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Monday, December 21, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.21.20

L 7-8

If you have any work still out, get it in.  You may also read ahead if you wish and save yourself some time later.  No new assignments.

L 9-10

Students with missing assignments should turn them in. 

For Tuesday, 12.22: Read chs. 3 & 4 and respond.

1. We are still in the exposition section of the novel.  What does "exposition" mean in this context?

2. Mark Twain is using heavy doses of humor at this point.  Give an example. (25 words)

3. Pap is not a figure of fun here.  How do you know that Huck finds him to be a threatening figure?

4. Huck is superstitious.  Give an example from one of these chapters.

5.  Although Huck is superstitious, he doesn't automatically believe everything.  What are 2 things he is skeptical about? 

6. This novel is in part a satire. 

    a. What does that term mean?

    b. What is one of the targets of Twain's satire?

7. Read the "Explanatory" note in the very front of the book. 

    a. What is the main point?

    b. How does this make Jim's speech somewhat less objectionable? 


Students with missing work should turn it in. 

For Tuesday, 12.22: Read and respond to Act III as you were to do for Acts I & II. 


Students with missing work should turn it in.  No new assignment, but you may read ahead, of course. 

 B 7-8

If you have any work still out, get it in.  You may also read ahead if you wish and save yourself some time later.  No new assignments.

B 9-10

If you have any work still out, get it in.  You may also read ahead if you wish and save yourself some time later.  No new assignments.


Students with missing work should turn it in.

For Tuesday, 12.22:

Here are a few words in ch. 1 that you may not know yet.  Use them in your reading. (They are in the order in which they appear in the book.)

Elle a seize ans.  = She is sixteen years old.

non plus = either

onzieme annee = eleventh year (= junior year of high school)

elle laisse = she leaves (something)

mauvais = bad

Tu as besoin de = You need (something)

l'argent = money

il rit = he laughs

le chenmisier = blouse

le centre commercial = mall

acheter = to buy

les vetements = clothes

les chaussures = shoes

economiser = to save money

Now read straight through the chapter.  Don't worry if you're not understanding everything. Summarize what you do understand in a short paragraph in English.


Theo: no assignment.  Dominic & Jimmy: Turn in your late work.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.18.20

L 7-8

For Monday, 12.21: Read chapter 12.  As you read, pay attention to a) the kinds of work Kit is doing, who she is doing it for, and why; b) Nat's thoughts on her, Hannah, and the political problems in New England; and her harsh reception at home.  Then write your own 10-question quiz based on those parts of the chapter.  Answer the questions you have written.

L 9-10

For Monday, 12.21: Read chs. 1 & 2 of Huckleberry Finn.  As you read, pay attention to a) how Huck portrays the Christian household he is now living in; b) the cringe-inducing way Huck speaks of the black people (not just the n-word); and c) his nighttime adventure. 

When you have finished, write a personal response that focuses on these three aspects of the chapters. You may include questions that you have.  Do not merely summarize.  One good paragraph should do it. 


For Monday, 12.21: Read Act II and respond as instructed in the previous post. 


For Monday, 12.21: I will be emailing you some comments on this chapter and on the book so far.  Read it and respond with questions and thoughts.   A good paragraph should do it. 

B 7-8

For Monday, 12.21:  We will spend another day on the Naaman story. 

1. Servants are a strong motif in this story. 

    a. Which servant tells Naaman's wife about Elisha?

    b. Naaman calls himself a servant.  Whose servant is he in v. 6?

    c. Whose servant is he in verses 15-18?

    d.  Explain why he refers to himself that way in verses 15-18.

    e. What do Naaman's own servants persuade him to do?

    f.  What affectionate term do they use of him in v. 13?

    g. Gehazi is Elisha's servant, but not a very good one.  Explain. 

2. At first, Elisha treated Naaman rather rudely.

    a. What was rude about his treatment?

    b. Why might he have acted that way?

3. Naaman is a changed man.

    a. What means did the Lord use to change his body?

    b. Which Christian sacrament (ritual) does this resemble?

    c. His heart has changed too.  How can you tell?  Give 2 ways.

    d. What do you suppose is the point about all that stuff about the dirt?

4. This story uses an inclusio--it begins and ends  same way, with leprosy.  What does the Lord expect of those who claim to be his followers, both Gentile (like Naaman) or Jew (like Gehazi)? 

B 9-10

For Monday, 12.21: Read and respond to Genesis 44.  Do not merely summarize.  Questions are always welcome, but I am interested most of all in your thoughts. 


Pick up Pauvre Anne if you have not already done so. 


For Monday, 12.21:

Theo: continue your independent reading as before.

Dominic and Jimmy: Read ch. 2 and do the QSJ questions, sections A & C.  If you wish, you may do B for extra credit.  Ask questions if you have them. 


Je suis content d'avoir deux etudiantes aussi excellentes que vous.  Pas de devoirs.  Joyeux Noel!


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.17.20

L 7-8

For Friday, 12.18: Read ch. 11.  Write and answer 10 how/why questions.

