Literature 7-8
Finish The Slave Dancer. Write a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words in which you a) summarize the story and b) discuss how this is a good book for young people to read--both Christians and other readers. Due Monday, June 1.
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American Literature
For those who are up to date with their work, there are no further assignments. For those of you who are behind, get your work in.
British Literature
See the post from yesterday.
For those of you who are behind, get your work in.
C.S. Lewis
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For those of you who are behind, get your work in.
Luke and Acts
For those who are up to date with their work, there are no further assignments. For those of you who are behind, get your work in.
Poets and Prophets
See the post from yesterday.
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French classes: see earlier posts.
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Friday, May 29, 2020
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Troll Island Notes 48: Thursday, May 28, 2020
Literature 7-8
Read "The Old Man" and respond in complete sentences. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send it before that.
1. Describe the new location Jessie is living in. 50 words.
2. Daniel treats Jessie differently from Ras. Give an example.
3. Why do you think he treats them differently? Explain briefly.
4. How do Jessie and Ras manage to communicate during their time at Daniel's?
American Literature
Refer to "i thank You God" on the previous post and respond in complete sentences. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send it before that.
A. Cummings uses many poetical devices in this poem, many of which are already familiar to us.
1. Give an example of internal rhyme.
2. What device is being used in line 2?
3. What device is being used in line 7?
4. What does the term "allusion" mean?
5. There are several biblical allusions in this poem. a) How does it allude to the creation story in Genesis? b) Read Psalm 96. What's the connection? c) Read Isaiah 35. What's the connection? d) Quote a line from the poem that alludes to resurrection.
6. What does the term "paradox" mean?
7. Explain how the third section uses a paradox.
B. More than most writers, Cummings uses poetic license.
1. What does this term mean?
2. One example of this is inverted syntax. What does that mean?
3. Give an example of inverted syntax in the poem.
4. He also uses capitals in a non-standard way. Why would he capitalize "God" but not capitalize the first person singular pronoun?
5. What are 2 unusual features of his use of punctuation?
British Literature
AP students only: What value may Lord of the Flies have for Christian readers? 150 words. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send it before that.
For all students: Read p. 761 on Gerard Manley Hopkins. Read "Pied Beauty" on p. 762 and "God's Grandeur" on p. 764. Respond to the poems in one paragraph of no fewer than 150 words. Due Monday, June 1. Do not send it before then.
C.S. Lewis
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 28 and respond in complete sentences. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send in before that.
1. Use the link here to follow Paul's journey to Rome. According to this map, where is Malta?
2. How did the Maltese people show hospitality to Paul and the other survivors?
3. Retell the snake story. 25 words.
4. How is this story similar to what happened at Lystra (Acts 14)?
5. Publius, the chief official of the island, was also hospitable. How did Paul help him?
6. Who are the "brothers" who greet Paul at Puteoli and at Rome?
7. Paul is under house arrest, meaning that he is not in jail but under constant guard in a rented house. he is able to receive visitors regularly. He meets first with Jewish visitors. What does he tell them about himself?
8. What does Paul do all day while he is under house arrest?
9. How long did he remain there?
10. Paul was restricted in his movements. According to the last verse, what was not hindered?
Poets and Prophets
Read Isaiah 66 and respond in complete sentences. Due Monday, June 1. Do not send in before that.
A. vv.1-2
1. What is the Lord's true house?
2. To whom does he reveal himself?
B. vv. 3-4
1. Cite a vivid image of a worthless ceremony.
2. Why does the Lord consider these offensive?
3. Where have we heard this sort of thing before?
C. vv. 5-6
1. Briefly explain the hypocritical behavior the Lord condemns here.
2. What noise is coming from the temple?
3. How does this relate to Is. 6?
D. The next section (vv. 7-13) contains a remarkable series of maternal images.
1. The first maternal image is childbearing. a) Who is the mother, and who are the children? b) What do you think this is referring to? Briefly explain.
2. The next maternal image is nursing. a) Who is the nursing mother, and who are the children? b) What do you think this is referring to?
3. The next maternal image is comforting. Perhaps to our surprise, the Lord describes himself as the mother here. The Bible never addresses God as mother (as some Christians do), and I don't think we should, either. However, the Bible does at times attribute maternal characteristics to God, as Isaiah does here. a) What maternal image of himself does Jesus use in Matt. 23:37? Sometimes Jesus' followers, though not female themselves, may use maternal language as well. b) What does Paul say about himself and the Thessalonians in I Thess. 2:7?
E. vv. 15-17
1. What image of final judgment does Isaiah use here?
2. What historical event in the Bible does this remind you of?
F. vv. 18-21 depict the gathering in of the nations
1. Where have we seen this in Isaiah before?
2. What psalm focuses on this?
G. vv. 22-24
1. There is a promise of a new heavens and a new earth. a) What does II Peter 3:10-13 say about how this will happen? b) What does the same passage say about how this should impact us now? c) Briefly, how does Rev. 21 depict the new heavens and earth?
2. Isaiah ends on a note of judgment. What is it?
Introduction to French
Write a few sentences in French telling me about your plans for the summer. You can use the present tense. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send in before that.
Intermediate French
See earlier post.
Read "The Old Man" and respond in complete sentences. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send it before that.
1. Describe the new location Jessie is living in. 50 words.
2. Daniel treats Jessie differently from Ras. Give an example.
3. Why do you think he treats them differently? Explain briefly.
4. How do Jessie and Ras manage to communicate during their time at Daniel's?
American Literature
Refer to "i thank You God" on the previous post and respond in complete sentences. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send it before that.
A. Cummings uses many poetical devices in this poem, many of which are already familiar to us.
1. Give an example of internal rhyme.
2. What device is being used in line 2?
3. What device is being used in line 7?
4. What does the term "allusion" mean?
5. There are several biblical allusions in this poem. a) How does it allude to the creation story in Genesis? b) Read Psalm 96. What's the connection? c) Read Isaiah 35. What's the connection? d) Quote a line from the poem that alludes to resurrection.
6. What does the term "paradox" mean?
7. Explain how the third section uses a paradox.
B. More than most writers, Cummings uses poetic license.
1. What does this term mean?
2. One example of this is inverted syntax. What does that mean?
3. Give an example of inverted syntax in the poem.
4. He also uses capitals in a non-standard way. Why would he capitalize "God" but not capitalize the first person singular pronoun?
5. What are 2 unusual features of his use of punctuation?
British Literature
AP students only: What value may Lord of the Flies have for Christian readers? 150 words. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send it before that.
For all students: Read p. 761 on Gerard Manley Hopkins. Read "Pied Beauty" on p. 762 and "God's Grandeur" on p. 764. Respond to the poems in one paragraph of no fewer than 150 words. Due Monday, June 1. Do not send it before then.
C.S. Lewis
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 28 and respond in complete sentences. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send in before that.
1. Use the link here to follow Paul's journey to Rome. According to this map, where is Malta?
2. How did the Maltese people show hospitality to Paul and the other survivors?
3. Retell the snake story. 25 words.
4. How is this story similar to what happened at Lystra (Acts 14)?
5. Publius, the chief official of the island, was also hospitable. How did Paul help him?
6. Who are the "brothers" who greet Paul at Puteoli and at Rome?
7. Paul is under house arrest, meaning that he is not in jail but under constant guard in a rented house. he is able to receive visitors regularly. He meets first with Jewish visitors. What does he tell them about himself?
8. What does Paul do all day while he is under house arrest?
9. How long did he remain there?
10. Paul was restricted in his movements. According to the last verse, what was not hindered?
Poets and Prophets
Read Isaiah 66 and respond in complete sentences. Due Monday, June 1. Do not send in before that.
A. vv.1-2
1. What is the Lord's true house?
2. To whom does he reveal himself?
B. vv. 3-4
1. Cite a vivid image of a worthless ceremony.
2. Why does the Lord consider these offensive?
3. Where have we heard this sort of thing before?
C. vv. 5-6
1. Briefly explain the hypocritical behavior the Lord condemns here.
2. What noise is coming from the temple?
3. How does this relate to Is. 6?
D. The next section (vv. 7-13) contains a remarkable series of maternal images.
1. The first maternal image is childbearing. a) Who is the mother, and who are the children? b) What do you think this is referring to? Briefly explain.
2. The next maternal image is nursing. a) Who is the nursing mother, and who are the children? b) What do you think this is referring to?
3. The next maternal image is comforting. Perhaps to our surprise, the Lord describes himself as the mother here. The Bible never addresses God as mother (as some Christians do), and I don't think we should, either. However, the Bible does at times attribute maternal characteristics to God, as Isaiah does here. a) What maternal image of himself does Jesus use in Matt. 23:37? Sometimes Jesus' followers, though not female themselves, may use maternal language as well. b) What does Paul say about himself and the Thessalonians in I Thess. 2:7?
E. vv. 15-17
1. What image of final judgment does Isaiah use here?
2. What historical event in the Bible does this remind you of?
F. vv. 18-21 depict the gathering in of the nations
1. Where have we seen this in Isaiah before?
2. What psalm focuses on this?
G. vv. 22-24
1. There is a promise of a new heavens and a new earth. a) What does II Peter 3:10-13 say about how this will happen? b) What does the same passage say about how this should impact us now? c) Briefly, how does Rev. 21 depict the new heavens and earth?
2. Isaiah ends on a note of judgment. What is it?
Introduction to French
Write a few sentences in French telling me about your plans for the summer. You can use the present tense. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send in before that.
Intermediate French
See earlier post.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Troll Island Notes 47: Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Literature 7-8
Read "Ben Stout's Mistake" and respond in complete sentences. Due Thursday, May 28. Do not turn it in until then.
1. Explain what is going on with Jessie, the Captain, and the trunk. 50 words.
2. Write out a sparkle that relates to this scene.
3. Describe the final "dance" that took place before the storm hit. 50 words.
4. Write out a sparkle that relates to this scene.
5. What was Ben Stout's mistake?
6. The storm adds more chaos to an already chaotic scene. Write out a sparkle that gives a vivid sense of the storm.
7. Jessie and the African boy take shelter in the hold. Describe their experience. 50 words.
8. Describe the scene they witness when they emerge from the hold. 50 words.
9. Write out a sparkle that captures a sense of this final scene.
American Literature
Here is "i thank You God" exactly as Cummings published it. Read it aloud or listen to it again. Read the notes below also and respond thoughtfully. Due Thursday, May 28. Do not turn it in until then.
i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any--lifted from the no
of all nothing--human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
It is easy to get distracted by the quirkiness of the punctuation and such, which we will consider later. For now, notice the strong emotional force of the poem and where this power comes from.
1. What would you say is the primary emotion of the poem? 2. What is the origin of this feeling?
Although Cummings was not an orthodox Christian, Christians can naturally appreciate much of what this poem says. Indeed, in this poem and many others he reminds us of his fellow Massachusetts poet, Emily Dickinson--especially in linguistic quirkiness and love for nature. Like Dickinson, Cummings doesn't just want to describe his own feelings, he wants us to share them.
Investigating the technical features of this poem will not ruin it, as some have claimed. We do not "murder to dissect." A close reading of the poem does not kill the poem, but may in many ways give it more life and deepen our appreciation for it and for the God-given artistry of the poet. 4. How is
Cummings like Dickinson? 5. Why is reading a poem closely a good thing?
Let's begin by looking at the overall structure of the poem. For all its modern feel, it is a traditional form--a sonnet. 6. Find this term in your glossary and write out the basic definition. 7. What is the rhyme pattern of this sonnet? Sonnets are traditionally love poems. 8. In what sense is this a love poem? 9. State in one brief sentence the main idea of each of the 4 sections of the poem.
10. The speaker is urging us to "read" the world differently from the way Wallace Stevens does. Briefly explain.
Tomorrow we will look at some of the poetical techniques Cummings uses in this poem.
British Literature
Be prepared for the Zoom session today at 2:00pm.
C.S. Lewis
Be prepared for the Zoom session today at 2:30 pm.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 27:27-44 and respond in complete sentences.
Providentially, this story may remind you some of your reading of The Slave Dancer--storms at see, people in great danger, a flurry of activity, and lots of nautical vocabulary.
A. Find out the meaning of the following terms in context and write them out: 1. to sound (take soundings); 2. the bow; 3. the rudder; 4. the foresail; 5. a sandbar.
B. State how each of the terms above relates to the story Luke is telling here.
C. In the midst of all the confusion, there is a meal. 1. Why does Paul urge the people to eat? 2. How does he encourage everyone during this dangerous time?
Meals are an important motif in Luke and Acts. 3. Read Luke 9:10-17 and name at least 3 significant ways in which the 2 stories are similar. 4. What meal takes place in Luke 22? 5. What meal takes place in Luke 24? 6. What does Acts 2:42-47 say about meals?
Poets and Prophets
Read Isaiah 62 and the notes below. Either write out the question before answering, or answer in complete sentences. Due Thursday, May 28. Do not turn it in until then.
1. In Isaiah 40-66, the prophet often speaks to those who will go into captivity to Babylon years after his death, and he speaks to us as well. In Is. 62, he often "recycles" language and images that he has used before: light/glory, marriage, restoration/wealth, the highway of return (Is. 35), and the banner-signal (Is. 11). Why do you suppose he does this instead of coming up with entirely new images?
2. One prominent feature of this chapter is the idea of naming and renaming. It isn't exactly new, either, but we haven't seen it in a while. a. List all of the names which will no longer be used of the Lord's people. b. List the new names by which they will be known. Translate them, if necessary.
3. Naming and renaming are major motifs in the Bible, and we can only devote a little time to reflect on them here. Many of the patriarchs had meaningful names. a. Abraham's (new) name commemorates the Lord's promise to him. What does it mean? b. His son Isaac's name commemorates his unusual birth story. What does his name mean? c. Isaac's son was known both as Jacob (his birth name) and Israel (the name the Lord later gave him. Both names reflect (positively and negatively) something of his character. Briefly explain. d. Jesus' name is also significant. What does it mean?
