reflections of the novel to this point. Include any questions that you may have. 150 words. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
Finish the novel no later than noon on Wednesday, April 22. Continue to follow the procedure we have been using.
You are to complete Perelandra no later than noon on Wednesday, April 22. Continue to follow the procedure we have been using.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 14: 1-20 and answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Paul and Barnabas have left Pisidian Antioch for Iconium. 1. What direction are they traveling? 2. They were having success in Pisidian Antioch. What was the specific reason for leaving? 3. Once they arrived in Iconium, where did they go? 4. What were the immediate effects of their preaching: a) positive and b) negative? 5. How did God confirm the truth of their gospel message? 6. Why did they end up having to leave? 7. How does this remind you of Stephen?
Next stop: Lystra, not very far away. 8. What miracle did Paul perform? 9. Name 2 other similar miracles that Peter performed in Acts. 10. Name a similar miracle that Jesus did in the gospel of Luke. This miracle made an impression on the people there. 11. What was their inappropriate response?
This response of the people of Lystra can be partly explained by a story from Greek mythology that all of them would have known. It supposedly took place near Lystra, in a region known as Phrygia. Watch here a short (and rather corny) video retelling the famous story of Philemon and Baucis. Then answer the following questions, also in complete sentences. 12. Why did Zeus sometimes descend to earth? 13. How did he and Hermes disguise themselves? 14. How did most of the people receive them? 15. What ended up happening to these people? 16. How were the disguised gods treated at the tiny hut of Philemon and Baucis? 17. What request did they make of the gods? 18. How were they transformed at the end of their lives?
Back to Paul and Barnabas. 19. According to Paul, why have they come to their city? 20. How have they been able to see God's kindness? 21. What happened to Paul once some Jews from Pisidian Antioch and Iconium arrived? 22. How does God show kindness to Paul even in these difficult circumstances. 23. Read Acts 8:1 and tell how Paul's escape from death is ironic.
Poets and Prophets
Read the following and answer all questions in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Thursday, April 16.
For much of its history after the time of Solomon, Israel (the northern kingdom) and Judah (the southern kingdom) were political footballs being kicked around by more powerful countries and alliances. Egypt is one of those players: no longer as powerful as it once was, but still a force to be reckoned with. 1. What did the Lord say about Egypt in Is. 19? At the time ch. 31 was proclaimed, the other main player is Assyria. Read Is. 14:24-27. 2. What does the Lord have in mind for Assyria? Both Egypt and Assyria are vying for prominence on the world stage. Look at a map (for example, here ) and see where Israel and Judah are in relation to these 2 other countries. 3. Where are Israel and Judah with respect to Egypt and Assyria? 4. Why would these larger countries have any interest in the smaller ones? The Lord has already promised a wonderful future for all of them. Read Is. 19:23-25. 5. What image is used to show their unity? But that time has yet to come. In Is. 31, there are bitter, violent rivalries that characterize life in those times.
Read Is. 31:1-32:8. The Egyptians were famous (or infamous) for their horses and chariots. 6. How do they feature in Ex. 14? 7. How do they feature in Deut. 17:16? 8. According to Is. 31, what danger do these pose? 9. Explain the lion and shepherd metaphor. 10. Explain the bird metaphor. 11. Explain the fire metaphor. Ch. 32 focuses on the coming righteous kingdom and its king. In that way, it resembles Is. 11. 12. What are some of the images used in that chapter to picture the king and his kingdom? 13. What are some of the images used in Is. 32:1-8 to picture the same thing?
14. Explain in a few well-chosen sentences how Is. 31 points to Christ and the Church. 15. Do the same for Is. 32:1-8.
Introduction to French
Answer the following questions in complete French sentences, unless otherwise instructed. Try to be accurate with your facts but also with your grammar and spelling. In many cases, you only need to "turn the question around" to have the words you need to answer with. You can also probably change the language setting on your computer to recognize French. Figure out how to do that if you don't already know. That will enable the computer to pick up on your mistakes and suggest changes to make it more accurate. It's a great tool (unfortunately, I can't do that on this blog). And it's not cheating. Do not use online translators, however, or any work that is not your own. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
1. Est-ce qu'Ann est heureuse? 2. Ann va de Billerica a Boston. Comment s'appelle l'aeroport a Boston? 3. Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans l'avion? 4. Elle parle avec qui? 5. L'avion arrive a Paris. Comment s'appelle l'aeroport? 6. Comment est-ce qu'elle va de Paris a Rennes? 7. Translate the part of the paragraph on p. 11 that tells about her host family. 8. Ann est surprise dans le restaurant. Pourquoi? 9. Un croque-monsieur, qu'est-ce que c'est? 10. Est-ce qu'Ann comprend bien le francais dans le restaurant? 11. Qui est Jacques Cartier? 12. Un corsair, qu'est-ce que c'est? 13. Comment est-ce qu'Ann va de Rennes a St.-Malo? 14. Translate the paragraph that begins on the bottom of p. 13. 15. Le Mont St.-Michel, qu'est-ce que c'est? 16. Give the meaning of the following words and suggest a mem to remember it better: a) une galette; b) la dentelle' c) un ecrivain; d) l'essence.
