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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Troll Island Notes 19: Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Literature 7-8
Please read the following and answer all the questions in complete sentences. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
We continue our review of the poetry unit with reflections on "The Road Not Taken"  (p. 430).  It is a poem about choices.  Sometimes the choices we make have a big impact on our lives: choices about church, education, career, marriage, and so on.  At your stage in life, many of these choices still lie ahead of you.  1. What is a choice that you have made (or that has been made for you) that has had or will have a big impact on you?  But we make smaller choices all the time, or at least, what seem to be smaller choices, choices that don't seem to have far-reaching consequences (though sometimes they do): what to wear, what kind of cereal to eat, which assignment to do first, and so on.  We make hundreds and even thousands of these little choices every day.  2.  What's a little choice you have already made today? 
Frost's poem is a poem about choices we have made.  He says several things about them.  For one thing, we don't know where our choices may lead us.  3.  Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that.  Another thing he says about choices is that our options often look pretty similar.  4. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that.  Still another thing he says about choices is that we don't often get a chance to go back and change them.  5. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that.  The last thing that Frost suggests in the poem is that we tend to exaggerate the importance of some of the decisions that we make.  6. Give a quotation from the poem where the speaker says something like that.
Of course, the Bible has much to say about our choices, too.  7. Briefly retell a story from the book of Acts in which a person makes a choice that may have seemed to be a small one but turned out to be very important.  Explain as much as necessary.

American Literature
Please read the following and answer the questions in complete sentences. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
First, a few notes on the final chapters.  Once again we see the importance of the flag-bearer.  1. Explain what makes a flag-bearer so important in general.  2. Specifically, how does this relate to the final chapters?  We have also noted that in several ways Henry's experiences are progressive, that is, he is gradually introduced to new experiences.  3. What is an example of this?  Another example is his contact with the Confederates.  He saw a dead one early on, but he hasn't seen living ones up close until the final chapters of the book.  Most of the time they have been hidden by distance, by darkness, or by the smoke of battle.  4.  Write out a quotation that refers to this hidden enemy and tell what chapter it is from.  In the final chapters Henry sees living Confederates up close and personal--the 4 prisoners of war.  Each of them is different in appearance but also in their attitudes toward their captors.  5.  Explain.  Most importantly, however, he has had very personal experiences with death.  A key quotation from the novel is found on about the last page.  It says: "He had been to touch the great death, and found that after all, it was but the great death.  He was a man."  6.  Explain what you think this quotation means, not just in the context of the last chapter, but in the context of the whole novel. The final pages depict Henry as being haunted in some way. 7.  In what way?  8.  How has this haunting been instrumental in his growth as a soldier and as a person.  Briefly explain. 

British Literature
Please share your impressions and reflections of the novel to this point.  Include any questions that you may have.  150 words.  Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
Finish the novel no later than noon on Wednesday, April 22.  Continue to follow the procedure we have been using. 

You are to complete Perelandra no later than noon on Wednesday, April 22.  Continue to follow the procedure we have been using. 

Luke and Acts
Read Acts 14: 1-20 and answer the following questions in complete sentences. 
Paul and Barnabas have left Pisidian Antioch for Iconium.  1. What direction are they traveling?  2.  They were having success in Pisidian Antioch. What was the specific reason for leaving?  3. Once they arrived in Iconium, where did they go?  4.  What were the immediate effects of their preaching: a) positive and b) negative?  5.  How did God confirm the truth of their gospel message?  6.  Why did they end up having to leave?  7.  How does this remind you of Stephen? 
Next stop: Lystra, not very far away. 8. What miracle did Paul perform?  9. Name 2 other similar miracles that Peter performed in Acts.  10. Name a similar miracle that Jesus did in the gospel of Luke.  This miracle made an impression on the people there.  11.  What was their inappropriate response?
This response of the people of Lystra can be partly explained by a story from Greek mythology that all of them would have known.  It supposedly took place near Lystra, in  a region known as Phrygia.  Watch  here a short (and rather corny) video retelling the famous story of Philemon and Baucis.  Then answer the following questions, also in complete sentences.   12. Why did Zeus sometimes descend to earth?  13. How did he and Hermes disguise themselves?  14. How did most of the people receive them?  15.  What ended up happening to these people? 16. How were the disguised gods treated at the tiny hut of Philemon and Baucis?  17.  What request did they make of the gods?  18. How were they transformed at the end of their lives?
Back to Paul and Barnabas.  19. According to Paul, why have they come to their city?  20. How have they been able to see God's kindness?  21.  What happened to Paul once some Jews from Pisidian Antioch and Iconium arrived?  22. How does God show kindness to Paul even in these difficult circumstances.  23. Read Acts 8:1 and tell how Paul's escape from death is ironic. 