L 9-10

For Friday, 12.18: I will be emailing you an introductory essay about Huckleberry Finn.  Read it and respond to it briefly, including questions.  Don't just tell me you read it and that you agree with everything.  Please put a little thought into it.  After you have done that, read chs. 1 & 2 for Monday


For Friday, 12.18: Read Act I, keeping in mind the things I have told you to watch for.  Respond in a paragraph of about 100 words.  You may include a sparkle if you wish.

Besides reading the play (not instead of it), you may wish to watch it performed, or at least watch parts of it.  This version uses a different translation, and you will probably notice some other differences, but it may be worth checking out. 


For Friday, 12.18: Read and know ch. 6, "The White Rider."

B 7-8

For Friday, 12.18: Read II Kings 5. Summarize the main events in a paragraph of no fewer than 100 words. 

B 9-10

For Friday, 12.18: Read Genesis 43 and respond in a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words.  Do not summarize it.  Instead, ask questions and make connections with the Joseph narrative, the book of Genesis (including significant motifs that we have noted), and the Bible as a whole.  Make your response thoughtful and clear. 


For Monday, 12.21: Watch and listen to this short (about three minutes) video in French. The French text will appear at the bottom of the screen.  You should be able to figure it out without much help; it is very simple, and the pictures will help you.  Watch it at least two times.  Let me know when you have finished the assignment. 

Pick up a copy of Pauvre Anne at the school at your earliest convenience.  We will be starting it Monday. 


Your assignment from Wednesday is due on Friday.  See the earlier post. 


Your assignment from Wednesday is due on Friday.  See the earlier post.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.16.20

L 7-8

We are spending another day on ch. 10.  Please respond.  Due by 5:00 pm on Thursday. 12.17. 

1. One of the things that connects Kit and Hannah is that both of them are outsiders in this community, although for different reasons.  Read here about what Quakers today say about what they believe.  What are their four "shared practices"?  Tell in your own words what they mean.

2.  Why does Rachel think Quakers are dangerous?

3.  a. Why is Kit willing to risk punishment by continuing to visit Hannah? 

    b. How might this show something positive about Kit? 

    c. How might this be seen by some in a negative way?

4. How does Uncle Matthew criticize  John Holbrook?

5. How has Kit's teaching changed?

6. How does Hannah earn money to help pay for taxes and fines?

7. What does she pay taxes on?

8. What is she fined for?

9. a. Who is Hannah's "sailor friend"?

    b. How does he show his friendship for her?

    c. What is there about him that irritates Kit so much?

L 9-10

Today we are reviewing the unit on short stories.  Create a chart/table with several columns in which the following information is accurately and neatly displayed.  For each story in the unit:

1. the name of the story

2. the author

3. one unusual fact about the author

4. a one-sentence summary of the plot

5. one unusual feature of the story--be specific

6. the theme of the story

7. your personal rating (1-5 stars) and why--be specific, but brief

Due by 5:00 pm on Thursday. 12.17. 


Some more background may be helpful before you begin reading. 

1. This kind of play is called a tragicomedy.  Just as in real life, the silly and the absurd stand side by side with matters of great seriousness and potential tragedy. That will be apparent from the very first pages of this play.  Characters speak and act oddly, yet they are also dealing with some very deep matters.  People's feelings are very much on display. 

2. The Russia portrayed in the play is a Russia in transition.  The old feudal past with its strict separation between one social class and another is breaking down.  You will see some of that already in Act I.  But this is not just a play about sweeping social changes (the Communist Revolution was only about 13 years away).  Many of the characters are going through their  own personal transitions--where do we go from here?  What would be the best thing to do now?  Everything seems unsettled and uncertain, however much some characters would like to believe otherwise.

3. There are two groups at the beginning of the play.  One group (Mme. Ranevsky, Anya, Charlotte, and Yasha) is returning from Paris after living there for five years.  The people in the other group (Barbara, the other daughter; Lophakin and Pishtchik, friendly neighbors; Epikhodof, the clerk; Dunyasha and Firs, the servants; and Trophimof--why is he even around?) have been managing the best they can back in Russia, most not very successfully. 

4. Mme. Ranevsky is the sun around which all the other characters are planets.  Every other character has a significant connection with her as well as smaller connections with each other.  Nearly everyone has a serious problem to deal with.  As you would guess, Mme. Ranevsky's problems are front and center.  Older characters like her have a past that they can't or won't let go of.  Can the younger characters help them with that?  We shall see. 

5. The play is entitled The Cherry Orchard.  It is constantly brooding over the characters physically (it is part of the scenery on stage) or mentally as a frequent topic of conversation.  In the course of the play it will come to mean many things for many people.  That will be very evident already in Act I. 

For Thursday, 12.17:  Read the above and let me know that you have read it.  Questions are welcome, as always.

For Friday, 12.18: Read Act I with these things in mind.  Let me know that you have read it. 

B 7-8

Please read II Kings 4:42-44 and John 6;1-15.   Write a paragraph of no fewer than 100 words in which you compare and contrast the two stories.  Due before 5:00 pm on Thursday, 12.17. 

B 9-10

Read Gen. 42.  In a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words, discuss how the events in this chapter relate to earlier events in Gen. 37-41.  Due before 5:00 pm on Thursday, 12.17.


Return to the page you have just studied.  For each of the words listed here, give the English equivalent and a mem. 