Intermediate French
Revisons Partie 1 et Partie 2. Repondez aux questions en faisant les phrases completes. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon. The question numbers correspond to chapter numbers.
1. Pourquoi est Vercingetorix un heros francais? 2. Qui etablit la premiere dynastie en France, et comment elle s'appelle? 3. Comment est-ce que Charlemagne s'interesse a l'intruction? 4. Comment est-ce que l'invasion de l'Angleterre par les Normands importante pour la langue anglaise? 5. Qu'est le reve du roi saint Louis? 6. Comment est-ce que Jeanne d'Arc aide les Francais? 7. Pourquoi est-ce que le roi Louis XI est celebre? 8. Pendant le temps de Francois Ier, comment est-ce que l'architecture des chateaux change? 9. Qu'est-ce qu'arrive la Saint-Barthelmy en 1572? 10. Pourquoi est-ce que le cardinal de Richelieu celebre? 11. Pourquoi est-ce qu'on appelle Louis XIV "le roi soleil"? 12. Pourquoi est-ce que la Bastille un symbole de la Revolution francaise?
Please read the following and answer all the questions in complete sentences. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
We continue our review of the poetry unit with reflections on "The Road Not Taken" (p. 430). It is a poem about choices. Sometimes the choices we make have a big impact on our lives: choices about church, education, career, marriage, and so on. At your stage in life, many of these choices still lie ahead of you. 1. What is a choice that you have made (or that has been made for you) that has had or will have a big impact on you? But we make smaller choices all the time, or at least, what seem to be smaller choices, choices that don't seem to have far-reaching consequences (though sometimes they do): what to wear, what kind of cereal to eat, which assignment to do first, and so on. We make hundreds and even thousands of these little choices every day. 2. What's a little choice you have already made today?
Frost's poem is a poem about choices we have made. He says several things about them. For one thing, we don't know where our choices may lead us. 3. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that. Another thing he says about choices is that our options often look pretty similar. 4. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that. Still another thing he says about choices is that we don't often get a chance to go back and change them. 5. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that. The last thing that Frost suggests in the poem is that we tend to exaggerate the importance of some of the decisions that we make. 6. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that.
Of course, the Bible has much to say about our choices, too. 7. Briefly retell a story from the book of Acts in which a person makes a choice that may have seemed to be a small one but turned out to be very important. Explain as much as necessary.
American Literature
Please read the following and answer the questions in complete sentences. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
First, a few notes on the final chapters. Once again we see the importance of the flag-bearer. 1. Explain what makes a flag-bearer so important in general. 2. Specifically, how does this relate to the final chapters? We have also noted that in several ways Henry's experiences are progressive, that is, he is gradually introduced to new experiences. 3. What is an example of this? Another example is his contact with the Confederates. He saw a dead one early on, but he hasn't seen living ones up close until the final chapters of the book. Most of the time they have been hidden by distance, by darkness, or by the smoke of battle. 4. Write out a quotation that refers to this hidden enemy and tell what chapter it is from. In the final chapters Henry sees living Confederates up close and personal--the 4 prisoners of war. Each of them is different in appearance but also in their attitudes toward their captors. 5. Explain. Most importantly, however, he has had very personal experiences with death. A key quotation from the novel is found on about the last page. It says: "He had been to touch the great death, and found that after all, it was but the great death. He was a man." 6. Explain what you think this quotation means, not just in the context of the last chapter, but in the context of the whole novel. The final pages depict Henry as being haunted in some way. 7. In what way? 8. How has this haunting been instrumental in his growth as a soldier and as a person. Briefly explain.
British Literature
Please share your impressions and reflections of the novel to this point. Include any questions that you may have. 150 words. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
Finish the novel no later than noon on Wednesday, April 22. Continue to follow the procedure we have been using.
You are to complete Perelandra no later than noon on Wednesday, April 22. Continue to follow the procedure we have been using.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 14: 1-20 and answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Paul and Barnabas have left Pisidian Antioch for Iconium. 1. What direction are they traveling? 2. They were having success in Pisidian Antioch. What was the specific reason for leaving? 3. Once they arrived in Iconium, where did they go? 4. What were the immediate effects of their preaching: a) positive and b) negative? 5. How did God confirm the truth of their gospel message? 6. Why did they end up having to leave? 7. How does this remind you of Stephen?