Poets and Prophets
Read the following and answer all questions in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Thursday, April 16.
For much of its history after the time of Solomon, Israel (the northern kingdom) and Judah (the southern kingdom) were political footballs being kicked around by more powerful countries and alliances.  Egypt is one of those players: no longer as powerful as it once was, but still a force to be reckoned with.  1. What did the Lord say about Egypt in Is. 19?  At the time ch. 31 was proclaimed, the other main player is Assyria.  Read Is. 14:24-27.  2. What does the Lord have in mind for Assyria?  Both Egypt and Assyria are vying for prominence on the world stage.  Look at a map (for example, here ) and see where Israel and Judah are in relation to these 2 other countries.  3. Where are Israel and Judah with respect to Egypt and Assyria?  4. Why would these larger countries have any interest in the smaller ones?  The Lord has already promised a wonderful future for all of them. Read Is. 19:23-25.  5. What image is used to show their unity?  But that time has yet to come.  In Is. 31, there are bitter, violent rivalries that characterize life in those times. 
Read Is. 31:1-32:8.  The Egyptians were famous (or infamous) for their horses and chariots.  6. How do they feature in Ex. 14?  7. How do they feature in Deut. 17:16?  8. According to Is. 31, what danger do these pose?  9. Explain the lion and shepherd metaphor.  10. Explain the bird metaphor.  11. Explain the fire metaphor.  Ch. 32 focuses on the coming righteous kingdom and its king.  In that way, it resembles Is. 11.  12.  What are some of the images used in that chapter to picture the king and his kingdom?  13.  What are some of the images used in Is. 32:1-8 to picture the same thing? 
14. Explain in a few well-chosen sentences how Is. 31 points to Christ and the Church.  15.  Do the same for Is. 32:1-8. 

Introduction to French
Answer the following questions in complete French sentences, unless otherwise instructed.  Try to be accurate with your facts but also with your grammar and spelling.  In many cases, you only need to "turn the question around" to have the words you need to answer with.  You can also probably change the language setting on your computer to recognize French.  Figure out how to do that if you don't already know.  That will enable the computer to pick up on your mistakes and suggest changes to make it more accurate.  It's a great tool (unfortunately, I can't do that on this blog).  And it's not cheating.  Do not use online translators, however, or any work that is not your own. Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.
1. Est-ce qu'Ann est heureuse? 2. Ann va de Billerica a Boston.  Comment s'appelle l'aeroport a Boston?  3. Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans l'avion?  4.  Elle parle avec qui?  5.  L'avion arrive a Paris.  Comment s'appelle l'aeroport?  6.  Comment est-ce qu'elle va de Paris a Rennes?  7. Translate the part of the paragraph on p. 11 that tells about her host family.  8. Ann est surprise dans le restaurant.  Pourquoi?  9. Un croque-monsieur, qu'est-ce que c'est?  10. Est-ce qu'Ann comprend bien le francais dans le restaurant?  11.  Qui est Jacques Cartier?  12. Un corsair, qu'est-ce que c'est?  13.  Comment est-ce qu'Ann va de Rennes a St.-Malo? 14. Translate the paragraph that begins on the bottom of p. 13.  15. Le Mont St.-Michel, qu'est-ce que c'est?  16.  Give the meaning of the following words and suggest a mem to remember it better: a) une galette; b) la dentelle' c) un ecrivain; d) l'essence.
Intermediate French
Revisons Partie 1 et Partie 2.  Repondez aux questions en faisant les phrases completes.  Due tomorrow, Thursday, April 16, no later than noon.  The question numbers correspond to chapter numbers.
1. Pourquoi est Vercingetorix un heros francais?  2. Qui etablit la premiere dynastie en France, et comment elle s'appelle?  3. Comment est-ce que Charlemagne s'interesse a l'intruction?  4. Comment est-ce que l'invasion de l'Angleterre par les Normands importante pour la langue anglaise?  5. Qu'est le reve du roi saint Louis?  6. Comment est-ce que Jeanne d'Arc aide les Francais?  7. Pourquoi est-ce que le roi Louis XI est celebre?  8. Pendant le temps de Francois Ier, comment est-ce que l'architecture des chateaux change?  9. Qu'est-ce qu'arrive la Saint-Barthelmy en 1572?  10. Pourquoi est-ce que le cardinal de Richelieu celebre?  11.  Pourquoi est-ce qu'on appelle Louis XIV "le roi soleil"?  12.  Pourquoi est-ce que la Bastille un symbole de la Revolution francaise?

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