1. les os  2. la cote  3. les poumons  4. le sang  5. le coeur  6. le rein  7. la machoire  8. la dent  9. le cerveau

Due before 5:00 pm on Thursday, 12.17. 


Sur la Route de la Contrebande.

Theo: Read chs. 1 &2.  Write a brief summary and let me know about any problems.

Dominic and Jimmy: Read ch. 1 and let me know about any problems.  Then answer "Que sais-je" A & B in complete sentences. 

Due by 5:00 pm on Friday, 12.18. 


Do some more stories from the same site, the same way, for Friday, 12.17. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.15.20

L 7-8

Read and know ch. 10.  Notice how Kit's relationships with other people are developing, especially Hannah, Judith, and Nat.  Think about why these relationships are developing and what direction they seem to be heading. 

Tell me when you have finished, and take the opportunity to ask questions.  Due Wednesday, 12.16, before 5:00 pm.

L 9-10

Our next story, as it happens, is a classic Christmas tale and a story of young love.  Read "The Gift of the Magi" and the introductory material (pp. 274-279). 

Tell me when you have finished, and take the opportunity to ask questions.  Due Wednesday, 12.16, before 5:00 pm.

Also pick up a copy of our next book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, at the school.  I plan to start it sometime this week, but not tomorrow. 


If you have not already done so, pick up a copy of The Cherry Orchard at school. 

Please read the following:

The author, Anton Chekov (1860-1904), is equally well known as a playwright and a short story writer.  He made his living as a medical doctor, so he had unusual insight into what makes people tick--not just physically, but psychologically, socially, and even spiritually.  His love for people is evident in all of his writings, but at the same time, he doesn't hide their faults. You will see this in the play--the flaws of the characters are right out in the open, and the characters often struggle with them to no avail.  Chekhov often humorously shows how absurd they can be, but he does not do so in a scornful way, as if he were superior.  He knows his audiences and his readers share many of the same faults, and so does the author.  His characters say and do crazy things. but in the end, Chekhov takes them seriously as human beings--and so should we.

The cast of characters is listed on p. ix with a brief explanation.  Russian names are often difficult for Americans to remember, so I've made up some mems that may help you.  (You're welcome.)

Lopakhin even though he is loaded now, is from the lower classes.  His father was a serf, a peasant.

Dunyasha is always doin' stuff, because she is the Ranevskys' maid. 

Epikhodov is also called "Simple Simon."  If you're picky about who you hang out with, you probably won't pick him.

Firs is not fierce.  He's a harmless old servant.  He's the first one people forget about.

Anya is the Russian equivalent of "Annie."  She's still young, inexperienced, and rather naïve. 

Mme. Ranevsky, who owns the estate and the orchard that goes with it, has run out of money. and she runs from her problems instead of facing them.

Barbara is no Barbie doll.  She works trying to keep the estate going. 

Gayef, co-owner of the estate, is a nice guy, but he gets an F in estate management.

Charlotte the governess is not sure what to do now that Anya is growing up.

Pischtchik, as his odd name suggests, is an oddball even among oddballs. 

Yasha imagines himself to be God's gift to women.  He keeps hitting on his rhyming fellow-servant, Dunyasha

Trophimof won't win any trophies as a tutor; people call him an "eternal student."

Use this as a guide when you start reading.  For now, tell me that you have read and understood the above.  Ask a question if you have one.  Due Wednesday, 12.16.

B 7-8

Read II Kings 4: 38-41 and respond. Due Wednesday, 12.16, no later than 5:00 pm.

1. Review: How was Gilgal associated with the conquest of Canaan?

2. Review: When was there a famine in I Kings?

3. Review: When did Elisha meet with a company of prophets before?

4. What is the problem here, and what is the solution?

5. Review: How is this story similar

    a. to II Kings 2:19-22 ?

    b. to II Kings 3?

6. Review: This is a story about giving life.  How does Elisha give life

    a. in II Kings 4:1-7?

    b. in II Kings 4:8-37?

B 9-10

Read Gen. 41:41-57 and respond.  Due Wednesday, 12.16, no later than 5:00 pm.

1. Public recognition for Joseph.

    a. Name 5 ways that happens here.

    b. How did Jacob do this at home?

    c. How was Jesus publicly recognized at birth?

    d. How was he publicly recognized at his baptism?

    e. How was he publicly recognized at his death?

2. Joseph is a trusted assistant.

    a. What does that look lie here?

    b. What did it look like when he was still at home?

    c. What did it look like at Potiphar's house?

    d. What did it look like in prison?

3. What are the names of Joseph's sons, and what meaning does he attach to them?

4. Where else in Genesis did a famine create problems?


More body parts.  Access the next set hereUse the sound files and start learning.


Dominic and Jimmy: Get a copy of Sur la Route de la Contrebande at school.  Read ch. 1 and do the "Que sais-je" A and B.  Due Wed., 12.15 before 5:00 pm.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.14.20

Because a few students are routinely turning in work very late in the day, I am putting specific due times on a number of the assignments.  Please note which those are.

L 7-8

We will spend another day reflecting on ch. 9.  Respond in complete sentences, using correct capitalization, punctuation, etc.  Due no later than 5:00 pm on Tuesday, 12.15.  Extra credit for good work that is turned in before noon. 