4. As we have seen, Isaiah has two sons whose names are tied to their father's prophecies. a. One son, mentioned in ch. 7, has a name that speaks to the disasters that will befall the Lord's people. What is the unusual name, and what does it mean? b. Is. 7 speaks of another child, not Isaiah's, whose name points very clearly to Jesus. What is the name, and what does it mean? c. Another son of Isaiah's, mentioned at the beginning of ch. 8, has a name that speaks to the distant future of the Lord's people. What is the unusual name, and what does it mean?
5. Other prophets make use of the same motif. For example, Hosea has 3 sons by his faithless wife. Each son has a name that reflects the relationship between God and the people of Israel. What are the 3 names, and what do they mean?
6. The apostle Peter alludes to Hosea 1 in I Peter 2:10 and applies it to Christian believers. Write out the verse.
7. Rev. 2:17 also fits this motif. Briefly explain.
Introduction to French
Summer vacation is just around the corner! Let's explore some ways of spending time not doing schoolwork. Click on the link here. Learn the words you don't know and suggest a mem. Due Thursday, May 28. Do not turn it in until then.
Intermediate French
See yesterday's post.
Read "Ben Stout's Mistake" and respond in complete sentences. Due Thursday, May 28. Do not turn it in until then.
1. Explain what is going on with Jessie, the Captain, and the trunk. 50 words.
2. Write out a sparkle that relates to this scene.
3. Describe the final "dance" that took place before the storm hit. 50 words.
4. Write out a sparkle that relates to this scene.
5. What was Ben Stout's mistake?
6. The storm adds more chaos to an already chaotic scene. Write out a sparkle that gives a vivid sense of the storm.
7. Jessie and the African boy take shelter in the hold. Describe their experience. 50 words.
8. Describe the scene they witness when they emerge from the hold. 50 words.
9. Write out a sparkle that captures a sense of this final scene.
American Literature
Here is "i thank You God" exactly as Cummings published it. Read it aloud or listen to it again. Read the notes below also and respond thoughtfully. Due Thursday, May 28. Do not turn it in until then.
i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any--lifted from the no
of all nothing--human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
It is easy to get distracted by the quirkiness of the punctuation and such, which we will consider later. For now, notice the strong emotional force of the poem and where this power comes from.
1. What would you say is the primary emotion of the poem? 2. What is the origin of this feeling?
Although Cummings was not an orthodox Christian, Christians can naturally appreciate much of what this poem says. Indeed, in this poem and many others he reminds us of his fellow Massachusetts poet, Emily Dickinson--especially in linguistic quirkiness and love for nature. Like Dickinson, Cummings doesn't just want to describe his own feelings, he wants us to share them.
Investigating the technical features of this poem will not ruin it, as some have claimed. We do not "murder to dissect." A close reading of the poem does not kill the poem, but may in many ways give it more life and deepen our appreciation for it and for the God-given artistry of the poet. 4. How is
Cummings like Dickinson? 5. Why is reading a poem closely a good thing?
Let's begin by looking at the overall structure of the poem. For all its modern feel, it is a traditional form--a sonnet. 6. Find this term in your glossary and write out the basic definition. 7. What is the rhyme pattern of this sonnet? Sonnets are traditionally love poems. 8. In what sense is this a love poem? 9. State in one brief sentence the main idea of each of the 4 sections of the poem.
10. The speaker is urging us to "read" the world differently from the way Wallace Stevens does. Briefly explain.
Tomorrow we will look at some of the poetical techniques Cummings uses in this poem.
British Literature
Be prepared for the Zoom session today at 2:00pm.
C.S. Lewis
Be prepared for the Zoom session today at 2:30 pm.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 27:27-44 and respond in complete sentences.
Providentially, this story may remind you some of your reading of The Slave Dancer--storms at see, people in great danger, a flurry of activity, and lots of nautical vocabulary.
A. Find out the meaning of the following terms in context and write them out: 1. to sound (take soundings); 2. the bow; 3. the rudder; 4. the foresail; 5. a sandbar.
B. State how each of the terms above relates to the story Luke is telling here.
C. In the midst of all the confusion, there is a meal. 1. Why does Paul urge the people to eat? 2. How does he encourage everyone during this dangerous time?
Meals are an important motif in Luke and Acts. 3. Read Luke 9:10-17 and name at least 3 significant ways in which the 2 stories are similar. 4. What meal takes place in Luke 22? 5. What meal takes place in Luke 24? 6. What does Acts 2:42-47 say about meals?
Poets and Prophets
Read Isaiah 62 and the notes below. Either write out the question before answering, or answer in complete sentences. Due Thursday, May 28. Do not turn it in until then.
1. In Isaiah 40-66, the prophet often speaks to those who will go into captivity to Babylon years after his death, and he speaks to us as well. In Is. 62, he often "recycles" language and images that he has used before: light/glory, marriage, restoration/wealth, the highway of return (Is. 35), and the banner-signal (Is. 11). Why do you suppose he does this instead of coming up with entirely new images?
2. One prominent feature of this chapter is the idea of naming and renaming. It isn't exactly new, either, but we haven't seen it in a while. a. List all of the names which will no longer be used of the Lord's people. b. List the new names by which they will be known. Translate them, if necessary.
3. Naming and renaming are major motifs in the Bible, and we can only devote a little time to reflect on them here. Many of the patriarchs had meaningful names. a. Abraham's (new) name commemorates the Lord's promise to him. What does it mean? b. His son Isaac's name commemorates his unusual birth story. What does his name mean? c. Isaac's son was known both as Jacob (his birth name) and Israel (the name the Lord later gave him. Both names reflect (positively and negatively) something of his character. Briefly explain. d. Jesus' name is also significant. What does it mean?
4. As we have seen, Isaiah has two sons whose names are tied to their father's prophecies. a. One son, mentioned in ch. 7, has a name that speaks to the disasters that will befall the Lord's people. What is the unusual name, and what does it mean? b. Is. 7 speaks of another child, not Isaiah's, whose name points very clearly to Jesus. What is the name, and what does it mean? c. Another son of Isaiah's, mentioned at the beginning of ch. 8, has a name that speaks to the distant future of the Lord's people. What is the unusual name, and what does it mean?
5. Other prophets make use of the same motif. For example, Hosea has 3 sons by his faithless wife. Each son has a name that reflects the relationship between God and the people of Israel. What are the 3 names, and what do they mean?
6. The apostle Peter alludes to Hosea 1 in I Peter 2:10 and applies it to Christian believers. Write out the verse.
7. Rev. 2:17 also fits this motif. Briefly explain.
Introduction to French
Summer vacation is just around the corner! Let's explore some ways of spending time not doing schoolwork. Click on the link here. Learn the words you don't know and suggest a mem. Due Thursday, May 28. Do not turn it in until then.
Intermediate French
See yesterday's post.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Troll Island Notes 46: Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Literature 7-8
Read "The Spaniard" and the notes below. Respond in complete sentences. Due Wednesday, May 27. Do not send your assignment before then.
Although the chapter is entitled "The Spaniard," this character does not appear until the end of the chapter. Most of the chapter is concerned with the final weeks of the voyage back to North America and the terrible things that happened during that time. Everybody is thirsty, except the captain and the first mate. More and more people are dying, both sailors and slaves. Jessie feels like a prisoner himself. 1. Write out the quotation on p. 79 that shows this.
To make matters worse for Jessie, Ben Stout keeps tormenting him in his creepy way--staring at him, asking personal questions, threatening him while pretending to be friendly, and generally playing mind games with him. 2. What reason would Stout have to do this?
Purvis, although he is a rough customer, is doing his best to look out for Jessie, but he can only do so much. He gives Jessie a creepy warning about the kind of person Ben Stout is. 3. What does he say about him on p. 82? Write it out.
Up to now, Jessie has been thinking much of home. 4. Why do you think that is? But now he is think of home more and more. 5. Why do you think that is?
Ben torments Jessie by stealing his fife. 6.What did he steal earlier in the book? He threw the fife in the hold where the slaves are being kept in horrible conditions. 7. Why do you think he did that?
When Jessie goes down into the hold, he can see very much because it is so dark. But he can use his other senses. 8. What does he step on? 9. How does he describe the smell on p. 86? Write it out.
10. How does he get his fife back?
When Jessie gets back on deck, he is very shaken up. He can barely play the fife. 11. What game does Purvis play with him afterwards to get his mind off of his traumatic experience? 12. What does he say to Jessie that is intended to encourage him?
As they approach Cuba, Ben Stout distributes metal files. 13. How are these going to be used?
They put up a Spanish flag because they are now in Spanish waters, and the captain meets with the Spaniard. 14. What is the purpose of this meeting? 15. What is creepy about the Spaniard's servant?
American Literature
A. Read about E. E. Cummings on p. 584. 1. What did his father do? 2. Why was Cummings imprisoned during WWI? 3. What is generally true of his poetry?
B. Listen to Cummings's reading of the poem "i thank you god". The words are printed in the description, but for now I'd like you to concentrate on what you hear. In about 50 words, give your initial impressions of the sounds and the meaning of the poem.
Due Wednesday, May 27. Do not send your assignment before then.
British Literature
We will be having a Zoom session again tomorrow. I will send out invitations later today. You should have finished and responded to each chapter of Lord of the Flies by now; if you haven't, you need to do that. As usual, come to the session prepared to ask questions and to share some of your insights on the book as a whole, including the theme.
C.S. Lewis
We will be having a Zoom session again tomorrow. I will send out invitations later today. You should have finished and responded to chs. 1-13 of That Hideous Strength by that time. You do not have to do responses to the last four chapters so long as you have them read by class time. As usual, come to the session prepared to ask questions and to share some of your insights on the book as a whole, including the theme.
Luke and Acts
Acts 27:1-26. Read and respond in complete sentences. Due Wednesday, May 27. Do not send your assignment before then.
1. Who is Julius?
2. Who is Aristarchus?
3. What kindness did Julius show to Paul at Sidon?
4. Luke has told us about noble centurions. a) How does Jesus praise the centurion at the beginning of Luke 7? b) What did another centurion say about Jesus at his death (Lk. 23:47)? Cornelius was also a centurion. c) How did he show he was a God-fearing man (Acts 10:2)? d) How did he show great respect for Peter (10:25-26)? e) How did God bless Cornelius and other Gentile believers (10:44-46)?
5. The next stage of the trip to Italy has been difficult. a) What prediction does Paul make? b) How does the centurion respond?
6. Going westward, the ship encounters "a wind of hurricane force." List 3 things the crew does to try to keep the ship afloat.
7. Paul's next prediction has both a negative side and a positive side. Explain.
Poets and Prophets
Isaiah 61 continued. Due Wednesday, May 27. Do not send your assignment before then.
A. Another cluster of images relates to plants. 1. Give 2 examples from this chapter. 2. Give an example from a) Is. 8; b) from Is. 35, and c) from Is. 60.
B. Another cluster relates to rebuilding. 1. Give an example from this chapter. 2. Give another example from Is. 58. 3. What historical example is narrated in the book of Ezra? 4. What historical example is narrated in the book of Nehemiah?
C. Another cluster relates to inheritance. 1. Give an example from this chapter. 2. How does this relate to Ps. 16? 3. Write out Prov. 13:22. 4. Give an example from Is. 58.
D. Another cluster comes from the lexical field of priesthood. 1. Give an example from this chapter. 2. How does this language tie in with the following: a) Exodus 28; b) Psalm 45; c) I Peter 2:9; d) Revelation 21.
Introduction to French
See Friday's post.
Intermediate French
In your Easy French Reader, we will continue our reading with some fiction, for a change. On pp. 152-161, read the introduction to Daudet and his famous story "La derniere classe." (That's pretty good timing, n'est-ce pas?) Answer the questions at the end of each section. Turn in your answers no later than this Friday, but do so one section at a time. Don't turn in anything today.
Advanced French
See previous post.
Read "The Spaniard" and the notes below. Respond in complete sentences. Due Wednesday, May 27. Do not send your assignment before then.
Although the chapter is entitled "The Spaniard," this character does not appear until the end of the chapter. Most of the chapter is concerned with the final weeks of the voyage back to North America and the terrible things that happened during that time. Everybody is thirsty, except the captain and the first mate. More and more people are dying, both sailors and slaves. Jessie feels like a prisoner himself. 1. Write out the quotation on p. 79 that shows this.
To make matters worse for Jessie, Ben Stout keeps tormenting him in his creepy way--staring at him, asking personal questions, threatening him while pretending to be friendly, and generally playing mind games with him. 2. What reason would Stout have to do this?
Purvis, although he is a rough customer, is doing his best to look out for Jessie, but he can only do so much. He gives Jessie a creepy warning about the kind of person Ben Stout is. 3. What does he say about him on p. 82? Write it out.
Up to now, Jessie has been thinking much of home. 4. Why do you think that is? But now he is think of home more and more. 5. Why do you think that is?
Ben torments Jessie by stealing his fife. 6.What did he steal earlier in the book? He threw the fife in the hold where the slaves are being kept in horrible conditions. 7. Why do you think he did that?
When Jessie goes down into the hold, he can see very much because it is so dark. But he can use his other senses. 8. What does he step on? 9. How does he describe the smell on p. 86? Write it out.
10. How does he get his fife back?
When Jessie gets back on deck, he is very shaken up. He can barely play the fife. 11. What game does Purvis play with him afterwards to get his mind off of his traumatic experience? 12. What does he say to Jessie that is intended to encourage him?
As they approach Cuba, Ben Stout distributes metal files. 13. How are these going to be used?
They put up a Spanish flag because they are now in Spanish waters, and the captain meets with the Spaniard. 14. What is the purpose of this meeting? 15. What is creepy about the Spaniard's servant?
American Literature
A. Read about E. E. Cummings on p. 584. 1. What did his father do? 2. Why was Cummings imprisoned during WWI? 3. What is generally true of his poetry?
B. Listen to Cummings's reading of the poem "i thank you god". The words are printed in the description, but for now I'd like you to concentrate on what you hear. In about 50 words, give your initial impressions of the sounds and the meaning of the poem.
Due Wednesday, May 27. Do not send your assignment before then.