Next stop: Lystra, not very far away. 8. What miracle did Paul perform? 9. Name 2 other similar miracles that Peter performed in Acts. 10. Name a similar miracle that Jesus did in the gospel of Luke. This miracle made an impression on the people there. 11. What was their inappropriate response?
This response of the people of Lystra can be partly explained by a story from Greek mythology that all of them would have known. It supposedly took place near Lystra, in a region known as Phrygia. Watch here a short (and rather corny) video retelling the famous story of Philemon and Baucis. Then answer the following questions, also in complete sentences. 12. Why did Zeus sometimes descend to earth? 13. How did he and Hermes disguise themselves? 14. How did most of the people receive them? 15. What ended up happening to these people? 16. How were the disguised gods treated at the tiny hut of Philemon and Baucis? 17. What request did they make of the gods? 18. How were they transformed at the end of their lives?
Back to Paul and Barnabas. 19. According to Paul, why have they come to their city? 20. How have they been able to see God's kindness? 21. What happened to Paul once some Jews from Pisidian Antioch and Iconium arrived? 22. How does God show kindness to Paul even in these difficult circumstances. 23. Read Acts 8:1 and tell how Paul's escape from death is ironic.
Poets and Prophets
Read the following and answer all questions in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Thursday, April 16.
For much of its history after the time of Solomon, Israel (the northern kingdom) and Judah (the southern kingdom) were political footballs being kicked around by more powerful countries and alliances. Egypt is one of those players: no longer as powerful as it once was, but still a force to be reckoned with. 1. What did the Lord say about Egypt in Is. 19? At the time ch. 31 was proclaimed, the other main player is Assyria. Read Is. 14:24-27. 2. What does the Lord have in mind for Assyria? Both Egypt and Assyria are vying for prominence on the world stage. Look at a map (for example, here ) and see where Israel and Judah are in relation to these 2 other countries. 3. Where are Israel and Judah with respect to Egypt and Assyria? 4. Why would these larger countries have any interest in the smaller ones? The Lord has already promised a wonderful future for all of them. Read Is. 19:23-25. 5. What image is used to show their unity? But that time has yet to come. In Is. 31, there are bitter, violent rivalries that characterize life in those times.
Read Is. 31:1-32:8. The Egyptians were famous (or infamous) for their horses and chariots. 6. How do they feature in Ex. 14? 7. How do they feature in Deut. 17:16? 8. According to Is. 31, what danger do these pose? 9. Explain the lion and shepherd metaphor. 10. Explain the bird metaphor. 11. Explain the fire metaphor. Ch. 32 focuses on the coming righteous kingdom and its king. In that way, it resembles Is. 11. 12. What are some of the images used in that chapter to picture the king and his kingdom? 13. What are some of the images used in Is. 32:1-8 to picture the same thing?
14. Explain in a few well-chosen sentences how Is. 31 points to Christ and the Church. 15. Do the same for Is. 32:1-8.
Introduction to French
Answer the following questions in complete French sentences, unless otherwise instructed. Try to be accurate with your facts but also with your grammar and spelling. In many cases, you only need to "turn the question around" to have the words you need to answer with. You can also probably change the language setting on your computer to recognize French. Figure out how to do that if you don't already know. That will enable the computer to pick up on your mistakes and suggest changes to make it more accurate. It's a great tool (unfortunately, I can't do that on this blog). And it's not cheating. Do not use online translators, however, or any work that is not your own. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
1. Est-ce qu'Ann est heureuse? 2. Ann va de Billerica a Boston. Comment s'appelle l'aeroport a Boston? 3. Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans l'avion? 4. Elle parle avec qui? 5. L'avion arrive a Paris. Comment s'appelle l'aeroport? 6. Comment est-ce qu'elle va de Paris a Rennes? 7. Translate the part of the paragraph on p. 11 that tells about her host family. 8. Ann est surprise dans le restaurant. Pourquoi? 9. Un croque-monsieur, qu'est-ce que c'est? 10. Est-ce qu'Ann comprend bien le francais dans le restaurant? 11. Qui est Jacques Cartier? 12. Un corsair, qu'est-ce que c'est? 13. Comment est-ce qu'Ann va de Rennes a St.-Malo? 14. Translate the paragraph that begins on the bottom of p. 13. 15. Le Mont St.-Michel, qu'est-ce que c'est? 16. Give the meaning of the following words and suggest a mem to remember it better: a) une galette; b) la dentelle' c) un ecrivain; d) l'essence.
Intermediate French
Revisons Partie 1 et Partie 2. Repondez aux questions en faisant les phrases completes. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon. The question numbers correspond to chapter numbers.
