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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.9.20

Please pay attention to directions and due dates.  Do not turn in anything before the due date. 

L 7-8

Read ch. 7 and answer the questions in complete sentences. Due Thursday, 12.10.

1. List 3 ways in which Kit's "date" with William is different from modern dating.

2. What does William say that angers Uncle Matthew?

3. What are 2 ways in which Uncle Matthew acts rudely?

4. According to Judith, what is the meaning of the fact that William is building a house?

5. As Kit thinks about the date, what is one thing that really bothers her about William?

6.  On the other hand, what does she find especially attractive about him, other than his looks?

L 9-10

For Thursday, 12.10, read "The Devil and Daniel Webster" by Stephen Vincent Benet.  Use the book questions to test your comprehension, but you do not have to write them out.

Once you have finished reading, respond to the story (do not summarize it).  If you have questions, ask them.  What did you think about the story as a whole?  Why? Does it remind you of any other stories, books, movies, or TV shows?  Explain how.  What parts did you especially like?  Why?  Was there anything in the story that you found objectionable?  What was it, and why? 

Your response should be in paragraph form, thoughtful and accurate. Use standard English conventions. It should be about 150 words, but you may make it longer. 


Continue your reading of Ivan Ilyich.  It should be completed no later than Monday, but I will be asking you for a second update on Friday.


Your forest essay is due Friday.

B 7-8

Read II Kings 3 and respond.  Due Friday, 12.11.

1. Why does the Bible say that the new king of Israel, Joram, was better than Ahab?

Omri founded the dynasty by defeating Zimri and Tibni.  He established Samaria as the new capital.

His son Ahab was even more wicked.  He was dominated by his evil wife, Jezebel, but at times he also came under Elijah's influence. He died disobeying the Lord at Ramoth-Gilead.

His son Ahaziah became king.  During his short reign he was viciously opposed to Elijah.

Because Ahaziah had no male children to rule after him, another son of Ahab, Joram, became king after Ahaziah's death.  Omri's dynasty will end with his death.

2.  Did you read and understand the paragraphs above?  Ask a question if you have one.

3. What prompted the invasion of Moab?

4. Locate Israel, Judah, Moab, and Edom on this map.  If you found all four, use a smiley face.

5. Jehoshaphat is involved in this story.  How was he involved in Ahab's story?

6. Why do you think the three kings decided to attack by way of the Desert of Edom?

7. How specifically did the plan fail?

8. Elisha is there.  According to his own words, why is he willing to help?

9. Make an educated guess about why Elisha wanted a harp to play when he was about to prophesy.  Ask a wise older person or check a Bible commentary if you wish.

10. What "crazy" command did Elisha give to the kings?

11. What are 2 predictions that Elisha made?

12. The Moabites misinterpreted what they thought they saw from a distance.  Explain how it led to a fatal mistake.

13. At the end, the king of Moab makes an act of complete desperation that seem to work.  What did he do?

14. How does this action resemble I Kings 16:34?

B 9-10

Read Gen. 40.  Write and answer 10 how and why questions about the chapter. Due Thursday, 12.10.


Read this article (in English) about Christmas in France.  Turn on your sound and listen to the sound files included.  Then answer the following questions that correspond to the numbered sections of the article. Due Friday, 12.11.

1. In general, how does the celebration of Christmas in France differ from that of the US?

2. a. What are Christmas lights called in French?  b. Where are you most likely to find them?

3. What is a distinctive French custom?

4. a. How do you say "Merry Christmas" in French? b. When do people usually say it?

5. Traditionally, when is the Christmas meal eaten?

6. Do French people still send Christmas cards?

7. a. What is "L'Avent"? b. What is one custom associated with it?

8. a. What is a "crèche"?  b. What is a "santon"?

9. According to Roman Catholic tradition, when is the Christmas tree (le sapin de Noel) put up and taken down?

10. a. What is a "marche de Noel"?  b. What is "le pain d'epice"?

11. Is caroling popular?

12. What is St. Nicholas' Day?

13. What does the author say about French Christmas food?

14. What is the significance of January 6? 


Keep working on your independent reading, journals, text marks.  You should have a total of 4 journal entries for this week by Monday. 


Do the same assignment as French 1 above.

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