Literature 7-8
Answer the following questions about "Jabberwocky." Follow directions carefully. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8.
Sound effects. 1. What is the rhyme pattern used? 2. Write out one entire stanza and clearly mark the syllables that receive a strong accent. 3. Write out and clearly mark 4 lines that use alliteration, assonance, or both. 4. Write out and explain 2 examples of onomatopoeia. 5. Write out 2 lines that use internal rhyme. Parts of Speech. An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun; a verb is a word that shows an action; an interjection is a word that expresses emotion and can stand on its own. 6. Write out all of the following words from the poem and tell which part of speech each one is: a) galumph; b) vorpal; c) manxome; d) chortle; e) callooh; f) gimble; g) beamish; h) whiffle; i) uffish; j) burble; k) frumious; l) callay; m) chortle; n) frabjous.
American Literature
Notes: You will have noticed the harsh language that come out of the soldiers' mouths. Crane had to soften it some because of the standards of his time, but you still get the idea. Among other things, the soldiers take God's name in vain. We never see them, however, praying to God or expressing any kind of reverence for him. The only god that receives any reverence is the bloody god of battle.
It is not until ch. 20 that Henry sees the actual faces of a living enemy. He has seen a dead Confederate, and he has talked to a live one when he was on guard duty--but he never saw him. In the battle, they have always been obscured by distance and the clouds of smoke that swirl around the battlefield. He will be seeing a lot more of them before it is all over.
It was mentioned at one point that they are fighting along the Rappahannock, a river in eastern Virginia. Many battles were fought in that region during the Civil War, and most of them were Northern defeats. Some scholars believe that the battle described in this book was the Battle of Chancellorsville; others are no so sure. At any rate, it is loud, confusing, and violent. Through it all, Henry is growing as a soldier and as a man.
Assignment: Read chs. 21-22 and answer the following in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8.
[21] 1. How do the veterans behind them react to the fighting of Henry's regiment? 2. What gives Henry a "large astonishment"? 3. He sees the officer who called them "mule drivers." Why is this officer so angry at the colonel of the regiment? 4. What does the lieutenant have to say about all this? 5. Why does the regiment feel like "cuffed and cursed animals"? 6. How doe Henry and Wilson feel about their personal performance in the fighting so far? 7. Why does one of the soldiers keep talking about a "jimhickey"? 8. Write out a sparkle from this chapter and comment on it. [22] 9. During a pause in the battle, Henry has the chance to see what is happening nearby without being directly a part of it. What are some of the things he notices? 10. What's the big deal about a farmer's fence? 11. When Henry's regiment returns to the battle, the fighting is as bad as any he has seen. Write out a sparkle that shows this.
British Literature
Answer the following questions on "Ozymandias." Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8.
1. This is a sonnet: a) What is the basic meter? b) What is the rhyme pattern? c) What is the main point it is making? d) How is this different from the sonnets of Wyatt, Sidney, Spenser, and Shakespeare? 2. This sonnet uses a number of other "sound effects": a) Write out l. 5 and clearly mark the alliteration and assonance there. b) Do the same for l. 14. c) Line 14 also uses onomatopoeia. Explain. d) Write out and mark one other line that uses any of these 3 devices. 3. Line 8 uses an ellipsis: a) What is an ellipsis? b) How does it work in this line? 4. Shelley was classically educated, so he knew the Bible even though he didn't believe it was the Word of God. Yesterday's video made a connection with the expression "King of Kings," but there's more. Skim through Daniel 2 and briefly explain how it relates to this poem. 5. Shelley also knew much about the ancient world, including the Seven Wonders. In l. 13 he is alluding to the Colossus at Rhodes. Use a reliable source of information to find out about this Wonder. What did you find out? 6. The poem is a great example of irony. Explain.
C.S. Lewis
Remember to read and email me about Perelandra. See earlier post.