British Literature
We will be having a Zoom session again tomorrow. I will send out invitations later today. You should have finished and responded to each chapter of Lord of the Flies by now; if you haven't, you need to do that. As usual, come to the session prepared to ask questions and to share some of your insights on the book as a whole, including the theme.
C.S. Lewis
We will be having a Zoom session again tomorrow. I will send out invitations later today. You should have finished and responded to chs. 1-13 of That Hideous Strength by that time. You do not have to do responses to the last four chapters so long as you have them read by class time. As usual, come to the session prepared to ask questions and to share some of your insights on the book as a whole, including the theme.
Luke and Acts
Acts 27:1-26. Read and respond in complete sentences. Due Wednesday, May 27. Do not send your assignment before then.
1. Who is Julius?
2. Who is Aristarchus?
3. What kindness did Julius show to Paul at Sidon?
4. Luke has told us about noble centurions. a) How does Jesus praise the centurion at the beginning of Luke 7? b) What did another centurion say about Jesus at his death (Lk. 23:47)? Cornelius was also a centurion. c) How did he show he was a God-fearing man (Acts 10:2)? d) How did he show great respect for Peter (10:25-26)? e) How did God bless Cornelius and other Gentile believers (10:44-46)?
5. The next stage of the trip to Italy has been difficult. a) What prediction does Paul make? b) How does the centurion respond?
6. Going westward, the ship encounters "a wind of hurricane force." List 3 things the crew does to try to keep the ship afloat.
7. Paul's next prediction has both a negative side and a positive side. Explain.
Poets and Prophets
Isaiah 61 continued. Due Wednesday, May 27. Do not send your assignment before then.
A. Another cluster of images relates to plants. 1. Give 2 examples from this chapter. 2. Give an example from a) Is. 8; b) from Is. 35, and c) from Is. 60.
B. Another cluster relates to rebuilding. 1. Give an example from this chapter. 2. Give another example from Is. 58. 3. What historical example is narrated in the book of Ezra? 4. What historical example is narrated in the book of Nehemiah?
C. Another cluster relates to inheritance. 1. Give an example from this chapter. 2. How does this relate to Ps. 16? 3. Write out Prov. 13:22. 4. Give an example from Is. 58.
D. Another cluster comes from the lexical field of priesthood. 1. Give an example from this chapter. 2. How does this language tie in with the following: a) Exodus 28; b) Psalm 45; c) I Peter 2:9; d) Revelation 21.
Introduction to French
See Friday's post.
Intermediate French
In your Easy French Reader, we will continue our reading with some fiction, for a change. On pp. 152-161, read the introduction to Daudet and his famous story "La derniere classe." (That's pretty good timing, n'est-ce pas?) Answer the questions at the end of each section. Turn in your answers no later than this Friday, but do so one section at a time. Don't turn in anything today.
Advanced French
See previous post.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Troll Island Notes 45: Friday, May 22, 2020
As you enjoy your Memorial Day weekend, remember to give thanks for those who sacrificed so much to keep our country safe and free. Give thanks, too, for the many in our day who continue to serve in places of great risk and even danger.
Literature 7-8
The Slave Dancer: Read "Nick Spark Walks on Water" and the comments below. Respond complete sentences. Due Tuesday, May 26. Do not send it until then.
1. Purvis has a gift for using words. He makes jokes, exaggerates, and is talkative. We see him using this gift to tell a story. a) What is it about? b) How does it foreshadow what happens near the end of the chapter?
2. Drunkenness continues to be a problem among the sailors, while the slaves in the hold are continually moaning. How are these two facts connected?
3. Ned Grime is another "Christian" character that we don't like very much. How does Jessie describe Ned's heart on p. 63?
4. At last the enslaved people are brought up on the deck for Jessie to "dance." He spends some time telling us about their appearance, especially the nakedness of many of them. According to him, why is this nakedness so significant (it isn't their poverty)?
5. Jessie feels pity for the slaves, although there is little he can do for them. Yet at the same time, he says he hated them (p. 69). Briefly explain how both things can be true at the same time.
6. Although Jessie is outwardly very different from the enslaved Africans, it is easy for him to identify with them. Like them, he has been taken by force from his home; like them, he is trapped on the ship; like them, he is forced to do what he does not want to do; like them, he is verbally tormented; like them, he is physically beaten; like them, he is living in a nightmare. In your own words, what is the point I am trying to make here?
7. Why was Jessie whipped, and who administered the punishment?
8. The sailors routinely treat the enslaved people as if they were not people at all. Yet at the same time they often play games with the African children. How might you explain this seeming inconsistency?
9. Ben Stout is in charge of the Africans in the hold. He uses his knowledge of African languages to give them orders. According to Purvis, how else does he use this linguistic knowledge?
10. As we have already said, life onboard the ship is a living nightmare. How does Jessie "escape" (p. 74)?
11. Jessie has noticed one African boy in particular. When the little girl died and was tossed overboard, Jessie let out a cry and then locked eyes with this boy. Later, when Jessie was being whipped, he thought of him. How are the two boys linked in this chapter?
12. The chapter ends with a flurry of violence: strangling, whipping, shooting, and a man being tossed aboard alive. They are all connected. Explain what happened.
13. According to Purvis, why was Nick Spark's punishment so severe?
American Literature
A. Read "About the Author" (Archibald MacLeish) on p. 579. 1. What is his play J.B. based on? Read "About the Selection." 2. What is the meaning of the poem's title? 3. What is the main point it is trying to make?
B. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. Answer 1-9 in "Reviewing the Selection" (p. 582).
Due Tuesday, May 26. Do not send it until then.
British Literature
Finish Lord of the Flies and respond to each remaining chapter by the end of the day. No further assignment unless you owe me work, in which case I expect to see it coming in.
C.S. Lewis
Finish That Hideous Strength in time for our Zoom session on Wednesday afternoon. You do not need to send any responses to chapters 14 to 17, so long as you have read them well. I plan to discuss them with you at the meeting. If you owe me work, you need to do it and send it in.
Luke and Acts
Read the portions of Acts 25-26 assigned below and respond in complete sentences. Due Tuesday, May 26. Do not send anything until then.
A. 25:1-12.
1. Why were the Jewish leaders so anxious to have Paul transferred to Jerusalem--the real reason?
2. What did Festus prefer to do?
3. After hearing Pau's defense, Festus decides to send him to Jerusalem after all. What was his motive?
4. How did Paul keep this from happening?
B. 25:13-22
1. Who are Agrippa and Bernice?
2. Why does Festus want to discuss Paul's case with them?
In 25:23 to 26: 23, four main things take place: 1) Festus introduces Paul's case; 2) Paul speaks of his background as a Pharisee and his persecution of the Church; 3) he retells his conversion story; 4) he speaks of his missionary activity and defends it.
C. 26:24-32
1. Why does Festus interrupt him?
2. What does Paul say to Agrippa that makes the king so uncomfortable?
3. What does Agrippa conclude about Paul's case?
Poets and Prophets
Isaiah 61 is a chapter that shines brightly even among the many other gems in this section of Isaiah. I can't tell you how much I would love to go over this chapter in person and in detail. But we simply can't do that, so instead, with due reverence for God's inscrutable providence, we will do something else.
1. Read the whole chapter or listen to it being read. You will notice that everything in the chapter relates in some way to this theme: By the power of the Spirit, God's people are restored and glorified. Why do you/we need to hear this?
2. The rhetorical power of this chapter does not just come from the many beautiful images or the biblical connotations they may suggest to us. Much of the power of the passage comes from the way the different sets of images reinforce and augment each other to form a seamless whole. Say this in your own words.
3. The first two verses are familiar to us from the NT. Read or skim Luke 4:14-30, and then respond.
a) Where does this episode take place? b) When Jesus states that this prophecy is fulfilled in their hearing, the people seem impressed. But as he continues to speak, he offends them. What were they offended by? c) What did they do in their anger?
4. Jesus quotation, which refers to various kinds of restoration, was literally fulfilled during his earthly ministry. How does it continue to apply in some way to our era?
5. Another cluster of images has to do with beautification, which overlaps with the lexical field of weddings. a) Write out a verse or portion of a verse that illustrates this well. b) Write out a verse or part of a verse from Is. 60 that fits into the same lexical field. c) Do the same for Is. 58. d) Do the same for Is. 35. e) How does these related images connect to Job 28? f) to Ps. 45? g) to Song of songs?
Due Tuesday, May 26. Do not send anything until then. We will discuss more of this chapter later.
Introduction to French
Read and respond to ch. 5 for Tuesday; ch. 6 (the end) and response for Wednesday. Those who owe me work need to get it in.
Intermediate French
No assignment for Tuesday. Enjoy a well-earned break from your French studies!
Advanced French
Finissez l'Ecclesiaste et repondez.
Literature 7-8
The Slave Dancer: Read "Nick Spark Walks on Water" and the comments below. Respond complete sentences. Due Tuesday, May 26. Do not send it until then.
1. Purvis has a gift for using words. He makes jokes, exaggerates, and is talkative. We see him using this gift to tell a story. a) What is it about? b) How does it foreshadow what happens near the end of the chapter?
2. Drunkenness continues to be a problem among the sailors, while the slaves in the hold are continually moaning. How are these two facts connected?
3. Ned Grime is another "Christian" character that we don't like very much. How does Jessie describe Ned's heart on p. 63?
4. At last the enslaved people are brought up on the deck for Jessie to "dance." He spends some time telling us about their appearance, especially the nakedness of many of them. According to him, why is this nakedness so significant (it isn't their poverty)?
5. Jessie feels pity for the slaves, although there is little he can do for them. Yet at the same time, he says he hated them (p. 69). Briefly explain how both things can be true at the same time.
6. Although Jessie is outwardly very different from the enslaved Africans, it is easy for him to identify with them. Like them, he has been taken by force from his home; like them, he is trapped on the ship; like them, he is forced to do what he does not want to do; like them, he is verbally tormented; like them, he is physically beaten; like them, he is living in a nightmare. In your own words, what is the point I am trying to make here?
7. Why was Jessie whipped, and who administered the punishment?
8. The sailors routinely treat the enslaved people as if they were not people at all. Yet at the same time they often play games with the African children. How might you explain this seeming inconsistency?
9. Ben Stout is in charge of the Africans in the hold. He uses his knowledge of African languages to give them orders. According to Purvis, how else does he use this linguistic knowledge?
10. As we have already said, life onboard the ship is a living nightmare. How does Jessie "escape" (p. 74)?
11. Jessie has noticed one African boy in particular. When the little girl died and was tossed overboard, Jessie let out a cry and then locked eyes with this boy. Later, when Jessie was being whipped, he thought of him. How are the two boys linked in this chapter?
12. The chapter ends with a flurry of violence: strangling, whipping, shooting, and a man being tossed aboard alive. They are all connected. Explain what happened.
13. According to Purvis, why was Nick Spark's punishment so severe?
American Literature
A. Read "About the Author" (Archibald MacLeish) on p. 579. 1. What is his play J.B. based on? Read "About the Selection." 2. What is the meaning of the poem's title? 3. What is the main point it is trying to make?
B. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. Answer 1-9 in "Reviewing the Selection" (p. 582).
Due Tuesday, May 26. Do not send it until then.
British Literature
Finish Lord of the Flies and respond to each remaining chapter by the end of the day. No further assignment unless you owe me work, in which case I expect to see it coming in.
C.S. Lewis
Finish That Hideous Strength in time for our Zoom session on Wednesday afternoon. You do not need to send any responses to chapters 14 to 17, so long as you have read them well. I plan to discuss them with you at the meeting. If you owe me work, you need to do it and send it in.
Luke and Acts
Read the portions of Acts 25-26 assigned below and respond in complete sentences. Due Tuesday, May 26. Do not send anything until then.
A. 25:1-12.
1. Why were the Jewish leaders so anxious to have Paul transferred to Jerusalem--the real reason?
2. What did Festus prefer to do?
3. After hearing Pau's defense, Festus decides to send him to Jerusalem after all. What was his motive?
4. How did Paul keep this from happening?
B. 25:13-22
1. Who are Agrippa and Bernice?
2. Why does Festus want to discuss Paul's case with them?
In 25:23 to 26: 23, four main things take place: 1) Festus introduces Paul's case; 2) Paul speaks of his background as a Pharisee and his persecution of the Church; 3) he retells his conversion story; 4) he speaks of his missionary activity and defends it.
C. 26:24-32
1. Why does Festus interrupt him?
2. What does Paul say to Agrippa that makes the king so uncomfortable?
3. What does Agrippa conclude about Paul's case?
Poets and Prophets
Isaiah 61 is a chapter that shines brightly even among the many other gems in this section of Isaiah. I can't tell you how much I would love to go over this chapter in person and in detail. But we simply can't do that, so instead, with due reverence for God's inscrutable providence, we will do something else.
1. Read the whole chapter or listen to it being read. You will notice that everything in the chapter relates in some way to this theme: By the power of the Spirit, God's people are restored and glorified. Why do you/we need to hear this?
2. The rhetorical power of this chapter does not just come from the many beautiful images or the biblical connotations they may suggest to us. Much of the power of the passage comes from the way the different sets of images reinforce and augment each other to form a seamless whole. Say this in your own words.
3. The first two verses are familiar to us from the NT. Read or skim Luke 4:14-30, and then respond.
a) Where does this episode take place? b) When Jesus states that this prophecy is fulfilled in their hearing, the people seem impressed. But as he continues to speak, he offends them. What were they offended by? c) What did they do in their anger?
4. Jesus quotation, which refers to various kinds of restoration, was literally fulfilled during his earthly ministry. How does it continue to apply in some way to our era?
5. Another cluster of images has to do with beautification, which overlaps with the lexical field of weddings. a) Write out a verse or portion of a verse that illustrates this well. b) Write out a verse or part of a verse from Is. 60 that fits into the same lexical field. c) Do the same for Is. 58. d) Do the same for Is. 35. e) How does these related images connect to Job 28? f) to Ps. 45? g) to Song of songs?
Due Tuesday, May 26. Do not send anything until then. We will discuss more of this chapter later.