1. Explain how Kit's creativity led to her downfall.  (50 words or more)

2. Create a word portrait of Hannah Tupper in your own words.  Include such things as a) her distinctive appearance; b) her distinctive way of talking; c) what she talks about; d) her house, which is an extension of herself; e) how she is able to relate to Kit so well and get through to her.  (100 words or more).

3. Choose a small space, perhaps your bedroom or another area, that (like Hannah's house) bears the imprint of your personality and interests in some way.  Describe how.  (100 words or more).

L 9-10

We will reflect on "Gwilan's Harp" one more day.  Respond no later than 5:00 pm on Tuesday, 12.15.  Extra credit for good work that is turned in before noon. 

1.  Look again at p. 266.

    a. According to your editors, how is this story like a fable?

    b. How is it like a folk tale?

    c. According to the author, what makes science fiction and fantasy so important?

    d. Connect this, if you can, to the story "To Build a Fire."

    e. Outside of your required work for school, what science fiction or fantasy have you read within the last few months?

    f. Ursula LeGuin is also the author of "The Rule of Names," which some of you have read .  If you read it and remember it, tell me in one sentence what it is about. 

2. This story may be about more than the life of one fictional musician.  It can read as an account of what many creative artists may go through. It may reflect the author's own life story as a writer.  Choose a field of creative endeavor that you know something about--music, writing, dance, art, or some other field.  Explain what you think the author may be saying to such people, and why you think so. Use complete sentences and standard English punctuation, grammar, and so on.   (100 words or more)

3. Reread the description of the harp on p. 267--what it looks like and what it sounds like.  Choose an object in your house that, like the harp, is both beautiful itself and a means of creating beauty.  Explain in a creative paragraph written in the style of Ursula LeGuin.   Use complete sentences and standard English punctuation, grammar, and so on. The length is up to you, but make it good and make it complete. 


State in your own words what you think is the theme of The Death of Ivan Ilyich.  Explain why you think so. (150 words or more).  Due Tuesday, 12.15.

Make arrangements with the office to pick up your next book--The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov. 


For Tuesday, 12.15: Summarize ch. 5 in about 100 words.  Ask questions if you have any.

For Friday, 12.18: Read and know ch. 6, "The King of the Golden Hall."

B 7-8

Read II Kings 4:8-37 and respond no later than 5:00 pm on Tuesday, 12. 15.  Extra credit for good work turned in before noon.

1. How did the woman from Shunem help Elisha on a regular basis?

2. How did he show his appreciation?

3. How did her child die?

4. Why do you think she didn't tell her husband about such an important event?

5. Who is Gehazi?

6. Why do you think the woman won't tell him the problem?

7. Why do you think Gehazi is unable to help using Elisha's staff?

8. What does Elisha do before he tries to help the child?

9. What symbolic actions does Elisha perform in raising the child to life?

10. What sign does the child give to indicate he has been resurrected?

11. Look again at I Kings 17:17-24.  What are 5 specific similarities between the stories?

B 9-10

We review for one more day.  Discuss how Joseph foreshadows Christ in a variety of ways in chapters 37 and 39-41:40.  150 words in standard English.  Due no later than 5:00 pm on Tuesday, 12.15. 


For Tuesday, 12.15: Now that you have read Part 3 of the story, summarize it in English--about 50 words.  Then choose 10 words from the story that a beginning student of French (such as yourself) might have trouble with.  Next to each word give the meaning in English.  Next to that, give a mem and a brief explanation of it.  Turn it in before 5:00 pm. 


Theo: continue your independent reading using the stories at following site. Please listen to the audio as you read  Send me your daily journal entries and vocabulary. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.11.20

While I do appreciate promptness, please do not turn in any assignments before the due date, unless I specifically tell you that you may.  This helps me to stay on top of the many assignments I have to read and grade each day.  Thank you.

L 7-8

For Monday, 12.14: Read ch. 9.  Things to watch for (these are not study questions for you to send me): 1. Notice how Kit's mood changes from joy and excitement to great sorrow and then to quiet confidence.  What accounts for these changes?  2. You will be meeting a new character, Hannah Tupper.  Notice how she speaks and acts around Kit.  Notice, too, how her house reflects her personality.  3. If it seems like Mr. Kimberley is overreacting, keep in mind that most Puritans had a very low opinion of acting and actors.  Shakespeare had some trouble with them back in England, and he was, you know...Shakespeare.  4.  Some of the children are using horn books.  Here's a picture of one.  Paper and books were rare and expensive. 

L 9-10

For Monday, 12.14: 1. Read the introductory material on p. 266.  2. Read the fantasy story "Gwilan's Harp." Use the text questions to check your comprehension.  3. At the end of the selection are some study questions.  Please write out the answers to 1a through 4b, inclusive. 

Just for fun, watch The Simpsons parody of "The Devil and Daniel Webster."  Enjoy. 


For Monday, 12.14: Finish The Death of Ivan Ilyich. 


For Monday, 12.14: Read and know ch. 5, "The White Rider."

B 7-8

For Monday, 12.14: Read II Kings 4:1-8 and respond.

