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Friday, December 18, 2020

Troll Island Notes 12.18.20

L 7-8

For Monday, 12.21: Read chapter 12.  As you read, pay attention to a) the kinds of work Kit is doing, who she is doing it for, and why; b) Nat's thoughts on her, Hannah, and the political problems in New England; and her harsh reception at home.  Then write your own 10-question quiz based on those parts of the chapter.  Answer the questions you have written.

L 9-10

For Monday, 12.21: Read chs. 1 & 2 of Huckleberry Finn.  As you read, pay attention to a) how Huck portrays the Christian household he is now living in; b) the cringe-inducing way Huck speaks of the black people (not just the n-word); and c) his nighttime adventure. 

When you have finished, write a personal response that focuses on these three aspects of the chapters. You may include questions that you have.  Do not merely summarize.  One good paragraph should do it. 


For Monday, 12.21: Read Act II and respond as instructed in the previous post. 


For Monday, 12.21: I will be emailing you some comments on this chapter and on the book so far.  Read it and respond with questions and thoughts.   A good paragraph should do it. 

B 7-8

For Monday, 12.21:  We will spend another day on the Naaman story. 

1. Servants are a strong motif in this story. 

    a. Which servant tells Naaman's wife about Elisha?

    b. Naaman calls himself a servant.  Whose servant is he in v. 6?

    c. Whose servant is he in verses 15-18?

    d.  Explain why he refers to himself that way in verses 15-18.

    e. What do Naaman's own servants persuade him to do?

    f.  What affectionate term do they use of him in v. 13?

    g. Gehazi is Elisha's servant, but not a very good one.  Explain. 

2. At first, Elisha treated Naaman rather rudely.

    a. What was rude about his treatment?

    b. Why might he have acted that way?

3. Naaman is a changed man.

    a. What means did the Lord use to change his body?

    b. Which Christian sacrament (ritual) does this resemble?

    c. His heart has changed too.  How can you tell?  Give 2 ways.

    d. What do you suppose is the point about all that stuff about the dirt?

4. This story uses an inclusio--it begins and ends  same way, with leprosy.  What does the Lord expect of those who claim to be his followers, both Gentile (like Naaman) or Jew (like Gehazi)? 

B 9-10

For Monday, 12.21: Read and respond to Genesis 44.  Do not merely summarize.  Questions are always welcome, but I am interested most of all in your thoughts. 


Pick up Pauvre Anne if you have not already done so. 


For Monday, 12.21:

Theo: continue your independent reading as before.

Dominic and Jimmy: Read ch. 2 and do the QSJ questions, sections A & C.  If you wish, you may do B for extra credit.  Ask questions if you have them. 


Je suis content d'avoir deux etudiantes aussi excellentes que vous.  Pas de devoirs.  Joyeux Noel!


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