1. Pourquoi est Vercingetorix un heros francais? 2. Qui etablit la premiere dynastie en France, et comment elle s'appelle? 3. Comment est-ce que Charlemagne s'interesse a l'intruction? 4. Comment est-ce que l'invasion de l'Angleterre par les Normands importante pour la langue anglaise? 5. Qu'est le reve du roi saint Louis? 6. Comment est-ce que Jeanne d'Arc aide les Francais? 7. Pourquoi est-ce que le roi Louis XI est celebre? 8. Pendant le temps de Francois Ier, comment est-ce que l'architecture des chateaux change? 9. Qu'est-ce qu'arrive la Saint-Barthelmy en 1572? 10. Pourquoi est-ce que le cardinal de Richelieu celebre? 11. Pourquoi est-ce qu'on appelle Louis XIV "le roi soleil"? 12. Pourquoi est-ce que la Bastille un symbole de la Revolution francaise?
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Troll Island Notes 18: Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Literature 7-8
We will be doing some review before we begin another unit. We will begin by reviewing the first 3 poems in this unit: "Molly," Bean Eaters," and "Mother to Son." Please follow directions carefully, and ask me about anything you don't understand. In your textbook, there is a section after each poem called "Seeking Meaning." First, number each question and write it out on your paper. Clearly label the questions so that I know which poem you are responding to. Next, answer each question clearly and accurately on the basis of the text. Notice that there are sometimes several questions for one number. Make sure you are answering them all. Due one week from today, no later than noon on Wednesday, April 15.
Several students are behind in their work. Either they have not done it at all, or I have sent it back because it was not done properly. If you owe me work, get it finished promptly and properly now that you have some time off.
American Literature
Read the rest of The Red Badge of Courage (chs. 23-24). Write and answer 10 how/why questions based on those chapters. Due one week from today no later than noon on Wednesday, April 15. If you owe me other work, get it done before then.
British Literature
Finish Part 2 of The Power and the Glory. Each time you finish a chapter, you are supposed to email me with a) questions about the chapter, b) impressions of the chapter, and c) a sparkle and your reason for choosing it. Do not send more than one chapter at a time. Due one week from today no later than noon on Wednesday, April 15.
C.S. Lewis
You are to be reading Perelandra. Each time you finish a chapter, you are supposed to email me with a) questions about the chapter, b) impressions of the chapter, and c) a sparkle and your reason for choosing it. Do not send more than one chapter at a time. Finish the book no later than Wednesday, April 22.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 13:13-52 (In Pisidian Antioch) and answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Due one week from today no later than noon on Wednesday, April 15.
1. What happened at Perga? 2. Where is Perga in relationship to Cyprus? 3. Where did Paul and Barnabas go when they reached Pisidian Antioch? 4. What invitation did they receive from the people there? 5. Paul's message includes a brief historical overview much like Stephen's. What does he say about Egypt? 6. What does he say about Canaan? 7. What does he say about Samuel? 8. Who was "a man after [God's] own heart"? 9. What do you think that expression means? 10. How is this person connected to Jesus? 11. What does Paul say about John the Baptist? 12. Paul next gives a short summary of the life of Jesus. Who didn't recognize Jesus? 13. What happened after Jesus was unjustly executed? 14. Who were witnesses of this? 15. Paul, as Peter did before, quotes from several psalms. Why does he do that? 16. Why is it impossible that these psalms refer to David? 17. How is faith in Christ better than the law of Moses? 18. Paul ends the sermon with a warning. What is it? 19. How did the people respond to Paul's first message? 20. Trouble started the next Sabbath day. What happened? 21. What new group do Paul and Barnabas turn to next? 22. How did this new group respond? 23. Who managed to get Paul and Barnabas expelled from the region? 24. Before leaving, they shook the dust from their feet. Where have we heard that expression before in Luke's gospel? 25. What does Luke say about the believers left behind?
Poets and Prophets
For those who owe me work, turn it in immediately. For the rest of you, there is no assignment for next week, but it is always wise to review.
Introduction to French
Watch a 13-minute video about St. Malo here. (That is the city where Ann will be staying in la Bretagne, France.) While you are watching it (or after), respond to the following. Due no later than noon on Wednesday, April 15.
1. What are the aspects of the city that the videographer gives the most attention to? Name several within and outside the wall of the city. 2. What is your impression of the city? Is it a place you might like to visit? Why or why not? 3. Ask a question or two about what you saw. (The sound track uses Celtic music because La Bretagne has a Celtic background.)
Intermediate French
No new assignments, but it is always wise to review.
We will be doing some review before we begin another unit. We will begin by reviewing the first 3 poems in this unit: "Molly," Bean Eaters," and "Mother to Son." Please follow directions carefully, and ask me about anything you don't understand. In your textbook, there is a section after each poem called "Seeking Meaning." First, number each question and write it out on your paper. Clearly label the questions so that I know which poem you are responding to. Next, answer each question clearly and accurately on the basis of the text. Notice that there are sometimes several questions for one number. Make sure you are answering them all. Due one week from today, no later than noon on Wednesday, April 15.
