L 7-8
For Friday, 12.18: Read ch. 11. Write and answer 10 how/why questions.
L 9-10
For Friday, 12.18: I will be emailing you an introductory essay about Huckleberry Finn. Read it and respond to it briefly, including questions. Don't just tell me you read it and that you agree with everything. Please put a little thought into it. After you have done that, read chs. 1 & 2 for Monday.
For Friday, 12.18: Read Act I, keeping in mind the things I have told you to watch for. Respond in a paragraph of about 100 words. You may include a sparkle if you wish.
Besides reading the play (not instead of it), you may wish to watch it performed, or at least watch parts of it. This version uses a different translation, and you will probably notice some other differences, but it may be worth checking out.
For Friday, 12.18: Read and know ch. 6, "The White Rider."
B 7-8
For Friday, 12.18: Read II Kings 5. Summarize the main events in a paragraph of no fewer than 100 words.
B 9-10
For Friday, 12.18: Read Genesis 43 and respond in a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words. Do not summarize it. Instead, ask questions and make connections with the Joseph narrative, the book of Genesis (including significant motifs that we have noted), and the Bible as a whole. Make your response thoughtful and clear.
For Monday, 12.21: Watch and listen to this short (about three minutes) video in French. The French text will appear at the bottom of the screen. You should be able to figure it out without much help; it is very simple, and the pictures will help you. Watch it at least two times. Let me know when you have finished the assignment.
Pick up a copy of Pauvre Anne at the school at your earliest convenience. We will be starting it Monday.
Your assignment from Wednesday is due on Friday. See the earlier post.
Your assignment from Wednesday is due on Friday. See the earlier post.
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