L 7-8
If you have any work still out, get it in. You may also read ahead if you wish and save yourself some time later. No new assignments.
L 9-10
Students with missing assignments should turn them in.
For Tuesday, 12.22: Read chs. 3 & 4 and respond.
1. We are still in the exposition section of the novel. What does "exposition" mean in this context?
2. Mark Twain is using heavy doses of humor at this point. Give an example. (25 words)
3. Pap is not a figure of fun here. How do you know that Huck finds him to be a threatening figure?
4. Huck is superstitious. Give an example from one of these chapters.
5. Although Huck is superstitious, he doesn't automatically believe everything. What are 2 things he is skeptical about?
6. This novel is in part a satire.
a. What does that term mean?
b. What is one of the targets of Twain's satire?
7. Read the "Explanatory" note in the very front of the book.
a. What is the main point?
b. How does this make Jim's speech somewhat less objectionable?
Students with missing work should turn it in.
For Tuesday, 12.22: Read and respond to Act III as you were to do for Acts I & II.
Students with missing work should turn it in. No new assignment, but you may read ahead, of course.
B 7-8
If you have any work still out, get it in. You may also read ahead if you wish and save yourself some time later. No new assignments.
B 9-10
If you have any work still out, get it in. You may also read ahead if you wish and save yourself some time later. No new assignments.
Students with missing work should turn it in.
For Tuesday, 12.22:
Here are a few words in ch. 1 that you may not know yet. Use them in your reading. (They are in the order in which they appear in the book.)
Elle a seize ans. = She is sixteen years old.
non plus = either
onzieme annee = eleventh year (= junior year of high school)
elle laisse = she leaves (something)
mauvais = bad
Tu as besoin de = You need (something)
l'argent = money
il rit = he laughs
le chenmisier = blouse
le centre commercial = mall
acheter = to buy
les vetements = clothes
les chaussures = shoes
economiser = to save money
Now read straight through the chapter. Don't worry if you're not understanding everything. Summarize what you do understand in a short paragraph in English.
Theo: no assignment. Dominic & Jimmy: Turn in your late work.
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