Introduction to French
Read and respond to ch. 5 for Tuesday; ch. 6 (the end) and response for Wednesday. Those who owe me work need to get it in.
Intermediate French
No assignment for Tuesday. Enjoy a well-earned break from your French studies!
Advanced French
Finissez l'Ecclesiaste et repondez.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Troll Island Notes 44: Thursday, May 21, 2020
Happy Ascension Day! We are blessed to have a risen and ascended Savior who even now intercedes for us at God's right hand.
Literature 7-8
The Slave Dancer ch. 4: "The Bight of Benin." Read this before answering the questions below.
In some earlier responses, some of you referred to this novel as a "Christian book." It may be, but I never said that. The book does deal frankly with the matter of human sin, especially the sin of abusing our neighbor, but I would stop short of calling it a Christian book. Here's why: You will have noticed by now that Jessie sometimes makes references to his pastor, the parson. When he does so, it is almost always insulting. Add to that the fact that the most outwardly "Christian" character in the book is Ben Stout, who, beneath his innocent exterior, is sadistic and vengeful. He is a hypocrite, like the Pharisees that Jesus often argued with. On the other hand, there are no positive characters who identify as Christians. For these reasons, I would not call this book a Christian book, though I strongly believe it has value for Christians.
After weeks on board the Moonlight, which is sailing eastward toward Africa to buy African prisoners as slaves. As Jessie learns, we learn with him. We are getting to know the characters better. We are learning about his responsibilities on the ship. We are finding out about the slave trade itself. As the enslaved prisoners are brought aboard the ship, slavery begins to take on a human face for us, as it does for Jessie. Even in New Orleans, he saw slavery only from a distance; now slavery and slaves are becoming much more real.
Respond in complete sentences. Due Friday, May 22. Do not send until tomorrow.
1. According to the first full paragraph above, why is it not accurate to refer to this as a Christian novel?
2. What benefit does it still have for Christians?
3. What is the main idea of the second full paragraph above? Answer in one complete sentence.
4. The Bight of Benin is part of the Gulf of Guinea on the west coast of Africa, near the modern country of Benin. Follow this link: Bight of Benin. Enlarge the map and find the location labeled there. a) Did you find it? b) What direction do they have to go to reach the island of Sao Tome?
5. Explain how flags protect the Moonlight.
6. Who is the greatest threat to the slave trade? (Slavery was still legal in the US, but not the slave trade.)
7. Why do they make the slaves dance?
8. What is a cabociero?
9. Give one reason that may explain why Purvis gets so upset when Jessie shows sympathy for the enslaved Africans.
10. What violent episode takes place on p. 56?
11. What are the buckets in the hold for?
12. What shocks Jessie so much on p. 59?
American Literature
"Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter." Read "About the Author" and "About the Selection" on p. 575. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. Suppose that you agreed to prepare a short video commentary on this poem. Prepare a script for this video commentary. Begin by noting some of the important features of the poem as a whole. Then do a stanza-by-stanza commentary of the kind you often have heard in this class. When completed, the script should take about 6 to 10 minutes to read aloud.
If you wish, you may collaborate with one other student in this class. If you wish to submit a recording of the script along with the script, you may do that. If you wish to make a video (Sarah?), you may do that too. Let me know if you will need extra time for that. Due Friday, May 22.
British Literature
Finish the book by Friday. You know what to do.
C.S. Lewis
Finish the book for Wednesday. You know what to do.
Luke and Acts
Acts 24 is a record of Paul's trial before the Roman governor, Felix. In a paragraph of no fewer than 100 words, retell Luke's account in your own words. Due Friday, May 22. Do not send it until tomorrow.
Poets and Prophets
Read Isaiah 60 and briefly comment on the following units with a focus on how they may foreshadow Christ during his earthly ministry, or during his heavenly session (Happy Ascension Day again!), or at his return, or in any combination of the above. Unit 1 (1-3); unit 2 (4-7); unit 3 (8-9); unit 4 (10-12); unit 5 (13-14); unit 6 (15-16); unit 7 (17-18); unit 8 (19-20); unit 9 (21-22). Due Friday, May 22. Do not send until tomorrow.
Introduction to French
Read ch. 4 and respond for tomorrow.
Intermediate French
Do Revision 4 for tomorrow.
Literature 7-8
The Slave Dancer ch. 4: "The Bight of Benin." Read this before answering the questions below.
In some earlier responses, some of you referred to this novel as a "Christian book." It may be, but I never said that. The book does deal frankly with the matter of human sin, especially the sin of abusing our neighbor, but I would stop short of calling it a Christian book. Here's why: You will have noticed by now that Jessie sometimes makes references to his pastor, the parson. When he does so, it is almost always insulting. Add to that the fact that the most outwardly "Christian" character in the book is Ben Stout, who, beneath his innocent exterior, is sadistic and vengeful. He is a hypocrite, like the Pharisees that Jesus often argued with. On the other hand, there are no positive characters who identify as Christians. For these reasons, I would not call this book a Christian book, though I strongly believe it has value for Christians.
After weeks on board the Moonlight, which is sailing eastward toward Africa to buy African prisoners as slaves. As Jessie learns, we learn with him. We are getting to know the characters better. We are learning about his responsibilities on the ship. We are finding out about the slave trade itself. As the enslaved prisoners are brought aboard the ship, slavery begins to take on a human face for us, as it does for Jessie. Even in New Orleans, he saw slavery only from a distance; now slavery and slaves are becoming much more real.
Respond in complete sentences. Due Friday, May 22. Do not send until tomorrow.
1. According to the first full paragraph above, why is it not accurate to refer to this as a Christian novel?
2. What benefit does it still have for Christians?
3. What is the main idea of the second full paragraph above? Answer in one complete sentence.
4. The Bight of Benin is part of the Gulf of Guinea on the west coast of Africa, near the modern country of Benin. Follow this link: Bight of Benin. Enlarge the map and find the location labeled there. a) Did you find it? b) What direction do they have to go to reach the island of Sao Tome?
5. Explain how flags protect the Moonlight.
6. Who is the greatest threat to the slave trade? (Slavery was still legal in the US, but not the slave trade.)
7. Why do they make the slaves dance?
8. What is a cabociero?
9. Give one reason that may explain why Purvis gets so upset when Jessie shows sympathy for the enslaved Africans.
10. What violent episode takes place on p. 56?
11. What are the buckets in the hold for?
12. What shocks Jessie so much on p. 59?
American Literature
"Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter." Read "About the Author" and "About the Selection" on p. 575. Read the poem aloud or listen to it here. Suppose that you agreed to prepare a short video commentary on this poem. Prepare a script for this video commentary. Begin by noting some of the important features of the poem as a whole. Then do a stanza-by-stanza commentary of the kind you often have heard in this class. When completed, the script should take about 6 to 10 minutes to read aloud.
If you wish, you may collaborate with one other student in this class. If you wish to submit a recording of the script along with the script, you may do that. If you wish to make a video (Sarah?), you may do that too. Let me know if you will need extra time for that. Due Friday, May 22.
British Literature
Finish the book by Friday. You know what to do.
C.S. Lewis
Finish the book for Wednesday. You know what to do.
Luke and Acts
Acts 24 is a record of Paul's trial before the Roman governor, Felix. In a paragraph of no fewer than 100 words, retell Luke's account in your own words. Due Friday, May 22. Do not send it until tomorrow.
Poets and Prophets
Read Isaiah 60 and briefly comment on the following units with a focus on how they may foreshadow Christ during his earthly ministry, or during his heavenly session (Happy Ascension Day again!), or at his return, or in any combination of the above. Unit 1 (1-3); unit 2 (4-7); unit 3 (8-9); unit 4 (10-12); unit 5 (13-14); unit 6 (15-16); unit 7 (17-18); unit 8 (19-20); unit 9 (21-22). Due Friday, May 22. Do not send until tomorrow.
Introduction to French
Read ch. 4 and respond for tomorrow.
Intermediate French
Do Revision 4 for tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Troll Island Notes 43: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Literature 7-8
It was nice to see so many of you at the Zoom session. for tomorrow, read "The Shrouds." Respond in complete sentences. 1. Who do they have to watch out for? 2. What are some of the jobs Jessie does on board? 3. How often does Jessie think about home? 4. Why did Purvis hit Jessie? 5. What made Ben Stout lose his smile? 6. What "precious thing" that is "as luminous as a tiny moon" shows up in the men's quarters? 7. Who owns it? 8. How is Purvis punished for stealing it (even though he didn't steal it)? 9. Where did Jessie get a piece of cheese? 10. What did he do with it? 11. Write out a sparkle. Due Thursday, May 21. Do not send anything today.
American Literature
No assignment for those who attended the Zoom session today. For those who did not, please do questions 1-10 on p. 573. Due Thursday, May 21.
British Literature
Zoom session today at 2:00pm. Come prepared with questions and insights.
Finish the book by Friday. Send your responses to each chapter as you finish.
C.S. Lewis
Zoom session today at 2:30pm. Come prepared with questions and insights.
Finish the book by one week from today, Wednesday, May 27. Send your responses as you finish each chapter.
Luke and Acts
Acts 23:12-35. Read and summarize the main events in a paragraph of about 100 words. Due Thursday, May 21. Do not send anything today.
Poets and Prophets
Isaiah 58. 1. Divide the chapter into stanzas of two or three strophes each. 2. Write what verses they include, and state the main idea for each stanza in one sentence. 3. Make at least one biblical connection for each stanza, OT or NT. Use one sentence each. 4. Write one question that the chapter raises in your mind. Due Thursday, May 21.
Introduction to French
Read and respond to ch. 3 as you did to ch. 2. Due Thursday, May 21.
Intermediate French
Ch. 22 for tomorrow.
Advanced French
Vous avez le reste de vos devoirs pour l'annee.
It was nice to see so many of you at the Zoom session. for tomorrow, read "The Shrouds." Respond in complete sentences. 1. Who do they have to watch out for? 2. What are some of the jobs Jessie does on board? 3. How often does Jessie think about home? 4. Why did Purvis hit Jessie? 5. What made Ben Stout lose his smile? 6. What "precious thing" that is "as luminous as a tiny moon" shows up in the men's quarters? 7. Who owns it? 8. How is Purvis punished for stealing it (even though he didn't steal it)? 9. Where did Jessie get a piece of cheese? 10. What did he do with it? 11. Write out a sparkle. Due Thursday, May 21. Do not send anything today.
American Literature
No assignment for those who attended the Zoom session today. For those who did not, please do questions 1-10 on p. 573. Due Thursday, May 21.
British Literature
Zoom session today at 2:00pm. Come prepared with questions and insights.
Finish the book by Friday. Send your responses to each chapter as you finish.
C.S. Lewis
Zoom session today at 2:30pm. Come prepared with questions and insights.
Finish the book by one week from today, Wednesday, May 27. Send your responses as you finish each chapter.
Luke and Acts
Acts 23:12-35. Read and summarize the main events in a paragraph of about 100 words. Due Thursday, May 21. Do not send anything today.
Poets and Prophets
Isaiah 58. 1. Divide the chapter into stanzas of two or three strophes each. 2. Write what verses they include, and state the main idea for each stanza in one sentence. 3. Make at least one biblical connection for each stanza, OT or NT. Use one sentence each. 4. Write one question that the chapter raises in your mind. Due Thursday, May 21.
Introduction to French
Read and respond to ch. 3 as you did to ch. 2. Due Thursday, May 21.
Intermediate French
Ch. 22 for tomorrow.
Advanced French
Vous avez le reste de vos devoirs pour l'annee.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Troll Island Notes 42: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Literature 7-8
I am planning a Zoom session for 10:00am to 10:30am, during which we will be discussing the first two chapters of The Slave Dancer. You have a written assignment due today on "The Errand." For tomorrow, read the second chapter, "The Moonlight," in time for the discussion. In this chapter, the exposition continues. Along with Jessie, we will be learning more about the ship, its purpose, and especially some of the members of the crew. Focus on these things as you read. You will have an opportunity to ask questions, and I will be asking you for some oral responses. Attendance is required.
American Literature
I am planning a Zoom session for 10:30am to 11:00am tomorrow. Attendance is required. 1. Read "About the Author" (T.S. Eliot) on p. 567. Note his personal difficulties as well as his literary successes and his conversion to Christianity. 2. Read "About the Selection" on p. 567. Note the highlighted vocabulary but especially the background for better understanding a difficult poem. 3. Listen to the poem read aloud here. There is no text displayed on the recording, so you should follow along in your book. You will not be expected to understand it all, but the poem will make some strong emotional and verbal impressions on you. Be prepared to share. I will offer some insights about understanding the poem better.
British Literature
I am planning a Zoom session for 2:00pm to 2:30pm tomorrow. Attendance is required. Have ch. 10 read by that time. You will have the opportunity to ask questions; make the most of it. I will also be asking you to share some of the observations you have made and some of the insights you have gained as a result of your reading and your interactions with me (or others). Come prepared in both cases, and make sure you are up to date with your reading.
C.S. Lewis
I am planning a Zoom session for 2:30 pm to 3:00pm tomorrow. Attendance is required. By class time you should have read through ch. 11. You do not need to prepare a written response for these chapters, but if you have already sent one or have one you can send, you will be credited with what you have done. You will have the opportunity to ask questions; make the most of it. I will also be asking you to share some of the observations you have made and some of the insights you have gained as a result of your reading and your interactions with me (or others). Come prepared in both cases, and make sure you are up to date with your reading.
Luke and Acts
Acts 21:38-22:21. Paul is retelling his conversion story. Read it, but you do not need to respond. Acts 22:22-23:11. Read and respond in complete sentences.
1. Cite a detail that shows how angry the crows is.
2. What mistake did the centurion almost make? Explain briefly.
3. Who are the Sanhedrin?
4. Why have they been assembled?
5. How was Paul mistreated there?
6. Why did he apologize?
7. According to Paul, why is he there? Give his exact words.
8. How did the Sanhedrin react to this?
9. How are the Pharisees different from the Sadducees?
10. What ends up happening to Paul?
11. What did the Lord say to him that night?
Due no later than 3:00pm Wednesday, May 20. Do not send anything today.