Several students are behind in their work. Either they have not done it at all, or I have sent it back because it was not done properly. If you owe me work, get it finished promptly and properly now that you have some time off.
American Literature
Read the rest of The Red Badge of Courage (chs. 23-24). Write and answer 10 how/why questions based on those chapters. Due one week from today no later than noon on Wednesday, April 15. If you owe me other work, get it done before then.
British Literature
Finish Part 2 of The Power and the Glory. Each time you finish a chapter, you are supposed to email me with a) questions about the chapter, b) impressions of the chapter, and c) a sparkle and your reason for choosing it. Do not send more than one chapter at a time. Due one week from today no later than noon on Wednesday, April 15.
C.S. Lewis
You are to be reading Perelandra. Each time you finish a chapter, you are supposed to email me with a) questions about the chapter, b) impressions of the chapter, and c) a sparkle and your reason for choosing it. Do not send more than one chapter at a time. Finish the book no later than Wednesday, April 22.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 13:13-52 (In Pisidian Antioch) and answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Due one week from today no later than noon on Wednesday, April 15.
1. What happened at Perga? 2. Where is Perga in relationship to Cyprus? 3. Where did Paul and Barnabas go when they reached Pisidian Antioch? 4. What invitation did they receive from the people there? 5. Paul's message includes a brief historical overview much like Stephen's. What does he say about Egypt? 6. What does he say about Canaan? 7. What does he say about Samuel? 8. Who was "a man after [God's] own heart"? 9. What do you think that expression means? 10. How is this person connected to Jesus? 11. What does Paul say about John the Baptist? 12. Paul next gives a short summary of the life of Jesus. Who didn't recognize Jesus? 13. What happened after Jesus was unjustly executed? 14. Who were witnesses of this? 15. Paul, as Peter did before, quotes from several psalms. Why does he do that? 16. Why is it impossible that these psalms refer to David? 17. How is faith in Christ better than the law of Moses? 18. Paul ends the sermon with a warning. What is it? 19. How did the people respond to Paul's first message? 20. Trouble started the next Sabbath day. What happened? 21. What new group do Paul and Barnabas turn to next? 22. How did this new group respond? 23. Who managed to get Paul and Barnabas expelled from the region? 24. Before leaving, they shook the dust from their feet. Where have we heard that expression before in Luke's gospel? 25. What does Luke say about the believers left behind?
Poets and Prophets
For those who owe me work, turn it in immediately. For the rest of you, there is no assignment for next week, but it is always wise to review.
Introduction to French
Watch a 13-minute video about St. Malo here. (That is the city where Ann will be staying in la Bretagne, France.) While you are watching it (or after), respond to the following. Due no later than noon on Wednesday, April 15.
1. What are the aspects of the city that the videographer gives the most attention to? Name several within and outside the wall of the city. 2. What is your impression of the city? Is it a place you might like to visit? Why or why not? 3. Ask a question or two about what you saw. (The sound track uses Celtic music because La Bretagne has a Celtic background.)
Intermediate French
No new assignments, but it is always wise to review.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Troll Island Notes 17: Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Literature 7-8
Answer the following questions about "Jabberwocky." Follow directions carefully. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8.
Sound effects. 1. What is the rhyme pattern used? 2. Write out one entire stanza and clearly mark the syllables that receive a strong accent. 3. Write out and clearly mark 4 lines that use alliteration, assonance, or both. 4. Write out and explain 2 examples of onomatopoeia. 5. Write out 2 lines that use internal rhyme. Parts of Speech. An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun; a verb is a word that shows an action; an interjection is a word that expresses emotion and can stand on its own. 6. Write out all of the following words from the poem and tell which part of speech each one is: a) galumph; b) vorpal; c) manxome; d) chortle; e) callooh; f) gimble; g) beamish; h) whiffle; i) uffish; j) burble; k) frumious; l) callay; m) chortle; n) frabjous.
American Literature
Notes: You will have noticed the harsh language that come out of the soldiers' mouths. Crane had to soften it some because of the standards of his time, but you still get the idea. Among other things, the soldiers take God's name in vain. We never see them, however, praying to God or expressing any kind of reverence for him. The only god that receives any reverence is the bloody god of battle.
It is not until ch. 20 that Henry sees the actual faces of a living enemy. He has seen a dead Confederate, and he has talked to a live one when he was on guard duty--but he never saw him. In the battle, they have always been obscured by distance and the clouds of smoke that swirl around the battlefield. He will be seeing a lot more of them before it is all over.
It was mentioned at one point that they are fighting along the Rappahannock, a river in eastern Virginia. Many battles were fought in that region during the Civil War, and most of them were Northern defeats. Some scholars believe that the battle described in this book was the Battle of Chancellorsville; others are no so sure. At any rate, it is loud, confusing, and violent. Through it all, Henry is growing as a soldier and as a man.
