Literature 7-8
1. Today we pause in our nonfiction unit to review some literary terms, using the "Guide to Literary Terms and Techniques" in the back of your anthology. According to the guide, what is "nonfiction"? 2. The guide cites 3 different kinds of nonfiction: a) what are they, and b) what does each mean?
3. "Allusion" is a word we have used a lot this year. According to the guide, what does it mean? 4. What example does it give from Emily Dickinson? 5. What example does it give from Edgar Allan Poe? 6. What does this entry say about Shakespeare and other writers? 7. What poem did we read of Shakespeare's?
8. "Ballad" is another term we have used before. According to the guide, what does it mean? 9. What is an example that we have studied together? 10. In one sentence, what was it about? 11. In your previous answer, you should have referred to a kind of conflict. According to the guide, what does this term mean? 12. What is the main conflict in "The Coyotes"?
13. According to the guide, what is meant by "connotation"? 14. How is it different from "denotation"? 15. According to the guide, what are the connotations of beans in the example given? 16. Now be creative. Give 5 positive connotations of "fire." 17. Now give 5 negative ones. 18.Which connotations are central in "Forest Fire"?
19. "Dialect" is another word we have used. According to the guide, what does it mean? 20. We studied a poem by an African-American poet that used dialect. What was the title of the poem?
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
American Literature
1. Read "About the Author" p. 510. Answer in complete sentences. What is his best-known work? 2. What career did he follow while he was also writing poems? 3. What ancient collection of poems inspired him? 4. How was his own first book received? 5. Read "About the Selections" on the same page. What is an epitaph? 6. What are these poems about?
7. Read "Lucinda Matlock" and answer the "Reviewing the Selection" questions 1-8.
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
British Literature
I am planning to have a Zoom meeting later this week (Wednesday?) to discuss The Power and the Glory. Details will follow by email, but I plan to have a question and answer session. We will start with your questions, and then we'll do mine. I am especially interested in two things: 1. the priest as a Christ figure and 2. the sympathetic portrayal of several unbelievers and unsympathetic portrayals of some "believers." Students who have not yet finished the book or who do not attend will be given an alternative written assignment. Come, and come prepared. Plan on about an hour.
"When I Have Fears" by John Keats. Respond in complete sentences. 1. Note 5 things about the author that are worth knowing. 2. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. Which did you do? 3. What are your initial impressions of the poem (30 words)? 4. How many stresses are in each line? 5. What is the rhyme pattern? 5. This poem is an example of a __________. 6. What do these words mean in context? a) glean, b) charactry, c) garners, d) romance, e) relish, f) unreflecting. In what sense is it a love poem? 7. What do you think it is saying about love?
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
C.S. Lewis
Sophomores have an assignment due later today (Monday); juniors, the same assignment for Tuesday; seniors, the same assignment for Wednesday. See previous post.
Luke and Acts
1. Read Acts 16:16-40. Use complete sentences in your responses. There are essentially 3 parts to the story: before jail, in jail, and after jail. Retell each part in your own words for a total of about 100 words. 2. The story uses motifs we have seen before in Luke and Acts. Explain with several examples (100 words).
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
Poets and Prophets
Our outline refers to Is. 40-48 as "The Lord's Supremacy Over Worthless Idols." That of course, is not a new idea. 1. In the chapters we have already read together, give the references to 3 places where idols worship is condemned. 2. The psalms also condemn idolatry. Write out an example from Ps. 16. 3. The 10 Commandments also make reference to idolatry--how?
4. Is. 40-66 is sometimes referred to as "The Book of Comfort" because the note of consolation is much more often expressed than it was in Is. 1-39. However, we should not overstate the case. There are many expression of comfort and love there, too. Give 7 examples from chapters 1-39.
Due no later than noon tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28.
French classes: On Friday I emailed your assignments for tomorrow.
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