Poets and Prophets
Read Is. 55 and respond thoughtfully in a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words. You may discuss structure, language, rhetorical techniques, OT connections, NT connections, personal connections, or anything else that gives evidence of thoughtful reading and reflection. In a separate response, ask any questions you may have about the text. Due no later than 5:00pm Wednesday, May 20.
Introduction to French
Read and know ch. 2 of Le Voyage de sa vie. Respond by sending me any questions you may have .Due no later than 3:00pm Wednesday, May 20.
Intermediate French
Ch. 20. Vous savez quoi faire. Due no later than 3:00pm Wednesday, May 20.
Advanced French
Lisez chs. 7-8 et repondez pour jeudi.
I am planning a Zoom session for 10:00am to 10:30am, during which we will be discussing the first two chapters of The Slave Dancer. You have a written assignment due today on "The Errand." For tomorrow, read the second chapter, "The Moonlight," in time for the discussion. In this chapter, the exposition continues. Along with Jessie, we will be learning more about the ship, its purpose, and especially some of the members of the crew. Focus on these things as you read. You will have an opportunity to ask questions, and I will be asking you for some oral responses. Attendance is required.
American Literature
I am planning a Zoom session for 10:30am to 11:00am tomorrow. Attendance is required. 1. Read "About the Author" (T.S. Eliot) on p. 567. Note his personal difficulties as well as his literary successes and his conversion to Christianity. 2. Read "About the Selection" on p. 567. Note the highlighted vocabulary but especially the background for better understanding a difficult poem. 3. Listen to the poem read aloud here. There is no text displayed on the recording, so you should follow along in your book. You will not be expected to understand it all, but the poem will make some strong emotional and verbal impressions on you. Be prepared to share. I will offer some insights about understanding the poem better.
British Literature
I am planning a Zoom session for 2:00pm to 2:30pm tomorrow. Attendance is required. Have ch. 10 read by that time. You will have the opportunity to ask questions; make the most of it. I will also be asking you to share some of the observations you have made and some of the insights you have gained as a result of your reading and your interactions with me (or others). Come prepared in both cases, and make sure you are up to date with your reading.
C.S. Lewis
I am planning a Zoom session for 2:30 pm to 3:00pm tomorrow. Attendance is required. By class time you should have read through ch. 11. You do not need to prepare a written response for these chapters, but if you have already sent one or have one you can send, you will be credited with what you have done. You will have the opportunity to ask questions; make the most of it. I will also be asking you to share some of the observations you have made and some of the insights you have gained as a result of your reading and your interactions with me (or others). Come prepared in both cases, and make sure you are up to date with your reading.
Luke and Acts
Acts 21:38-22:21. Paul is retelling his conversion story. Read it, but you do not need to respond. Acts 22:22-23:11. Read and respond in complete sentences.
1. Cite a detail that shows how angry the crows is.
2. What mistake did the centurion almost make? Explain briefly.
3. Who are the Sanhedrin?
4. Why have they been assembled?
5. How was Paul mistreated there?
6. Why did he apologize?
7. According to Paul, why is he there? Give his exact words.
8. How did the Sanhedrin react to this?
9. How are the Pharisees different from the Sadducees?
10. What ends up happening to Paul?
11. What did the Lord say to him that night?
Due no later than 3:00pm Wednesday, May 20. Do not send anything today.
Poets and Prophets
Read Is. 55 and respond thoughtfully in a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words. You may discuss structure, language, rhetorical techniques, OT connections, NT connections, personal connections, or anything else that gives evidence of thoughtful reading and reflection. In a separate response, ask any questions you may have about the text. Due no later than 5:00pm Wednesday, May 20.
Introduction to French
Read and know ch. 2 of Le Voyage de sa vie. Respond by sending me any questions you may have .Due no later than 3:00pm Wednesday, May 20.
Intermediate French
Ch. 20. Vous savez quoi faire. Due no later than 3:00pm Wednesday, May 20.
Advanced French
Lisez chs. 7-8 et repondez pour jeudi.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Troll Island Notes 41: Monday, May 18. 2020
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9)
Literature 7-8
Today we begin The Slave Dancer. Read the entire introduction below.
The Slave Dancer by American writer Paula Fox is a work of historical fiction. That means that the characters are fictional, but the places are real and the events are based on things that really happened. The novel gives us a glimpse into a shameful period of American history, when human beings made in the image of God were kidnapped, abused, bought and sold like cattle, and brutally enslaved. To make matters worse, the slave trade was race-based: White slave traders (some of whom claimed to be Christians) enslaved black Africans, whom they thought of as being inferior to whites and therefore well suited to serve their white "superiors."
Paula Fox wants us to understand better just how brutal the slave trade was. And although this is a book written for young people, she does not cover up the horrors of this illegal trade. You will read about many acts of violence, some of them described in disturbing detail. You will read about verbal abuse as well as physical abuse--including the occasional use of the n-word. This is not language you should use, just as you would not use physical violence against another person. These actions and the language are here to convey the brutality of the slave trade and the people who ran it.
You may be asking yourself why I would have you read a book like this. There are several reasons. The first is that it is well written. Paul Fox is a good story-teller, and she has a gift for opening the eyes and the ears of our imaginations. She knows how to bring fictional characters and situations to life. A second reason for reading this book is that it reminds us of part of our American heritage we might rather forget. But we shouldn't forget it, no matter how unpleasant the reminder, because we can learn from it. A third reason is a specifically Christian one. This novel can remind us of something else we might rather forget--the ugliness of human sin. If it weren't for the grace of God, all of us would be worse than the worst criminal in this book. But Jesus came to earth to die for sinners, to rescue us from our own sin and make us new people. We can better appreciate our Savior if we better understand how much we need to be saved. This book does not glorify violence, though there is plenty of violence in it. This book does not try to justify abusive language, though there is much abusive language in it. This book does not romanticize any part of the slave trade, but tries to show it realistically, with compassion for all of the victims.
On page 2 there is a list of the characters aboard the Moonlight, the slave ship that is the main setting for the novel. You may find it useful to refer to it.
The first chapter, "The Errand," is exposition. You are introduced to several characters, including the viewpoint character, Jessie Bollier. He is telling the story as an older man recounting a traumatic experience from his youth. He gives us a snapshot of his family, their home, and part of New Orleans where they live. The year is 1840, twenty years before the Civil War and the eventual emancipation of the enslaved people in the United States.
A. Answer the following questions on the basis of the paragraphs above that you have just read.
Use complete sentences.
1. What is historical fiction?
2. What does it mean that American slavery was "race-based"?
3. The second paragraph is a warning. What is it?
4. What are the 3 reasons I gave for having you read this book?
5. I used the word "exposition" in the final paragraph. What does that mean in context?
B. Read "The Errand" and respond in complete sentences.
1. What is Jessie's house like?
2. Where is his father?
3. How does his mother make a living?
4. What is Jessie's neighborhood like?
5. Tell about something shocking or disturbing that happens.
6. Ask a question about the chapter, or write out a memorable quotation (from now on, we will call these memorable quotations "sparkles").
Due no later than 3:00pm Tuesday, May 19. Do not send anything today.
American Literature
Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00pm Tuesday, May 19.
1. Read "About the Author" p. 545. What is most worth knowing about William Carlos Williams?
2. Read "About the Selections": a) What is Imagism? b) What does Williams say about rhythm in poetry?
3. It is easy to mock "This Is Just to Say" (p. 546) and "The Red Wheelbarrow" (p. 548). If you feel that impulse, suppress it for the time being and take the poems seriously. It is important to read the poems aloud, so please do so even if it makes you a little self-conscious. a) Say something about how the poems sounded to you. b) Say something about the form of each. c) To whom is each poem addressed? d) Say something about the tone of each poem. e) What are both poems suggesting about the world around us? f) What similar concern do you see in the poems of Wallace Stevens? Briefly explain. g) Why do you think some people mock poems like these? h) Regardless of your actual opinion, how might someone defend these poems against such mockery?
British Literature
Ch. 9 for tomorrow by 3:00pm, usual procedure.
C.S. Lewis
Next assignment is on last Thursday's blog post.
Luke and Acts
Write and answer 10 why/how questions on Acts 21:17-36. Due no later than 3:00pm Tuesday, May 19. Do not send anything today.
Poets and Prophets
Read and respond to Is. 54. Due no later than 3:00pm Tuesday, May 19.
1. Assume that the main units are as follows: 1-3, 4-8, 9-10, 11-14, 15-17. Give a one-sentence statement about the main idea in each unit.
2. The people of Judah are described collectively as a barren woman. List 5 supposedly barren women (OT or NT) who ended up having children, often remarkable ones. Briefly explain in one sentence each.
3. The chapter also speaks of the people of Judah as widowed and deserted. List 5 women (OT or NT) who were widowed, abandoned, divorced, or single who ended up being an important part of God's work in the world. Briefly explain in one sentence each.
4. Another important image is precious stones. List 5 places in the Bible (OT or NT) where precious stones are used, literally or figuratively. Briefly explain in one sentence each.
French classes: see earlier posts for your assignments for tomorrow.
Literature 7-8
Today we begin The Slave Dancer. Read the entire introduction below.
The Slave Dancer by American writer Paula Fox is a work of historical fiction. That means that the characters are fictional, but the places are real and the events are based on things that really happened. The novel gives us a glimpse into a shameful period of American history, when human beings made in the image of God were kidnapped, abused, bought and sold like cattle, and brutally enslaved. To make matters worse, the slave trade was race-based: White slave traders (some of whom claimed to be Christians) enslaved black Africans, whom they thought of as being inferior to whites and therefore well suited to serve their white "superiors."
Paula Fox wants us to understand better just how brutal the slave trade was. And although this is a book written for young people, she does not cover up the horrors of this illegal trade. You will read about many acts of violence, some of them described in disturbing detail. You will read about verbal abuse as well as physical abuse--including the occasional use of the n-word. This is not language you should use, just as you would not use physical violence against another person. These actions and the language are here to convey the brutality of the slave trade and the people who ran it.
You may be asking yourself why I would have you read a book like this. There are several reasons. The first is that it is well written. Paul Fox is a good story-teller, and she has a gift for opening the eyes and the ears of our imaginations. She knows how to bring fictional characters and situations to life. A second reason for reading this book is that it reminds us of part of our American heritage we might rather forget. But we shouldn't forget it, no matter how unpleasant the reminder, because we can learn from it. A third reason is a specifically Christian one. This novel can remind us of something else we might rather forget--the ugliness of human sin. If it weren't for the grace of God, all of us would be worse than the worst criminal in this book. But Jesus came to earth to die for sinners, to rescue us from our own sin and make us new people. We can better appreciate our Savior if we better understand how much we need to be saved. This book does not glorify violence, though there is plenty of violence in it. This book does not try to justify abusive language, though there is much abusive language in it. This book does not romanticize any part of the slave trade, but tries to show it realistically, with compassion for all of the victims.
On page 2 there is a list of the characters aboard the Moonlight, the slave ship that is the main setting for the novel. You may find it useful to refer to it.
The first chapter, "The Errand," is exposition. You are introduced to several characters, including the viewpoint character, Jessie Bollier. He is telling the story as an older man recounting a traumatic experience from his youth. He gives us a snapshot of his family, their home, and part of New Orleans where they live. The year is 1840, twenty years before the Civil War and the eventual emancipation of the enslaved people in the United States.
A. Answer the following questions on the basis of the paragraphs above that you have just read.
Use complete sentences.
1. What is historical fiction?
2. What does it mean that American slavery was "race-based"?
3. The second paragraph is a warning. What is it?
4. What are the 3 reasons I gave for having you read this book?
5. I used the word "exposition" in the final paragraph. What does that mean in context?
B. Read "The Errand" and respond in complete sentences.
1. What is Jessie's house like?
2. Where is his father?
3. How does his mother make a living?
4. What is Jessie's neighborhood like?
5. Tell about something shocking or disturbing that happens.
6. Ask a question about the chapter, or write out a memorable quotation (from now on, we will call these memorable quotations "sparkles").
Due no later than 3:00pm Tuesday, May 19. Do not send anything today.
American Literature
Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00pm Tuesday, May 19.
1. Read "About the Author" p. 545. What is most worth knowing about William Carlos Williams?
2. Read "About the Selections": a) What is Imagism? b) What does Williams say about rhythm in poetry?
3. It is easy to mock "This Is Just to Say" (p. 546) and "The Red Wheelbarrow" (p. 548). If you feel that impulse, suppress it for the time being and take the poems seriously. It is important to read the poems aloud, so please do so even if it makes you a little self-conscious. a) Say something about how the poems sounded to you. b) Say something about the form of each. c) To whom is each poem addressed? d) Say something about the tone of each poem. e) What are both poems suggesting about the world around us? f) What similar concern do you see in the poems of Wallace Stevens? Briefly explain. g) Why do you think some people mock poems like these? h) Regardless of your actual opinion, how might someone defend these poems against such mockery?
British Literature
Ch. 9 for tomorrow by 3:00pm, usual procedure.
C.S. Lewis
Next assignment is on last Thursday's blog post.
Luke and Acts
Write and answer 10 why/how questions on Acts 21:17-36. Due no later than 3:00pm Tuesday, May 19. Do not send anything today.
Poets and Prophets
Read and respond to Is. 54. Due no later than 3:00pm Tuesday, May 19.
1. Assume that the main units are as follows: 1-3, 4-8, 9-10, 11-14, 15-17. Give a one-sentence statement about the main idea in each unit.
2. The people of Judah are described collectively as a barren woman. List 5 supposedly barren women (OT or NT) who ended up having children, often remarkable ones. Briefly explain in one sentence each.
3. The chapter also speaks of the people of Judah as widowed and deserted. List 5 women (OT or NT) who were widowed, abandoned, divorced, or single who ended up being an important part of God's work in the world. Briefly explain in one sentence each.
4. Another important image is precious stones. List 5 places in the Bible (OT or NT) where precious stones are used, literally or figuratively. Briefly explain in one sentence each.