Assignment: Read chs. 21-22 and answer the following in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8.
[21] 1. How do the veterans behind them react to the fighting of Henry's regiment? 2. What gives Henry a "large astonishment"? 3. He sees the officer who called them "mule drivers." Why is this officer so angry at the colonel of the regiment? 4. What does the lieutenant have to say about all this? 5. Why does the regiment feel like "cuffed and cursed animals"? 6. How doe Henry and Wilson feel about their personal performance in the fighting so far? 7. Why does one of the soldiers keep talking about a "jimhickey"? 8. Write out a sparkle from this chapter and comment on it. [22] 9. During a pause in the battle, Henry has the chance to see what is happening nearby without being directly a part of it. What are some of the things he notices? 10. What's the big deal about a farmer's fence? 11. When Henry's regiment returns to the battle, the fighting is as bad as any he has seen. Write out a sparkle that shows this.
British Literature
Answer the following questions on "Ozymandias." Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8.
1. This is a sonnet: a) What is the basic meter? b) What is the rhyme pattern? c) What is the main point it is making? d) How is this different from the sonnets of Wyatt, Sidney, Spenser, and Shakespeare? 2. This sonnet uses a number of other "sound effects": a) Write out l. 5 and clearly mark the alliteration and assonance there. b) Do the same for l. 14. c) Line 14 also uses onomatopoeia. Explain. d) Write out and mark one other line that uses any of these 3 devices. 3. Line 8 uses an ellipsis: a) What is an ellipsis? b) How does it work in this line? 4. Shelley was classically educated, so he knew the Bible even though he didn't believe it was the Word of God. Yesterday's video made a connection with the expression "King of Kings," but there's more. Skim through Daniel 2 and briefly explain how it relates to this poem. 5. Shelley also knew much about the ancient world, including the Seven Wonders. In l. 13 he is alluding to the Colossus at Rhodes. Use a reliable source of information to find out about this Wonder. What did you find out? 6. The poem is a great example of irony. Explain.
C.S. Lewis
Remember to read and email me about Perelandra. See earlier post.
Luke and Acts
Acts 13 begins narrating the story of Paul's first missionary journey. You may have a map of it in your Bible, or you can use the one here. Answer the following questions from Acts 13: 1-12 in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
1. Look at your map. Roughly what shape does the first missionary journey have? 2. Barnabas, Saul, and John Mark have come back from Jerusalem. Where are they now? 3. We have heard of John Mark before in Acts 12:12. Explain. 4. Luke tells us first about the prophets and teachers at the church there: a) Lucius comes from Cyrene. Where is Cyrene? b) Where have you heard about Cyrene before in Luke's gospel? c) Manaen, another leader, has an unusual backstory. Explain. d) How did these leaders know to set apart Barnabas and Saul? e) They first fasted, prayed, and then laid their hands on them. What do you think this last action is supposed to symbolize?
5. Cyprus is their first destination. In what direction are they going? 6. What was the first city they went to? 7. Where in that city did they preach? 8. Why does it make sense that they would start in that place rather than, say, a marketplace or a city square? 9. What was John Mark's role? 10. What was the next city they came to? 11. How does Luke introduce Bar-Jesus(also called Elymas)? 12. Who is Sergius Paulus? 13. Why does Saul/ Paul put a curse on Elymas? 14. What was the curse? 15. How is it fitting that Paul would use this particular form of punishment against him? 16. What effect did this have on Sergius Paulus? 17. What story in Acts 8 does this one resemble?
Poets and Prophets
The woes in ch. 28 were centered on Ephraim, the northern kingdom. Now in ch. 29 Isaiah turns to Jerusalem and the southern kingdom. Answer the following in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
1. How does Isaiah seem to be dismissive of Jerusalem's religious rituals? 2. In chapter 1 he has done this before. Quote a verse that shows this. 3. Amos 5:21-22 makes a similar point. Write it out. 4. God says he will make Ariel like an altar hearth. a) How is this a pun (see your Bible footnotes)? b) What is something worthless you commonly find in a hearth? 5. How will Jerusalem be like a ghost? 6. Who will be made like fine dust and chaff? 7. Relate this to Ps. 1. 8. The images of the coming of the Lord are familiar to us by now. What is one place we have seen many of them before? 9. Explain how the metaphors of sleeping and dreaming relate to Jerusalem. 10. Who are Jerusalem's eyes? 11. Explain that metaphor. 12. How is this vision like a sealed book? 13. Jesus quotes part of v. 13 in Matt. 15:8-9. to whom is he speaking there? 14. Explain Isaiah's use of the potter image. 15. Summarize the reversals predicted in vv. 17-21. 16. What reversals did Isaiah predict in ch. 2B? 17. How does v. 18 recall ch. 9A? 18. Summarize the reversals in vv. 22-24.