1. Give two reasons why this woman has a special claim on Elisha's help.

2. What is a "creditor"?

3. Read Leviticus 25:39-42 and state in your own words what it says about the treatment of  people who are in debt. (25 words)

4. Explain what the oil miracle is and how it helps the woman.(25 words)

5. List 5 ways (in 5 complete sentences) in which this story resembles the story of the widow of Zarephath (I Kings 17:7-16). 

B 9-10

Read and respond on Monday, 12.14--thoughts, questions, corrections, or additions.  You can also tell me how awesome I am, but everyone knows that already. 

We are pausing at Gen. 41:40 because we are at a major turning point in the Joseph narrative. The first part of the narrative is about Joseph's repeated humiliation--being thrown into a well, being sold into slavery, and then being thrown into prison.  In all of this, Joseph was innocent of any wrongdoing, much like Jesus.  He was brought up out of the well, but only to be sold into slavery.  He no longer served Potiphar as a slave, but only because he was falsely accused and imprisoned.  Seemingly forgotten in prison (thank you very much, Mr. Cupbearer), he was brought out of prison and will moreover be given a yuge promotion. 

This first half of the story is also punctuated by three pairs of dreams.  I have summarized some key points in the chart below.

Dreamer(s)             Dream(s)                                       Interpreter(s)                  Meaning of the Dream

Joseph                    bowing sheaves/ bowing stars       everyone understands    Joseph will rule

Cupbearer/Baker    3 branches of grapes/

                                             3 baskets of bread             Joseph                          forgiveness/ execution

Pharaoh                    fat cows, ugly cows/

                                        good grain, blighted grain      Joseph                           7 years of plenty, famine

The first set of dreams takes place just before his time of humiliation; the second takes place in the midst of his humiliation; the third takes place just before the end of his humiliation.  The three sets of dreams therefore provide the supports for the first half of the Joseph narrative. 

But remember that the story is only half over at this point.  In the second half, Joseph will be instrumental in humiliating his brothers--not as payback, but as a way of bringing them to repentance.  The older brothers have much to repent of, and not only with respect to Joseph.  Joseph will be a savior for them.  He will not only provide them with food, he will also be the means by which they will be reconciled to their father, to each other, and to God.  It will not be an easy task, and it will even involve some "trickery" (no surprise), but Joseph is the man for the job. 


I will be emailing you Part 3 of "Le Tresor de Sophie."  1. Print it. 2. Read it straight through without stopping, figuring it out as well as you can.  3. Read it through a second time and mark words and phrases that you need to look up. 4. Look them up.  5. Tell me when you have finished.  Due on Monday, 12.14. 


On Monday, 12.14, send me your independent reading journal entries and the words and phrases you have marked in your text.  I may be meeting with you on Zoom to discuss them.  Details to follow.


For Wednesday, 12.11, read and listen to several of the stories found on this site.  Try it first in all French; use the translation only if you're really stuck.  Repeat stories as much as you like. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.10.20

L 7-8

Read ch. 8.  Notice how Kit goes from being miserable to being joyful.  Write and answer 10 how/why questions about the chapter.  Due Friday, 12.11.

L 9-10

One more day on "The Devil and Daniel Webster."  Please respond in complete sentences for Friday, 12.11.

1. Although the story makes a serious point, it does so with humor.  Benet was inspired by the exaggerations of American tall tales about Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, and Davy Crockett.  Write out 3 quotations from the story that show exaggeration for humorous effect. 

2. Naturally, the whole notion of arguing a case against the Devil is intended to be humorous also, especially as Scratch claims to be an American who abides by the Constitution.  But the whole case seemed stacked against Daniel Webster. 

    a. What sort of evidence does Scratch use to make his case?

    b. What sort of men serve on the jury?

    c. Judge Hathorne (an ancestor of the writer Nathaniel Hawthorne) is a notorious figure.  How so? 

3. What was the principle that Webster argued for throughout his political career?

4. In this story, how was he able to gain the sympathy of a prejudiced jury and judge?

5. According to the story, why is it good to be from New Hampshire?


Please update me  Friday, 12.11 on your progress and ask any questions you have.  Finish the book for Monday.


Send me your essay Friday, 12.11.  Read the following notes on "Treebeard."

Students of Tolkien regard the Ents as one of his most successful invENTions.  Like the philologist Tolkien himself, they are enchanted by language.  Though rightly suspicious of strangers, they are hospitable, wise, and brave.  They are not "hasty," and by taking their time and deliberating carefully, they arrive at the right response.  (They do not, as in the movie version, have to be shamed and badgered into doing the right thing.  Once the hobbits acquaint them with the facts, the Ents come to the right conclusion.  Movies are hasty, as a rule.) 

The story of the Entwives helps us feel pity for these beings.  Like the Elves--with whom they share so much history--they seem to be fading at the end of the Third Age.  They are growing sleepy, and there are no younger Ents to take their place. 

Those of you who are familiar with the Narnia books of Tolkien's good friend C.S. Lewis will remember the waking of the trees (and the walking of the trees) in Prince Caspian.  But it is an idea much older than Lewis or Tolkien.  Mankind has an almost mystical bond with trees that is not true of other plants.  Trees figure largely in pagan religion and superstition, but so do they in the Bible, going back to our first parents in the Garden.  Something to think about. 