French classes: see earlier posts for your assignments for tomorrow.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Troll Island Notes 40: Friday, May 15, 2020
Seniors, do well on your presentations today. The trolls are cheering you on!
Literature 7-8
Today we review the nonfiction unit. On Monday we begin The Slave Dancer, so if you have not yet arranged to pick up a copy from school, you need to arrange with Mrs. West to do so. Due Monday, May 18, no later than 3:00pm. Do not send anything until Monday.
A. Setting. Make a T chart. In the first column, write the name of the selection. In the second column, give the precise location in which the selection is set and, if possible, the time at which it took place. Be as specific as you can be. Don't guess; skim the selections for the information.
1. Forest Fire 2. Coyotes 3. Cub Pilot 4. Caged Bird 5. Street 6. Running Brook
B. Characters and Conflict. Make a 4-column chart. In the first column, write the name of the selection. In the second column, identify 2 characters who are in conflict with each other. Some characters may be animals. In the third column, briefly state why there is a conflict. In the fourth column, briefly state one incident that illustrates the conflict. Here is an example:
Jabberwocky the boy vs. the Jabberwock the Jabberwock hurts people the boy cut off its head
1. Coyotes 2. Cub Pilot 3. Dog That Bit 4. Street 5. Running Brook
C. Nonfiction works do not always tell a story; sometimes they just convey information, and sometimes they do both. Respond to the following in complete sentences.
1. What emotion does Anais Nin want to convey about the forest fire?
2. What idea about people and animals does John Steinbeck convey in "Coyotes"?
3. Maya Angelou praises Mrs. Flowers. What did she do for Maya that changed her life?
4. In "The Dog That Bit People," James Thurber not only humorously tells us about a bad dog, he also tells us about his mother. What about her does he call attention to?
5. According to Richard Wright, what was the hard lesson he learned on the streets?
6. What is the most interesting thing you learned from a) "A Running Brook of Horror"? and b) "The Bandana"?
7. Do you have what it takes to be a lexicographer (dictionary maker)? Explain.
American Literature
Read "The Anecdote of the Jar" by Wallace Stevens (p. 537). Discuss it in a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words in standard American English. In your discussion, include such matters as a) structure and development; b) poetical techniques; c) the meaning of difficult lines; d) theme; and e) how it connects to "The Snow Man" and "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird." Don't be superficial; but don't be wordy either. Spend your effort on those things that are most worth spending effort on, in your view. Due Monday, May 18, no later than 3:00pm. Do not send anything until Monday.
Assignments for British Literature, C.S. Lewis, and Poets & Prophets are on yesterday's post.
Luke and Acts
Here is a map of the third missionary journey. Use it to help you. Read Acts 21:1-16 and respond in complete sentences. Due Monday, May 18, no later than 3:00pm. Do not send anything until Monday.
1. Why is Luke using "we" again?
2. Who did they tear themselves away from?
3. What direction are they headed?
4. What warning did Paul receive in Tyre?
5. Paul and his friends stay with Philip in Caesarea: a) What earlier story in Acts was Philip featured in? b) What's unusual about his family?
6. Paul is warned again in Caesarea: a) What strange symbolic action does Agabus do? b) What does it mean? c) How do Luke and the others respond? d) How does Paul respond?
7. Paul is not being stubborn; he is being like Christ. Explain.
Introduction to French
Read ch. 1 of Le Voyage de sa vie for Tuesday at 3:00pm. Email me any questions that you have. Write and answer in French 10 questions of your own based on the chapter.
Intermediate French
Lisez le chapitre 20 et repondez aux questions en faisant des phrases completes. Due no later than 3:00pm Tuesday.
Literature 7-8
Today we review the nonfiction unit. On Monday we begin The Slave Dancer, so if you have not yet arranged to pick up a copy from school, you need to arrange with Mrs. West to do so. Due Monday, May 18, no later than 3:00pm. Do not send anything until Monday.
A. Setting. Make a T chart. In the first column, write the name of the selection. In the second column, give the precise location in which the selection is set and, if possible, the time at which it took place. Be as specific as you can be. Don't guess; skim the selections for the information.
1. Forest Fire 2. Coyotes 3. Cub Pilot 4. Caged Bird 5. Street 6. Running Brook
B. Characters and Conflict. Make a 4-column chart. In the first column, write the name of the selection. In the second column, identify 2 characters who are in conflict with each other. Some characters may be animals. In the third column, briefly state why there is a conflict. In the fourth column, briefly state one incident that illustrates the conflict. Here is an example:
Jabberwocky the boy vs. the Jabberwock the Jabberwock hurts people the boy cut off its head
1. Coyotes 2. Cub Pilot 3. Dog That Bit 4. Street 5. Running Brook
C. Nonfiction works do not always tell a story; sometimes they just convey information, and sometimes they do both. Respond to the following in complete sentences.
1. What emotion does Anais Nin want to convey about the forest fire?
2. What idea about people and animals does John Steinbeck convey in "Coyotes"?
3. Maya Angelou praises Mrs. Flowers. What did she do for Maya that changed her life?
4. In "The Dog That Bit People," James Thurber not only humorously tells us about a bad dog, he also tells us about his mother. What about her does he call attention to?
5. According to Richard Wright, what was the hard lesson he learned on the streets?
6. What is the most interesting thing you learned from a) "A Running Brook of Horror"? and b) "The Bandana"?
7. Do you have what it takes to be a lexicographer (dictionary maker)? Explain.
American Literature
Read "The Anecdote of the Jar" by Wallace Stevens (p. 537). Discuss it in a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words in standard American English. In your discussion, include such matters as a) structure and development; b) poetical techniques; c) the meaning of difficult lines; d) theme; and e) how it connects to "The Snow Man" and "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird." Don't be superficial; but don't be wordy either. Spend your effort on those things that are most worth spending effort on, in your view. Due Monday, May 18, no later than 3:00pm. Do not send anything until Monday.
Assignments for British Literature, C.S. Lewis, and Poets & Prophets are on yesterday's post.
Luke and Acts
Here is a map of the third missionary journey. Use it to help you. Read Acts 21:1-16 and respond in complete sentences. Due Monday, May 18, no later than 3:00pm. Do not send anything until Monday.
1. Why is Luke using "we" again?
2. Who did they tear themselves away from?
3. What direction are they headed?
4. What warning did Paul receive in Tyre?
5. Paul and his friends stay with Philip in Caesarea: a) What earlier story in Acts was Philip featured in? b) What's unusual about his family?
6. Paul is warned again in Caesarea: a) What strange symbolic action does Agabus do? b) What does it mean? c) How do Luke and the others respond? d) How does Paul respond?
7. Paul is not being stubborn; he is being like Christ. Explain.
Introduction to French
Read ch. 1 of Le Voyage de sa vie for Tuesday at 3:00pm. Email me any questions that you have. Write and answer in French 10 questions of your own based on the chapter.
Intermediate French
Lisez le chapitre 20 et repondez aux questions en faisant des phrases completes. Due no later than 3:00pm Tuesday.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Troll Island Notes 39: Thursday, May 14, 2020
Literature 7-8
"How Dictionaries Are Made" (411-412). Write out italicized part of each item and respond in your own words as directed. Do your own work. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15.
1. According to the author, what is the misunderstanding that many Americans have about dictionaries?
2. According to the "About the Author " section, Mr. Hayakawa was a semantics expert. How does that make him an authority on dictionaries?
3. What is the first step in creating a dictionary from scratch?
4. Lexicographers (dictionary makers) no longer use physical cards as the author describes, since the information is digitized. But they still collect the same information. What do they collect along with the word?
5. How long can it take to prepare a major dictionary?
6. How does an editor decide on the meanings of a word?
7. What common mistake must an editor avoid?
8. "The writer of a dictionary is a historian, not a lawgiver." What does the author mean by that?
9. He also says, "We should not credit the dictionary writer with gifts of prophecy." In context, what does this mean?
10. Cite an example that he gives to make his point.
Remember to arrange with Mrs. West to pick up a copy of The Slave Dancer at school. Reading will begin early next week.
American Literature
"Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird." Respond thoughtfully. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15
1. Many of the sections of this poem use contrast as a way of helping us to see. State the main contrast in each of the following sections: a) I; b) V; c) VI; d) VII; e) X; f) XIII.
2. Other sections highlight similarity. What is the nature of the similarity in the following sections? a) II; b) III; c) IV; VIII; d) IX; e) XII.
3. State in your own words what you think the following sections mean: a) IV; b) V; c) X.
4. Reflect on the significance of section XIII.
3. According to our discussion, what idea is at the heart of this poem?
British Literature
Best wishes to the seniors as they make their presentations tomorrow. I will be watching, and I hope many others will be as well. I have every expectation that your presentations will be interesting and well done.
Today's assignment is for Monday: Read and respond to ch. 8.
C.S. Lewis
See yesterday's post. The assignment is for Monday. If you wish to read ahead: chs. 10-11 for Wednesday; 12-13 for Friday; 14-17 for the following week. Please do not respond, however, until I ask you to do so.
Luke and Acts
Acts 20: 13-38. For each item below, write out the italicized portion and respond. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15.
1. Use the map here to follow the next steps of Paul's journey. What direction is he going?
2. Why is Paul in such a hurry?
3. Despite his hurry, Paul doesn't want to neglect the people he loves so much. Who comes to meet him at Miletus?
4. Summarize what Paul says about his conduct among them.
5. Why do you think he needs to say this?
6. Summarize what he says about his preaching.
7. a) What lies ahead for him? b) How does he know? c) How does he feel about it?
8. Paul uses metaphorical language to warn these men. a) Who are the shepherds? b) Who is the flock? c) Who are the wolves?
9. What must the shepherds do?
10. Read John 10:11-18. a) What is the main idea of the passage? b) How does it connect to these verses in Acts?
11. In vv. 32-35 Paul uses himself as an example to these men. a) What does he say about his conduct? b) What does he say about the weak?
12. Why are these men so sorrowful?
13. Write out the directions for this assignment.
Poets and Prophets
This assignment is due for Monday. Use your notes. Do not send it in until then.
Create a chart or table with 3 columns. In the first column, write the number of each psalm we studied together; in the second, write the "official" nickname we gave it; in the third column, write out a quotation from the psalm that closely ties in to the nickname.
Introduction to French: The assignment will be sent to you later today.
Intermediate French
Lisez le chapitre 19 et repondez aux questions en faisant des phrases completes. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15.
Advanced French
Pour mardi, lisez et repondez aux chaptires 5, 6, et 7 de l'Ecclesiaste.
Meatball says hi.
"How Dictionaries Are Made" (411-412). Write out italicized part of each item and respond in your own words as directed. Do your own work. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15.
1. According to the author, what is the misunderstanding that many Americans have about dictionaries?
2. According to the "About the Author " section, Mr. Hayakawa was a semantics expert. How does that make him an authority on dictionaries?
3. What is the first step in creating a dictionary from scratch?
4. Lexicographers (dictionary makers) no longer use physical cards as the author describes, since the information is digitized. But they still collect the same information. What do they collect along with the word?
5. How long can it take to prepare a major dictionary?
6. How does an editor decide on the meanings of a word?
7. What common mistake must an editor avoid?
8. "The writer of a dictionary is a historian, not a lawgiver." What does the author mean by that?
9. He also says, "We should not credit the dictionary writer with gifts of prophecy." In context, what does this mean?
10. Cite an example that he gives to make his point.
Remember to arrange with Mrs. West to pick up a copy of The Slave Dancer at school. Reading will begin early next week.
American Literature
"Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird." Respond thoughtfully. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15
1. Many of the sections of this poem use contrast as a way of helping us to see. State the main contrast in each of the following sections: a) I; b) V; c) VI; d) VII; e) X; f) XIII.
2. Other sections highlight similarity. What is the nature of the similarity in the following sections? a) II; b) III; c) IV; VIII; d) IX; e) XII.
3. State in your own words what you think the following sections mean: a) IV; b) V; c) X.
4. Reflect on the significance of section XIII.
3. According to our discussion, what idea is at the heart of this poem?
British Literature
Best wishes to the seniors as they make their presentations tomorrow. I will be watching, and I hope many others will be as well. I have every expectation that your presentations will be interesting and well done.
Today's assignment is for Monday: Read and respond to ch. 8.
C.S. Lewis
See yesterday's post. The assignment is for Monday. If you wish to read ahead: chs. 10-11 for Wednesday; 12-13 for Friday; 14-17 for the following week. Please do not respond, however, until I ask you to do so.
Luke and Acts
Acts 20: 13-38. For each item below, write out the italicized portion and respond. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15.
1. Use the map here to follow the next steps of Paul's journey. What direction is he going?
2. Why is Paul in such a hurry?
3. Despite his hurry, Paul doesn't want to neglect the people he loves so much. Who comes to meet him at Miletus?
4. Summarize what Paul says about his conduct among them.
5. Why do you think he needs to say this?
6. Summarize what he says about his preaching.
7. a) What lies ahead for him? b) How does he know? c) How does he feel about it?
8. Paul uses metaphorical language to warn these men. a) Who are the shepherds? b) Who is the flock? c) Who are the wolves?
9. What must the shepherds do?
10. Read John 10:11-18. a) What is the main idea of the passage? b) How does it connect to these verses in Acts?
11. In vv. 32-35 Paul uses himself as an example to these men. a) What does he say about his conduct? b) What does he say about the weak?
12. Why are these men so sorrowful?
13. Write out the directions for this assignment.
Poets and Prophets
This assignment is due for Monday. Use your notes. Do not send it in until then.
Create a chart or table with 3 columns. In the first column, write the number of each psalm we studied together; in the second, write the "official" nickname we gave it; in the third column, write out a quotation from the psalm that closely ties in to the nickname.
Introduction to French: The assignment will be sent to you later today.
Intermediate French
Lisez le chapitre 19 et repondez aux questions en faisant des phrases completes. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15.
Advanced French
Pour mardi, lisez et repondez aux chaptires 5, 6, et 7 de l'Ecclesiaste.