Introduction to French
Ch. 2 gives us a lot of information about Ann's destination. Voila une carte pour vous aider. Answer the following questions as instructed. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
A. All of the following words are used in this chapter. Write out the word and the meaning in English. 1. souffler 2. artichaud 3. chou-fleur 4. arracher 5. epee (with accents) 6. chevalier 7. ble (with an accent).
B. Answer all of the following in complete French sentences.
1. Ou se trouve la ville de St-Malo? 2. Ou se trouve la Bretagne? 3. Est-ce qu'il y a des tempetes en Bretagne? 4. Qu'est-ce qu'on cultive en Bretagne? 5. Les maisons sont souvent des quelles couleurs? 6. De quelles couleurs sont les fleurs? 7. Est-ce qu'il y a beaucoup de touristes qui visitent la Bretagne? 8. De quelle couleur est la Cote Emeraude? 9. Comment est le sable a la plage? 10. Est-ce qu'on attrape les poissons en Bretagne? 11. La ville de Carnac est celebre pour quoi? 12. Un menhir, que'st-ce que c'est? 13. Un dolmen, qu'est-ce que c'est? 14. Pourquoi est la foret de Broceliande celebre? 15. Une galette, qu'est-ce que c'est?
C. Translate into English the next to last paragraph in the chapter. You may only use the glossary in the book.
Intermediate French
Read "Revision 2" and answer the questions at the end. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
Advanced French
Finissez Partie 1 (chaptire 6) pour jeudi le 16 avril. Repondez par courriel electronique.
Answer the following questions about "Jabberwocky." Follow directions carefully. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8.
Sound effects. 1. What is the rhyme pattern used? 2. Write out one entire stanza and clearly mark the syllables that receive a strong accent. 3. Write out and clearly mark 4 lines that use alliteration, assonance, or both. 4. Write out and explain 2 examples of onomatopoeia. 5. Write out 2 lines that use internal rhyme. Parts of Speech. An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun; a verb is a word that shows an action; an interjection is a word that expresses emotion and can stand on its own. 6. Write out all of the following words from the poem and tell which part of speech each one is: a) galumph; b) vorpal; c) manxome; d) chortle; e) callooh; f) gimble; g) beamish; h) whiffle; i) uffish; j) burble; k) frumious; l) callay; m) chortle; n) frabjous.
American Literature
Notes: You will have noticed the harsh language that come out of the soldiers' mouths. Crane had to soften it some because of the standards of his time, but you still get the idea. Among other things, the soldiers take God's name in vain. We never see them, however, praying to God or expressing any kind of reverence for him. The only god that receives any reverence is the bloody god of battle.
It is not until ch. 20 that Henry sees the actual faces of a living enemy. He has seen a dead Confederate, and he has talked to a live one when he was on guard duty--but he never saw him. In the battle, they have always been obscured by distance and the clouds of smoke that swirl around the battlefield. He will be seeing a lot more of them before it is all over.
It was mentioned at one point that they are fighting along the Rappahannock, a river in eastern Virginia. Many battles were fought in that region during the Civil War, and most of them were Northern defeats. Some scholars believe that the battle described in this book was the Battle of Chancellorsville; others are no so sure. At any rate, it is loud, confusing, and violent. Through it all, Henry is growing as a soldier and as a man.
Assignment: Read chs. 21-22 and answer the following in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8.
[21] 1. How do the veterans behind them react to the fighting of Henry's regiment? 2. What gives Henry a "large astonishment"? 3. He sees the officer who called them "mule drivers." Why is this officer so angry at the colonel of the regiment? 4. What does the lieutenant have to say about all this? 5. Why does the regiment feel like "cuffed and cursed animals"? 6. How doe Henry and Wilson feel about their personal performance in the fighting so far? 7. Why does one of the soldiers keep talking about a "jimhickey"? 8. Write out a sparkle from this chapter and comment on it. [22] 9. During a pause in the battle, Henry has the chance to see what is happening nearby without being directly a part of it. What are some of the things he notices? 10. What's the big deal about a farmer's fence? 11. When Henry's regiment returns to the battle, the fighting is as bad as any he has seen. Write out a sparkle that shows this.
British Literature
Answer the following questions on "Ozymandias." Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8.
1. This is a sonnet: a) What is the basic meter? b) What is the rhyme pattern? c) What is the main point it is making? d) How is this different from the sonnets of Wyatt, Sidney, Spenser, and Shakespeare? 2. This sonnet uses a number of other "sound effects": a) Write out l. 5 and clearly mark the alliteration and assonance there. b) Do the same for l. 14. c) Line 14 also uses onomatopoeia. Explain. d) Write out and mark one other line that uses any of these 3 devices. 3. Line 8 uses an ellipsis: a) What is an ellipsis? b) How does it work in this line? 4. Shelley was classically educated, so he knew the Bible even though he didn't believe it was the Word of God. Yesterday's video made a connection with the expression "King of Kings," but there's more. Skim through Daniel 2 and briefly explain how it relates to this poem. 5. Shelley also knew much about the ancient world, including the Seven Wonders. In l. 13 he is alluding to the Colossus at Rhodes. Use a reliable source of information to find out about this Wonder. What did you find out? 6. The poem is a great example of irony. Explain.