Please share your own thoughts about ch. 4 and my comments above.  What did you enjoy?  What do you have a question about?  Do you know of other stories about sentient trees? 

Please respond on Friday, 12.11.  For Monday, read and know ch. 5. 

B 7-8

Turn in your II Kings 3 questions on Friday, 12.11.

B 9-10

Read and know Gen. 41:1-40.  Due Friday, 12.11.

F1& F3

Study questions on the Christmas in France article are due Friday, 12.11.


For Monday, 12.14, send me your journal entries and text notes from this week. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.9.20

Please pay attention to directions and due dates.  Do not turn in anything before the due date. 

L 7-8

Read ch. 7 and answer the questions in complete sentences. Due Thursday, 12.10.

1. List 3 ways in which Kit's "date" with William is different from modern dating.

2. What does William say that angers Uncle Matthew?

3. What are 2 ways in which Uncle Matthew acts rudely?

4. According to Judith, what is the meaning of the fact that William is building a house?

5. As Kit thinks about the date, what is one thing that really bothers her about William?

6.  On the other hand, what does she find especially attractive about him, other than his looks?

L 9-10

For Thursday, 12.10, read "The Devil and Daniel Webster" by Stephen Vincent Benet.  Use the book questions to test your comprehension, but you do not have to write them out.

Once you have finished reading, respond to the story (do not summarize it).  If you have questions, ask them.  What did you think about the story as a whole?  Why? Does it remind you of any other stories, books, movies, or TV shows?  Explain how.  What parts did you especially like?  Why?  Was there anything in the story that you found objectionable?  What was it, and why? 

Your response should be in paragraph form, thoughtful and accurate. Use standard English conventions. It should be about 150 words, but you may make it longer. 


Continue your reading of Ivan Ilyich.  It should be completed no later than Monday, but I will be asking you for a second update on Friday.


Your forest essay is due Friday.

B 7-8

Read II Kings 3 and respond.  Due Friday, 12.11.

1. Why does the Bible say that the new king of Israel, Joram, was better than Ahab?

Omri founded the dynasty by defeating Zimri and Tibni.  He established Samaria as the new capital.

His son Ahab was even more wicked.  He was dominated by his evil wife, Jezebel, but at times he also came under Elijah's influence. He died disobeying the Lord at Ramoth-Gilead.

His son Ahaziah became king.  During his short reign he was viciously opposed to Elijah.

Because Ahaziah had no male children to rule after him, another son of Ahab, Joram, became king after Ahaziah's death.  Omri's dynasty will end with his death.

2.  Did you read and understand the paragraphs above?  Ask a question if you have one.

3. What prompted the invasion of Moab?

4. Locate Israel, Judah, Moab, and Edom on this map.  If you found all four, use a smiley face.

5. Jehoshaphat is involved in this story.  How was he involved in Ahab's story?

6. Why do you think the three kings decided to attack by way of the Desert of Edom?

7. How specifically did the plan fail?

8. Elisha is there.  According to his own words, why is he willing to help?

9. Make an educated guess about why Elisha wanted a harp to play when he was about to prophesy.  Ask a wise older person or check a Bible commentary if you wish.

10. What "crazy" command did Elisha give to the kings?

11. What are 2 predictions that Elisha made?

12. The Moabites misinterpreted what they thought they saw from a distance.  Explain how it led to a fatal mistake.

13. At the end, the king of Moab makes an act of complete desperation that seem to work.  What did he do?

14. How does this action resemble I Kings 16:34?

B 9-10

Read Gen. 40.  Write and answer 10 how and why questions about the chapter. Due Thursday, 12.10.


Read this article (in English) about Christmas in France.  Turn on your sound and listen to the sound files included.  Then answer the following questions that correspond to the numbered sections of the article. Due Friday, 12.11.

1. In general, how does the celebration of Christmas in France differ from that of the US?

2. a. What are Christmas lights called in French?  b. Where are you most likely to find them?

3. What is a distinctive French custom?

4. a. How do you say "Merry Christmas" in French? b. When do people usually say it?

5. Traditionally, when is the Christmas meal eaten?

6. Do French people still send Christmas cards?

7. a. What is "L'Avent"? b. What is one custom associated with it?

8. a. What is a "crèche"?  b. What is a "santon"?

9. According to Roman Catholic tradition, when is the Christmas tree (le sapin de Noel) put up and taken down?

10. a. What is a "marche de Noel"?  b. What is "le pain d'epice"?

11. Is caroling popular?

12. What is St. Nicholas' Day?

13. What does the author say about French Christmas food?

14. What is the significance of January 6? 


Keep working on your independent reading, journals, text marks.  You should have a total of 4 journal entries for this week by Monday. 


Do the same assignment as French 1 above.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.8.20

L 7-8

Although Dr. Bulkeley and Matthew Wood are both Puritans and have much in common when it comes to religion, they sharply differ when it comes to politics.  Both consider themselves to be loyal Englishmen (remember Connecticut was still a colony in 1687), but Dr. Bulkeley takes a more submissive approach to the king (James II), whereas Uncle Matthew is suspicious of the monarch.  James II was a Roman Catholic, and people like Uncle Matthew wanted nothing to do with Roman Catholics.  It is a case of submission versus suspicion.

