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Friday, April 3, 2020

Troll Island Notes 15: Friday, April 3, 2020

Literature 7-8
Part of the fun of the poem is the story itself. But the author also enjoys using a rather exaggerated sophisticated vocabulary to describe a local baseball game.  Please give the meaning of the following words and phrases as they are used in the poem.  Your glossary may help you with some of them. Some of them are idioms.   1. Mudville nine  2. died at first  3. patrons of the game  4. get a whack  5. put up even money  6. melancholy  7. tore the cover off the ball  8. dell  9. recoiled  10. bearing  11.  doff  12. writhing  13. haughty grandeur  14. unheeded  15. visage  16. spheroid  17. fraud. Due no later than noon on Monday, April 6.

American Literature
Read chs. 18-19 and answer the following questions Due no later than noon on Monday, April 6. (Ch. 18) 1. What is notable about the death of Jimmie Rogers?  2. Why did Henry and Wilson leave the ranks?  3. How did the general show his lack of concern for a wounded man?  4. What insulting remark did he make about Henry's regiment?  5. The narrator says of Henry, "New eyes were given to him."  What do Henry's new eyes tell him?  6. Henry and Wilson also learn what his regiment is going to be doing next.  What is it?  7. What part of the overheard conversation do Henry and Wilson keep to themselves?  (ch. 19)  8. What part of the field are they heading for?  9.  What does Henry look like?  10. Crane gives a powerful impression of a battle from a soldier's point of view. Write out a sparkle from this section.  11.  The men pause before they reach their objective.  Which officer gets them started again?  12.  What kind of language does he use?  13.  The men pause a second time.  What does the officer do to Henry?  14.  Describe how Henry responds to this treatment. 15. What does the narrator describe as "a creation of beauty and invulnerability....a goddess"?  16.  Henry and Wilson struggle with each other during the battle.  Explain.  17. A dead man is also involved in the same struggle.  Explain.  18. From a psychological point of view, account for the actions of Henry and Wilson in this final scene of the chapter.

British Literature
Part 1 of PG due Monday.  Follow instructions given earlier.

C.S. Lewis
See earlier post and follow instructions given.

Luke and Acts
Review activity.  As we have seen, the book of Acts so far has been about expansion of various kinds.  1.  What are the 3 kinds of expansion I noted in the previous post?  But there are also other motifs that tie together the first 12 chapters.  One of these motifs is baptism.  2. Find 5 examples of someone being baptized in Acts 1-12, and record your findings this way:  Make a chart or table of 4 columns.  In the first column, give the chapter and verse of the example.  In the second column, identify the person or group that was baptized.  In the third column, identify who performed the baptism. In the fourth column, identify the town or place where the baptism happened. 
Another important motif is prayer.  3. Find 5 examples of someone praying in Acts 1-12, and record your findings this way:  Make a chart or table of 4 columns.  In the first column, give the chapter and verse of the example.  In the second column, identify the person or group that was praying.  In the third column, identify what they were praying about or (if we aren't give their words) their circumstances. In the fourth column, identify as precisely as possible where the prayer took place. 
Prayer is also a motif in Luke's gospel.  4. Make a similar chart with 5 examples taken from the gospel of Luke. Due no later than noon on Monday, April 6.

Poets and Prophets
Read through Is. 28. Then clearly explain in one complete sentence (each) how the following images and metaphors are used there.  If you're not sure, make an educated guess or use a reliable secondary resource like a commentary or study Bible. The images are not necessarily in order:  1. covenant of death;  2. drunkenness;  3. a cornerstone;  4. a wreath;  5. caraway and cumin (or cummin);   6.   a crown;  7. a plumb line (if you don't know what that is, find out);  8. a hailstorm.  9. Also please explain what is going on with the childish repetitions in vv. 10, 13.  Due no later than noon on Monday, April 6.

Introduction to French

Our next book is Presque Mort. You should have picked up a copy at school by now. Read ch. 1.  Write and answer in French 10 factual questions based on the chapter.  Also write down any new French words you encounter and their meanings.  This will be due no later than Tuesday at noon.

Intermediate French
Just ch. 12 for Tuesday at noon.  Follow the usual procedure. 

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