C.S. Lewis
Remember to read and email me about Perelandra. See earlier post.
Luke and Acts
Acts 13 begins narrating the story of Paul's first missionary journey. You may have a map of it in your Bible, or you can use the one here. Answer the following questions from Acts 13: 1-12 in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
1. Look at your map. Roughly what shape does the first missionary journey have? 2. Barnabas, Saul, and John Mark have come back from Jerusalem. Where are they now? 3. We have heard of John Mark before in Acts 12:12. Explain. 4. Luke tells us first about the prophets and teachers at the church there: a) Lucius comes from Cyrene. Where is Cyrene? b) Where have you heard about Cyrene before in Luke's gospel? c) Manaen, another leader, has an unusual backstory. Explain. d) How did these leaders know to set apart Barnabas and Saul? e) They first fasted, prayed, and then laid their hands on them. What do you think this last action is supposed to symbolize?
5. Cyprus is their first destination. In what direction are they going? 6. What was the first city they went to? 7. Where in that city did they preach? 8. Why does it make sense that they would start in that place rather than, say, a marketplace or a city square? 9. What was John Mark's role? 10. What was the next city they came to? 11. How does Luke introduce Bar-Jesus(also called Elymas)? 12. Who is Sergius Paulus? 13. Why does Saul/ Paul put a curse on Elymas? 14. What was the curse? 15. How is it fitting that Paul would use this particular form of punishment against him? 16. What effect did this have on Sergius Paulus? 17. What story in Acts 8 does this one resemble?
Poets and Prophets
The woes in ch. 28 were centered on Ephraim, the northern kingdom. Now in ch. 29 Isaiah turns to Jerusalem and the southern kingdom. Answer the following in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
1. How does Isaiah seem to be dismissive of Jerusalem's religious rituals? 2. In chapter 1 he has done this before. Quote a verse that shows this. 3. Amos 5:21-22 makes a similar point. Write it out. 4. God says he will make Ariel like an altar hearth. a) How is this a pun (see your Bible footnotes)? b) What is something worthless you commonly find in a hearth? 5. How will Jerusalem be like a ghost? 6. Who will be made like fine dust and chaff? 7. Relate this to Ps. 1. 8. The images of the coming of the Lord are familiar to us by now. What is one place we have seen many of them before? 9. Explain how the metaphors of sleeping and dreaming relate to Jerusalem. 10. Who are Jerusalem's eyes? 11. Explain that metaphor. 12. How is this vision like a sealed book? 13. Jesus quotes part of v. 13 in Matt. 15:8-9. to whom is he speaking there? 14. Explain Isaiah's use of the potter image. 15. Summarize the reversals predicted in vv. 17-21. 16. What reversals did Isaiah predict in ch. 2B? 17. How does v. 18 recall ch. 9A? 18. Summarize the reversals in vv. 22-24.
Introduction to French
Ch. 2 gives us a lot of information about Ann's destination. Voila une carte pour vous aider. Answer the following questions as instructed. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
A. All of the following words are used in this chapter. Write out the word and the meaning in English. 1. souffler 2. artichaud 3. chou-fleur 4. arracher 5. epee (with accents) 6. chevalier 7. ble (with an accent).
B. Answer all of the following in complete French sentences.
1. Ou se trouve la ville de St-Malo? 2. Ou se trouve la Bretagne? 3. Est-ce qu'il y a des tempetes en Bretagne? 4. Qu'est-ce qu'on cultive en Bretagne? 5. Les maisons sont souvent des quelles couleurs? 6. De quelles couleurs sont les fleurs? 7. Est-ce qu'il y a beaucoup de touristes qui visitent la Bretagne? 8. De quelle couleur est la Cote Emeraude? 9. Comment est le sable a la plage? 10. Est-ce qu'on attrape les poissons en Bretagne? 11. La ville de Carnac est celebre pour quoi? 12. Un menhir, que'st-ce que c'est? 13. Un dolmen, qu'est-ce que c'est? 14. Pourquoi est la foret de Broceliande celebre? 15. Une galette, qu'est-ce que c'est?
C. Translate into English the next to last paragraph in the chapter. You may only use the glossary in the book.
Intermediate French
Read "Revision 2" and answer the questions at the end. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
Advanced French
Finissez Partie 1 (chaptire 6) pour jeudi le 16 avril. Repondez par courriel electronique.
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