Meatball says hi.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Additional Note for 7th and 8th Grades Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Thank you all for attempting to meet with me this morning. I'm sorry we could not manage owing to the technical issues.
For literature, please read the next selection, "The Bandanna" (408-409). In the Seeking Meaning section at the end, do #1--you should be able to come up with at least 15 examples. It is due tomorrow at 3:00 pm.
For Bible, read Acts 20:1-13. Answer the following questions in complete sentences, unless otherwise noted.
1. Why did Paul decide to leave Ephesus?
2. Why did he decide to leave Greece?
3. What last-minute change did he make to his travel plans?
4. Notice not only all of the names that Luke lists as Paul's companions, but also where they are from. Make a T-chart with the names and their places of origin.
5. What is the point that Luke is making, do you think?
6. In Troas the famous story of Eutychus takes place.
a. The people are meeting for worship, but what does Luke call it?
b. Why did Paul talk so long?
c. Why else was it easy for Eutychus to fall asleep?
d. Tell about the miracle that took place.
e. This could have been a tragedy, but it ends up being almost a comedy. Explain.
f. What other miracle does it remind you of?
This is due tomorrow by 3:00 pm.
Again, I'm sorry things didn't work out, but it was good to see you, even briefly.
For literature, please read the next selection, "The Bandanna" (408-409). In the Seeking Meaning section at the end, do #1--you should be able to come up with at least 15 examples. It is due tomorrow at 3:00 pm.
For Bible, read Acts 20:1-13. Answer the following questions in complete sentences, unless otherwise noted.
1. Why did Paul decide to leave Ephesus?
2. Why did he decide to leave Greece?
3. What last-minute change did he make to his travel plans?
4. Notice not only all of the names that Luke lists as Paul's companions, but also where they are from. Make a T-chart with the names and their places of origin.
5. What is the point that Luke is making, do you think?
6. In Troas the famous story of Eutychus takes place.
a. The people are meeting for worship, but what does Luke call it?
b. Why did Paul talk so long?
c. Why else was it easy for Eutychus to fall asleep?
d. Tell about the miracle that took place.
e. This could have been a tragedy, but it ends up being almost a comedy. Explain.
f. What other miracle does it remind you of?
This is due tomorrow by 3:00 pm.
Again, I'm sorry things didn't work out, but it was good to see you, even briefly.
Troll Island Notes 38: Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Today is Zoom Day! I will be meeting with the following classes today: from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, seventh and eighth grade (literature and Bible); from 11:00 am to 11:30 am, American Literature (9th and 10th); from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, 11th and 12th (literature and Bible). Attendance is required of all those invited, and only those invited may attend.
See yesterday's blog to see how you should prepare. In addition, bring the textbooks we are currently using, including novels and the Bible, as the case may be. The seventh and eighth graders should also have a map (or maps) of Paul's three missionary journeys. All students should have pen and paper for notes. Assignments will be given at the end of each class session.
C.S. Lewis
Since the seniors are preparing for their very important senior projects, your next reading assignment will be due on Monday instead of Friday. Read and respond to chs. 8 & 9. Give some attention to the significance of gender roles in the novel.
Juniors and sophomores are strongly encouraged to support your friends and classmates by attending their presentations on Zoom on Friday.
Introduction to French
Make an appointment with Mrs. West to pick up our next (and last) novel at school--Le Voyage de sa vie. We will start on it next week.
Theo gets the day off. The other students, who have work out, need to get it in. Use this as another opportunity to get caught up.
Intermediate French
EFR 18--vous savez quoi faire.
In honor of our soon-to-graduate seniors, a troll just for you!
See yesterday's blog to see how you should prepare. In addition, bring the textbooks we are currently using, including novels and the Bible, as the case may be. The seventh and eighth graders should also have a map (or maps) of Paul's three missionary journeys. All students should have pen and paper for notes. Assignments will be given at the end of each class session.
C.S. Lewis
Since the seniors are preparing for their very important senior projects, your next reading assignment will be due on Monday instead of Friday. Read and respond to chs. 8 & 9. Give some attention to the significance of gender roles in the novel.
Juniors and sophomores are strongly encouraged to support your friends and classmates by attending their presentations on Zoom on Friday.
Introduction to French
Make an appointment with Mrs. West to pick up our next (and last) novel at school--Le Voyage de sa vie. We will start on it next week.
Theo gets the day off. The other students, who have work out, need to get it in. Use this as another opportunity to get caught up.
Intermediate French
EFR 18--vous savez quoi faire.
In honor of our soon-to-graduate seniors, a troll just for you!
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Troll Island Notes 37: Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Literature 7-8
Invitations to the literature/Bible Zoom session will be sent out today. Attendance is required, and come prepared as instructed below. No chats or uninvited guests will be permitted.
For the literature portion of our time together, we will be doing some review of the nonfiction unit and some of the wall words we have been using. If you have any questions, make sure you ask them. I will have some questions for you as well. Come ready to shine!
We will be doing one more novel together this year--The Slave Dancer by Paula Fox. There will be copies available at school starting tomorrow. Call Mrs. West at the school to schedule a time to pick them up.
American Literature
Invitations to the Zoom session will be sent out today. Attendance is required, and come prepared as instructed below. No chats or uninvited guests will be permitted.
Our first order of business will be to go over questions you have about recent poems like "The Snow Man" and "Home Burial." After that, I will be discussing with you Wallace Stevens' poem "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird." Listen to it here. I know you will have questions--you should! We will deal with some of those tomorrow. What I would like you to do today is to note some of your impressions of the poem after your first reading. You will be asked to share them tomorrow.
British Literature
Invitations to the literature/Bible Zoom session will be sent out today. Attendance is required, and come prepared as instructed below. No chats or uninvited guests will be permitted.
Read ch. 6 for tomorrow. You do not need to make a written response this time, as we will be discussing it in our session tomorrow. We will also be talking about the book so far. Come prepared with questions, insights, and observations. A written response to ch. 7 will be due on Thursday.
C.S. Lewis
See earlier posts.
Luke and Acts
In our Zoom session tomorrow, we will be reviewing Acts 13:1-19:41--Paul's three missionary journeys. Bring any questions you may have. Be prepared to discuss motifs in these chapters and specific incidents that are examples of these motifs. Be ready to make a good impression.
Poets and Prophets
For our online session tomorrow, I will take questions and do a little review. After that, I plan to start working through Is. 53 with you. Read it ahead of time, and be prepared with questions, insights, and observations on what you have read.
Introduction to French
Go to the Language Guide vocabulary section on le jardin. (Note that there is a following page without any pictures. We are not using that yet.) With the sound on, go over the vocabulary terms you find on this page. Make a 3-column chart of all the vocabulary on that page. 1. In the first column, give the French word (with the article, if applicable). 2. In the second column, put the English equivalent. 3. In the third column, make a mem for words that are not obviously cognates, even if you know them already. Due tomorrow, Wednesday, May 13, no later than 3:00pm.
Intermediate French
Go to the Language Guide vocabulary section on les plantes. With the sound on, go over the vocabulary terms you find on this page. Make a 3-column chart of all the vocabulary on that page. 1. In the first column, give the French word (with the article, if applicable). 2. In the second column, put the English equivalent. 3. In the third column, make a mem for words that are not obviously cognates, even if you know them already. Due tomorrow, Wednesday, May 13, no later than 3:00pm.
Advanced French
Lisez et repondez a l'Ecclesiaste 3-4 pour jeudi.
To all you who have gone out of your way to help make remote learning a success for others--all you moms and dads and other caregivers, older brothers and sisters, friends and classmates--thank you! We teachers couldn't do it without you. This troll's for you--because two heads are better than one.
Invitations to the literature/Bible Zoom session will be sent out today. Attendance is required, and come prepared as instructed below. No chats or uninvited guests will be permitted.
For the literature portion of our time together, we will be doing some review of the nonfiction unit and some of the wall words we have been using. If you have any questions, make sure you ask them. I will have some questions for you as well. Come ready to shine!
We will be doing one more novel together this year--The Slave Dancer by Paula Fox. There will be copies available at school starting tomorrow. Call Mrs. West at the school to schedule a time to pick them up.
American Literature
Invitations to the Zoom session will be sent out today. Attendance is required, and come prepared as instructed below. No chats or uninvited guests will be permitted.
Our first order of business will be to go over questions you have about recent poems like "The Snow Man" and "Home Burial." After that, I will be discussing with you Wallace Stevens' poem "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird." Listen to it here. I know you will have questions--you should! We will deal with some of those tomorrow. What I would like you to do today is to note some of your impressions of the poem after your first reading. You will be asked to share them tomorrow.
British Literature
Invitations to the literature/Bible Zoom session will be sent out today. Attendance is required, and come prepared as instructed below. No chats or uninvited guests will be permitted.
Read ch. 6 for tomorrow. You do not need to make a written response this time, as we will be discussing it in our session tomorrow. We will also be talking about the book so far. Come prepared with questions, insights, and observations. A written response to ch. 7 will be due on Thursday.
C.S. Lewis
See earlier posts.
Luke and Acts
In our Zoom session tomorrow, we will be reviewing Acts 13:1-19:41--Paul's three missionary journeys. Bring any questions you may have. Be prepared to discuss motifs in these chapters and specific incidents that are examples of these motifs. Be ready to make a good impression.
Poets and Prophets
For our online session tomorrow, I will take questions and do a little review. After that, I plan to start working through Is. 53 with you. Read it ahead of time, and be prepared with questions, insights, and observations on what you have read.
Introduction to French
Go to the Language Guide vocabulary section on le jardin. (Note that there is a following page without any pictures. We are not using that yet.) With the sound on, go over the vocabulary terms you find on this page. Make a 3-column chart of all the vocabulary on that page. 1. In the first column, give the French word (with the article, if applicable). 2. In the second column, put the English equivalent. 3. In the third column, make a mem for words that are not obviously cognates, even if you know them already. Due tomorrow, Wednesday, May 13, no later than 3:00pm.
Intermediate French
Go to the Language Guide vocabulary section on les plantes. With the sound on, go over the vocabulary terms you find on this page. Make a 3-column chart of all the vocabulary on that page. 1. In the first column, give the French word (with the article, if applicable). 2. In the second column, put the English equivalent. 3. In the third column, make a mem for words that are not obviously cognates, even if you know them already. Due tomorrow, Wednesday, May 13, no later than 3:00pm.
Advanced French
Lisez et repondez a l'Ecclesiaste 3-4 pour jeudi.
To all you who have gone out of your way to help make remote learning a success for others--all you moms and dads and other caregivers, older brothers and sisters, friends and classmates--thank you! We teachers couldn't do it without you. This troll's for you--because two heads are better than one.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Troll Island Notes 36: Monday,May 11, 2020
Literature 7-8
Read all of the following before you do any writing.
I am in the process of setting up a Zoom meeting for this class and for Bible. It will be on Wednesday morning at 10:00 and will last approximately one hour. It will be an opportunity for you to ask questions of me; I will also go over some things and ask questions of you. You will receive an invitation by email with all the information you need to get started. Your attendance and participation are required.
In our nonfiction unit so far, we have seen some pretty serious situations: a forest fire that threatened property and lives; a grown man who attacked a child with a large chunk of coal; a dog that bit people; a violent gang that beat up and robbed innocent people; and a woman killed by a poisonous snake. In a couple of these selections, the author chose to treat a serious matter in a humorous way. Mark Twain makes light of the attacks on the steamboat, and James Thurber uses a lot of humor in his descriptions of Muggs and his outrageous behavior. But in the others, the authors treat the subject with great seriousness.
For your next writing assignment, I would like you to focus on humor. I would like you to relate a true story that is also funny. It can be something that happened to you personally, to someone you know, even a family story that has been passed down. Maybe it even happened recently. It doesn't matter as long as it is true and it is funny (not mean). It could be about a sports event, an unusual person, a family celebration, a pet, or something that happened at school.
The story itself will be funny, but you need to play up the humor with the way you write about it. Use Twain and Thurber as your models. Exaggeration, silly metaphors, and other techniques will help you to bring out the funny side of the story.
As with any story, first set the stage for the reader, the setting of the story and the necessary background. Clearly describe what happened in a way that is entertaining. If there were any consequences, make sure you include them. Your story should be in a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words. Use standard American English spelling, punctuation, etc. It is due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12, no later than 3:00pm. Do not send it to me today.
American Literature
Read all of the following before you do any writing.
I am in the process of setting up a Zoom meeting for this class. It will be on Wednesday morning at 11:00 and will last approximately one half hour. It will be an opportunity for you to ask questions of me; I will also go over some things and ask questions of you. You will receive an invitation by email with all the information you need to get started. Your attendance and participation are required.
Watch video discussion of "The Snow Man" here. The teacher is not as hilarious and dynamic as I am (?), but much of what he says I think is true and helpful in understanding the poem. It is about 15 minutes long. You may want to pause it at times or watch it more than once. Please respond in complete sentences to the following. It is due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12, no later than 3:00pm.
1. Mr. Griffin suggests that the somber tone of the poem may reflect some personal tragedies in Stevens' life. What, for example?
2. He maintains that the poem is both impersonal and direct. What does he mean by that?
3. Mr. Griffin notes that in the context of the poem "regard" and "behold" have a special meaning. What is that?
4. He also points out something related to the grammatical structure of the poem, What is that?
5. He interprets the poem as saying something about human suffering. What does he say?
6. He also notes that, as the poem progresses, the language becomes more abstract. What metaphor does he use to explain this point?
7. According to Mr. Griffin, there are two "bare" places that are relevant to the poem. What are they?
8. What does he say is the "epiphany" that the poem contains?
9. Prepare a question and an observation to share at the Zoom meeting.
British Literature
There will be another Zoom meeting the Wednesday at 2:00 pm for this class and for Bible. Plan on an hour. An invitation and further details will follow.
Read and respond to ch. 5 for tomorrow.
C.S. Lewis
See previous post.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 19:23-41. Retell the story in the form of a skit. Give it a title. Use a narrator and stage directions as well as characters like Demetrius, the crowd, and the city clerk. Use your literature anthology to remind you how a play or skit is to be written out. You may collaborate on this with one or two other students, if you wish, so long as everyone is doing his or her share. If you do, just send one copy with everyone's name on it. Have fun with this, and do a good job. It is due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12, no later than 3:00pm. Do not send it to me today.