More specifically, Dr. Bulkeley seems less upset with the new governor, Andros, who was appointed by the king, not elected.  He also believes that the king has the right to change the colony's charter, its founding document.  Uncle Matthew, on the other hand, dislikes the new governor and believes that  even the king has no right to change the charter.  Because Connecticut is so far from England, many people had gotten used to governing themselves, more or less, without "interference" from either the king or his governor. Uncle Matthew wants to keep it this way.

As a small indication of this difference between Matthew Wood and Dr. Bulkeley, look at how they each treat Kit.  Uncle Matthew doesn't care for her unquestioning loyalty to the king--yet another reason for him to dislike her.  Dr. Bulkeley, though, is impressed with the fact that she is the grand-daughter of Sir Francis Tyler.  That noble title makes a positive impression on the good doctor; but as far as her uncle is concerned, that same title is more of a black mark than anything else.

1. Did you read and understand the above paragraphs?  If you have any questions, ask.

2. Why is it that John Holbrook seems so different now than when she talked to him on the ship?

3. How is John's reading different from Uncle Matthew's?  Be specific.

4. How does Dr. Bulkeley use the Bible to "score" off of Uncle Matthew?

5. What is William Ashby's request to Uncle Matthew, and what does it mean?

6.  Why is Judith not more upset about this request?

Due Wednesday, 12.9.

L 9-10

For Thursday, 12.10, read "The Devil and Dan'el Webster" by Stephen Vincent Benet.  Use the book questions to test your comprehension, but you do not have to write them out.

Once you have finished reading, respond to the story (do not summarize it).  If you have questions, ask them.  What did you think about the story as a whole?  Why? Does it remind you of any other stories, books, movies, or TV shows?  Explain how.  What parts did you especially like?  Why?  Was there anything in the story that you found objectionable?  What was it, and why? 

Your response should be in paragraph form, thoughtful and accurate. Use standard English conventions. It should be about 150 words, but you may make it longer. 


Tell me about what you have read so far.  Ask any questions that you have. 

Due Wednesday, 12.9.

B 7-8

Read II Kings 2:23-25 and respond in complete sentences.  Due on Wednesday, 12.9.

1.  This story happens at Bethel.  What is the background of that town?

2. According to class discussion, what are 2 things the youths may mean when they say, "Go on up"?

3.  What makes this situation so dangerous for Elisha?

According to what the Bible teaches, vulnerable people are particularly under God's care.  This might mean older people (as Elisha may be), people who are alone (as Elisha is), women (especially those without a male protector), children, the poor, the stranger, the mentally or physically disabled, and so on.  Harming people such as these--physically, emotionally, or spiritually--is especially serious in God's sight. 

4. Did you read and understand the paragraph above?  Ask a question if you have one.

5.  Here are some examples--a few out of many.  State each passage in your own words.

     a. Exodus 22:21;   b. Ex. 22:22-24;   c. Leviticus 19:14; d. Deuteronomy 24:14;  e. Dt. 24:19-22; f. Proverbs 19:17; g. Matthew 18:6. 

6.  What curse did Elisha call down upon the youths?

7. Next, Elisha goes to Mount Carmel.  What happened there earlier?

8. He finishes his trip in the city of Samaria.  Why is this an important city?

B 9-10

Read Genesis 39 and respond. 

1.  Summarize the story in about 100 words.

2.  How does it relate to ch. 38?  (30 words)

Due Wednesday, 12. 9.


Return to "Le Visage" page here.  Make a chart of 3 columns. 

In the first column, write the following French words vertically: le front, la barbe, le menton, la langue, la joue, le cil, le sourcil, la levre. 

In the second column, write the English equivalents for the above.

In the third column, provide a mem for each of the 8 French words.  Explain the connection briefly.

Make your chart neat and accurate.

Due Wednesday, 12.9.


Continue working on your reading and journals. 


For Wednesday, write and answer 10 questions based on the final chapters that you finished.  Send them to me as a Google Docs attachment to my school email address (see above). 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.7.20

Follow directions.  Turn in your best work, and turn it in on time.  Clearly fill in the subject line with your name, the date, and the assignment title. 

L 7-8

Review of Witch 1-5.  Respond on Tuesday, 12.8 in a Google Docs attachment to  Use complete sentences with the specified number of words.

1. Explain how Kit's clothing is a source of conflict. (20 words) 

2. Explain how the Puritan worship service is difficult for her. (20). 

3. She gets along well with certain people like Aunt Rachel and Mercy.  However, Uncle Matthew and Judith are a different matter.  Explain why there is so much tension in these relationships.  (30) 

 4.  There is a different sort of tension between Kit and Goodwife Cruff.  Explain why. (30)

L 9-10

Answer the following questions on "Everyday Use."  Respond on Tuesday, 12.8 in a Google Docs attachment to

1.  Maggie says that Dee (Wangero) never had any friends.How does she act with her own family that shows that this is still probably true?  Give several specific examples of her bad behavior. (50 words).