Luke and Acts
Acts 13 begins narrating the story of Paul's first missionary journey. You may have a map of it in your Bible, or you can use the one here. Answer the following questions from Acts 13: 1-12 in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
1. Look at your map. Roughly what shape does the first missionary journey have? 2. Barnabas, Saul, and John Mark have come back from Jerusalem. Where are they now? 3. We have heard of John Mark before in Acts 12:12. Explain. 4. Luke tells us first about the prophets and teachers at the church there: a) Lucius comes from Cyrene. Where is Cyrene? b) Where have you heard about Cyrene before in Luke's gospel? c) Manaen, another leader, has an unusual backstory. Explain. d) How did these leaders know to set apart Barnabas and Saul? e) They first fasted, prayed, and then laid their hands on them. What do you think this last action is supposed to symbolize?
5. Cyprus is their first destination. In what direction are they going? 6. What was the first city they went to? 7. Where in that city did they preach? 8. Why does it make sense that they would start in that place rather than, say, a marketplace or a city square? 9. What was John Mark's role? 10. What was the next city they came to? 11. How does Luke introduce Bar-Jesus(also called Elymas)? 12. Who is Sergius Paulus? 13. Why does Saul/ Paul put a curse on Elymas? 14. What was the curse? 15. How is it fitting that Paul would use this particular form of punishment against him? 16. What effect did this have on Sergius Paulus? 17. What story in Acts 8 does this one resemble?
Poets and Prophets
The woes in ch. 28 were centered on Ephraim, the northern kingdom. Now in ch. 29 Isaiah turns to Jerusalem and the southern kingdom. Answer the following in complete sentences. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
1. How does Isaiah seem to be dismissive of Jerusalem's religious rituals? 2. In chapter 1 he has done this before. Quote a verse that shows this. 3. Amos 5:21-22 makes a similar point. Write it out. 4. God says he will make Ariel like an altar hearth. a) How is this a pun (see your Bible footnotes)? b) What is something worthless you commonly find in a hearth? 5. How will Jerusalem be like a ghost? 6. Who will be made like fine dust and chaff? 7. Relate this to Ps. 1. 8. The images of the coming of the Lord are familiar to us by now. What is one place we have seen many of them before? 9. Explain how the metaphors of sleeping and dreaming relate to Jerusalem. 10. Who are Jerusalem's eyes? 11. Explain that metaphor. 12. How is this vision like a sealed book? 13. Jesus quotes part of v. 13 in Matt. 15:8-9. to whom is he speaking there? 14. Explain Isaiah's use of the potter image. 15. Summarize the reversals predicted in vv. 17-21. 16. What reversals did Isaiah predict in ch. 2B? 17. How does v. 18 recall ch. 9A? 18. Summarize the reversals in vv. 22-24.
Introduction to French
Ch. 2 gives us a lot of information about Ann's destination. Voila une carte pour vous aider. Answer the following questions as instructed. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
A. All of the following words are used in this chapter. Write out the word and the meaning in English. 1. souffler 2. artichaud 3. chou-fleur 4. arracher 5. epee (with accents) 6. chevalier 7. ble (with an accent).
B. Answer all of the following in complete French sentences.
1. Ou se trouve la ville de St-Malo? 2. Ou se trouve la Bretagne? 3. Est-ce qu'il y a des tempetes en Bretagne? 4. Qu'est-ce qu'on cultive en Bretagne? 5. Les maisons sont souvent des quelles couleurs? 6. De quelles couleurs sont les fleurs? 7. Est-ce qu'il y a beaucoup de touristes qui visitent la Bretagne? 8. De quelle couleur est la Cote Emeraude? 9. Comment est le sable a la plage? 10. Est-ce qu'on attrape les poissons en Bretagne? 11. La ville de Carnac est celebre pour quoi? 12. Un menhir, que'st-ce que c'est? 13. Un dolmen, qu'est-ce que c'est? 14. Pourquoi est la foret de Broceliande celebre? 15. Une galette, qu'est-ce que c'est?
C. Translate into English the next to last paragraph in the chapter. You may only use the glossary in the book.
Intermediate French
Read "Revision 2" and answer the questions at the end. Due no later than noon tomorrow, Wednesday April 8.
Advanced French
Finissez Partie 1 (chaptire 6) pour jeudi le 16 avril. Repondez par courriel electronique.
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