2.  What is odd about the man that Dee (Wangero) brings with her?

3. Discuss the relationship that Dee and Maggie had growing up. (30)

4.  How does the narrator describe herself?  (20)

5.  Describe the conflict about the quilt, including the narrator's decision.  (50)

6. Explain why you think the narrator made the decision she did.  (20)

7.  Do you agree with her decision?  Why or why not?

8. State in one sentence what you think the theme of the story is.


Our next text will be The Death of Ivan Ilyich, by Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy was a great Russian writer and thinker of the nineteenth century, best known for the novel War and Peace (which Sonya has read!).  This novella (short novel) begins on p. 155 of the book you can pick up at the school office, The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories.  It is also available online in another translation.  Here is ch. 1

Read the novella for Monday, Dec. 14.  As you do so, mark a sparkle for each chapter.  If we are in person, you will share them then.  If not, we will do something else.  When (not if) you have questions, ask them by email at

Note that the story begins at the end.  The rest of the story is more or less in chronological order. 


For Friday: Describe the distinctive qualities of the three forests we have encountered so far: the Old Forest, Lothlorien, and Fangorn.  (150 words).  Respond in a Google Docs attachment sent to my school email (see above). 

B 7-8

Review of II Kings 2: 19-22.  Respond in a Google Docs attachment sent to my school email (see above).  Use your class notes, if you wish.

1. What city does this take place in?

2. Give some of the OT background of the city.

3. There is a water problem.  Explain what it is.

4.  During Elijah's time there was also a water problem.  What was it?

5.  Why does the bowl have to be new?

6. What is the point of using salt to "heal" the water, as explained in class?

7.  Explain how this is a "resurrection" story that points to Jesus Christ. 

B 9-10

For Tuesday: Finish reading Gen. 38 and respond in a Google document sent to my email address (see above).

1. Why is Judah's response to Tamar's pregnancy so hypocritical?

2. How does Tamar reveal who the father of her child is?

3. One could argue that Tamar has not been righteous.  Explain.

4.  Nevertheless, Judah says that she has been more righteous than he.  Explain.

5.  Tamar has twins.  Who else has had twins before this?  Who were the twins?

6.  Explain how these twins struggled.

7. Explain how their names are a reflection of this struggle. 

8. This story comes up in Matthew 1:3.  Why?


Begin learning the face / head vocabulary here


Continue your French reading for about a half an hour per day (minimum).  Continue writing journal summaries and marking new or unfamiliar words and phrases.  I will collect them next week if we are in person; otherwise, we will make other arrangements. 


For Wednesday, write and answer 10 questions based on the final chapters that you finished.  Send them to me as a Google Docs attachment to my school email address (see above). 

Friday, December 4, 2020

Dec. 4

 L 7-8

Read & know Witch 6: tension during the meal, after the meal, and after the guests leave--what's going on?

L 9-10

Read & know "Everyday Use."  Use book questions to check comprehension.


No assignment.


TT 3:4.

B 7-8

We are working on the story of Elisha and the menacing youths--II Kings 2.

B 9-10

We are working on Gen. 38--hypocritical Judah and his daughter-in-law, Tamar.


Quiz Monday on Sophie vocabulary.


Finish your current chapter, including journal and text marks.


Finish Taureau.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Dec. 3

L 7-8

No new reading assignment.  We are taking a little extra time for ch. 5. 

L 9-10

Read and know "The Good Deed" by Pearl Buck.  Use the book questions to help you.


Tomorrow, AP students will be writing an in-class essay (see handout) while the rest of the class will be taking a test on The Inferno focused on the wall words.


The Two Towers: Book 3, chapters 2 and 3 for tomorrow. 

B 7-8

We have begun working on the story of Elisha healing the water--II Kings 2.

B 9-10

Review Genesis 37.  We have begun work on another "wholesome" story in ch. 38.


Review vocab for "Le Tresor de Sophie," Parts 1 & 2.  Expect a quiz on Monday. 


Complete your individual assignments for tomorrow.


Taureau ch. 5 due tomorrow. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Dec. 2

L 7-8

Kit isn't very good at a lot of things, including carding wool.  Watch this short video to see how it's done well.

Read and know Witch 5.  Why is church so horrible for Kit?  Is there an up side? 

L 9-10

No assignment, but absentees should work on makeup reading.


We are reviewing Inferno in preparation for a test on Friday.

B 7-8

Review II Kings 2:1-18.

B 9-10

We are working on Gen. 37--Joseph is not a spoiled brat, but a very Christlike young man.


Review "Les Parties du Corps" for tomorrow.


Finish assigned reading and journals for Friday.


Ch. 5 for Friday.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Dec. 1

L 7-8

Read and know Witch 4.  What's something new we learn about Kit's background?  Why are the levels of stress rising, especially between Kit and her uncle and between Kit and Judith?

L 9-10

Read and know "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World."  Use the book questions to help your comprehension.


Finish The Inferno

B 7-8

We are finishing the story of Elijah's departure in II Kings 2.

B 9-10

We have begun the story of Joseph in Gen. 37.


Review Le corps for at least 15 minutes.


Continue Fantome.


Continue Normandie.


We are working on Taureau.