Poets and Prophets
The last of the Servant Songs is Isaiah 52:13-53:12. There is a lot of material here, so we will break it up a little bit. The first two strophes are 52:13-14 and 52:15.
1. Isaiah presents the servant's experiences in non-chronological order: He begins with exaltation, goes next to his humiliation, and finishes with his exaltation. a. Compare v. 13 with Is. 6:1. What do they have in common? b. What event in Jesus' life would correspond to this? c. Chronologically, however, humiliation comes first. How does Isaiah portray this humiliation? d. What event in Jesus' life would correspond to this?
2. The second strophe (v. 15) begins with the image of sprinkling. However strange the language may be to us, it would have been a familiar one to Isaiah's original audience from various religious rituals. One of the most famous rituals is described in Leviticus 16. a. What is the event? Read verses 11-19. b. Who is doing the sprinkling? c. What substance is he sprinkling? d. What is he sprinkling it on? e. Using this information from Lev. 16, what would you say is the significance of the sprinkling in Is 52? f. Briefly explain how this would connect to Jesus.
3. The second colon of v. 15 may also strike us as unusual. a. What is the image? b. Guess what the meaning may be. c. Connect it to Job 40:4, 5 and Job 41:1-6. d. Connect the rest of the verse to Isaiah's call, 6:9, 10.
Two of you in the introductory class have fallen behind in your work. Use this "day off" not only to be ready for tomorrow, but to finish your unfinished work. Everyone has an assignment for tomorrow. See the blog or email.
And to all of my students who work hard every day, who do your best, who get your work done on time, who follow directions, who even help others to do their best--this troll's for you!
Read all of the following before you do any writing.
I am in the process of setting up a Zoom meeting for this class and for Bible. It will be on Wednesday morning at 10:00 and will last approximately one hour. It will be an opportunity for you to ask questions of me; I will also go over some things and ask questions of you. You will receive an invitation by email with all the information you need to get started. Your attendance and participation are required.
In our nonfiction unit so far, we have seen some pretty serious situations: a forest fire that threatened property and lives; a grown man who attacked a child with a large chunk of coal; a dog that bit people; a violent gang that beat up and robbed innocent people; and a woman killed by a poisonous snake. In a couple of these selections, the author chose to treat a serious matter in a humorous way. Mark Twain makes light of the attacks on the steamboat, and James Thurber uses a lot of humor in his descriptions of Muggs and his outrageous behavior. But in the others, the authors treat the subject with great seriousness.
For your next writing assignment, I would like you to focus on humor. I would like you to relate a true story that is also funny. It can be something that happened to you personally, to someone you know, even a family story that has been passed down. Maybe it even happened recently. It doesn't matter as long as it is true and it is funny (not mean). It could be about a sports event, an unusual person, a family celebration, a pet, or something that happened at school.
The story itself will be funny, but you need to play up the humor with the way you write about it. Use Twain and Thurber as your models. Exaggeration, silly metaphors, and other techniques will help you to bring out the funny side of the story.
As with any story, first set the stage for the reader, the setting of the story and the necessary background. Clearly describe what happened in a way that is entertaining. If there were any consequences, make sure you include them. Your story should be in a paragraph of no fewer than 150 words. Use standard American English spelling, punctuation, etc. It is due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12, no later than 3:00pm. Do not send it to me today.
American Literature
Read all of the following before you do any writing.
I am in the process of setting up a Zoom meeting for this class. It will be on Wednesday morning at 11:00 and will last approximately one half hour. It will be an opportunity for you to ask questions of me; I will also go over some things and ask questions of you. You will receive an invitation by email with all the information you need to get started. Your attendance and participation are required.
Watch video discussion of "The Snow Man" here. The teacher is not as hilarious and dynamic as I am (?), but much of what he says I think is true and helpful in understanding the poem. It is about 15 minutes long. You may want to pause it at times or watch it more than once. Please respond in complete sentences to the following. It is due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12, no later than 3:00pm.
1. Mr. Griffin suggests that the somber tone of the poem may reflect some personal tragedies in Stevens' life. What, for example?
2. He maintains that the poem is both impersonal and direct. What does he mean by that?
3. Mr. Griffin notes that in the context of the poem "regard" and "behold" have a special meaning. What is that?
4. He also points out something related to the grammatical structure of the poem, What is that?
5. He interprets the poem as saying something about human suffering. What does he say?
6. He also notes that, as the poem progresses, the language becomes more abstract. What metaphor does he use to explain this point?
7. According to Mr. Griffin, there are two "bare" places that are relevant to the poem. What are they?
8. What does he say is the "epiphany" that the poem contains?
9. Prepare a question and an observation to share at the Zoom meeting.
British Literature
There will be another Zoom meeting the Wednesday at 2:00 pm for this class and for Bible. Plan on an hour. An invitation and further details will follow.
Read and respond to ch. 5 for tomorrow.
C.S. Lewis
See previous post.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 19:23-41. Retell the story in the form of a skit. Give it a title. Use a narrator and stage directions as well as characters like Demetrius, the crowd, and the city clerk. Use your literature anthology to remind you how a play or skit is to be written out. You may collaborate on this with one or two other students, if you wish, so long as everyone is doing his or her share. If you do, just send one copy with everyone's name on it. Have fun with this, and do a good job. It is due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12, no later than 3:00pm. Do not send it to me today.
Poets and Prophets
The last of the Servant Songs is Isaiah 52:13-53:12. There is a lot of material here, so we will break it up a little bit. The first two strophes are 52:13-14 and 52:15.
1. Isaiah presents the servant's experiences in non-chronological order: He begins with exaltation, goes next to his humiliation, and finishes with his exaltation. a. Compare v. 13 with Is. 6:1. What do they have in common? b. What event in Jesus' life would correspond to this? c. Chronologically, however, humiliation comes first. How does Isaiah portray this humiliation? d. What event in Jesus' life would correspond to this?
2. The second strophe (v. 15) begins with the image of sprinkling. However strange the language may be to us, it would have been a familiar one to Isaiah's original audience from various religious rituals. One of the most famous rituals is described in Leviticus 16. a. What is the event? Read verses 11-19. b. Who is doing the sprinkling? c. What substance is he sprinkling? d. What is he sprinkling it on? e. Using this information from Lev. 16, what would you say is the significance of the sprinkling in Is 52? f. Briefly explain how this would connect to Jesus.
3. The second colon of v. 15 may also strike us as unusual. a. What is the image? b. Guess what the meaning may be. c. Connect it to Job 40:4, 5 and Job 41:1-6. d. Connect the rest of the verse to Isaiah's call, 6:9, 10.
Two of you in the introductory class have fallen behind in your work. Use this "day off" not only to be ready for tomorrow, but to finish your unfinished work. Everyone has an assignment for tomorrow. See the blog or email.
And to all of my students who work hard every day, who do your best, who get your work done on time, who follow directions, who even help others to do their best--this troll's for you!
Friday, May 8, 2020
Troll Island Notes 35: Friday, May 8, 2020
Literature 7-8
" A Running Brook of Horror" (398ff.). Read the story through the top of p. 403. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11. Do not send in your assignment until Monday.
1. What's so strange about the photograph of Grace Wiley? 2. What is she doing when the author first sees her? 3. What sort of animals are in her yard? 4. Why does the author say the Indian cobra is "the world's most deadly creature"? 5. What amazing thing does Grace do with this deadly animal?
Grace uses science, not magic, to perform this amazing feat. The author learned Grace's technique by studying with her, and he explains it to us by comparing the rattlesnake and the cobra. 6. Explain how a rattlesnake can strike farther than a cobra. 7. Explain how a rattlesnake can inject venom more easily than a cobra can. 8. Why was the cobra unable to bite her when her hand was over its head?
9. How could the cobra strike her palm without harming her?
Grace is particularly proud of her pair of king cobras. 10. What is her name for them? 11. Cite a fact that shows how deadly these snakes are. 12. Cite a fact that shows how aggressive they are. 13. What is unusual about the way Grace talks about them?
American Literature
"The Snow Man". Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11.
1. Read "About the Author" and write 5 facts about Wallace Stevens that are worth knowing.
2. There are several literary terms that are relevant to discussing this poem. Use your glossary if you need to, and identify each of them: a) enjambment; b) pathetic fallacy; c) epiphany; d) alliteration; e) assonance; f) onomatopoeia.
3. Read "The Snow Man" aloud to yourself: a) How does it appear on the page? b) What is the rhyme pattern? c) On average, about how many strong beats are in each line (they are not all the same)? d) How many sentences make up the poem? e) List 5 significant words that are repeated. f) Give an example of alliteration. g) Give an example of assonance. h) Give an example of onomatopoeia. Explain, if necessary. i) How did the poem make you feel? j) Who or what is the snow man?
British Literature
Read and respond to ch. 4 for Monday.
C.S. Lewis
Read and respond to chs. 5, 6, & 7 for Wednesday. Do your responses one at a time, please.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 19:1-22. Write out each question and respond to it. Your response does not have to be in complete sentences, unless otherwise noted. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11. Do not send in your assignment until Monday.
1. Did Apollos make it to Corinth?
2. Who is Apollos again?
3. Explain what is unusual about the believers Paul finds in Ephesus.
4. Tell what happened to them next.
5. For how long did Paul preach in the synagogue?
6. What led to his decision to leave the synagogue?
7. What phrase is used to identify Paul's religion?
8. Where did he go next? How long was he there?
9. How far did the Word spread from there?
10. Luke relates an unusual sign of God's power through Paul--what is it?
11. Retell in your own words (in complete sentences) the story Luke relates in vv. 13-17. It should be about 50 words.
12. Retell in your own words (in complete sentences) the story Luke relates in vv. 18-20. It should be about 50 words.
13. Paul is planning to revisit Macedonia--what important city is there?
14. He is also planning to revisit Achaia--what two important cities are there?
15. He also plans to visit Jerusalem, but what city is his ultimate goal?
16. Go back and read the directions again. Did you follow them completely?
Poets and Prophets
The next of the servant songs is found in Isaiah 50. Focusing on vv. 4-11, explain how various details of the prophecy may relate to Christ. Write one paragraph of 100 words or more. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11.
Introduction to French
Watch "La peur du monstre" again--the link is on yesterday's post. Respond in complete, accurate French sentences. Due no later than noon on Tuesday, May 12.
First, a few words to help you: pas du tout = not at all; des que = as soon as; lorsque = when; en a assez = she has enough
1. Comment s'appelle le monstre qui raconte l'histoire?
2. Comment est sa tete?
3. Est-ce qu'il aime sa maman?
4. Le monstre qui habite sous le lit ressemble a qui?
5. Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait pendant la nuit? a) D'abord....b) Puis....c) Apres....d) Ensuite....
6. Est-ce que le narrateur est vraiment courageux?
7. Vous avez un monstre sous le lit: a) Il ressemble a quoi? b) Qu'est-ce qu'il fait pendant la nuit?
Intermediate French
Revisons la partie 3. Repondez en faisant des phrases completes. Due no later than noon on Tuesday, May 12.
1. Pourquoi est-ce que Napoleon Bonaparte est celebre?
2. Qui est Louis-Philippe?
3. Le regne du empereur Napoleon III est un desastre. Expliquez.
4. Pourquoi est-ce qu'ils sont celebres? a) le general Joffre; b) Georges Clemenceau; c) le general Foch
5. Pourquoi est-ce qu'ils sont celebres (ou infames)? a) le marechal Petain; b) le general de Gaulle
" A Running Brook of Horror" (398ff.). Read the story through the top of p. 403. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11. Do not send in your assignment until Monday.
1. What's so strange about the photograph of Grace Wiley? 2. What is she doing when the author first sees her? 3. What sort of animals are in her yard? 4. Why does the author say the Indian cobra is "the world's most deadly creature"? 5. What amazing thing does Grace do with this deadly animal?
Grace uses science, not magic, to perform this amazing feat. The author learned Grace's technique by studying with her, and he explains it to us by comparing the rattlesnake and the cobra. 6. Explain how a rattlesnake can strike farther than a cobra. 7. Explain how a rattlesnake can inject venom more easily than a cobra can. 8. Why was the cobra unable to bite her when her hand was over its head?
9. How could the cobra strike her palm without harming her?
Grace is particularly proud of her pair of king cobras. 10. What is her name for them? 11. Cite a fact that shows how deadly these snakes are. 12. Cite a fact that shows how aggressive they are. 13. What is unusual about the way Grace talks about them?
American Literature
"The Snow Man". Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11.
1. Read "About the Author" and write 5 facts about Wallace Stevens that are worth knowing.
2. There are several literary terms that are relevant to discussing this poem. Use your glossary if you need to, and identify each of them: a) enjambment; b) pathetic fallacy; c) epiphany; d) alliteration; e) assonance; f) onomatopoeia.
3. Read "The Snow Man" aloud to yourself: a) How does it appear on the page? b) What is the rhyme pattern? c) On average, about how many strong beats are in each line (they are not all the same)? d) How many sentences make up the poem? e) List 5 significant words that are repeated. f) Give an example of alliteration. g) Give an example of assonance. h) Give an example of onomatopoeia. Explain, if necessary. i) How did the poem make you feel? j) Who or what is the snow man?
British Literature
Read and respond to ch. 4 for Monday.
C.S. Lewis
Read and respond to chs. 5, 6, & 7 for Wednesday. Do your responses one at a time, please.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 19:1-22. Write out each question and respond to it. Your response does not have to be in complete sentences, unless otherwise noted. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11. Do not send in your assignment until Monday.
1. Did Apollos make it to Corinth?
2. Who is Apollos again?
3. Explain what is unusual about the believers Paul finds in Ephesus.
4. Tell what happened to them next.
5. For how long did Paul preach in the synagogue?
6. What led to his decision to leave the synagogue?
7. What phrase is used to identify Paul's religion?
8. Where did he go next? How long was he there?
9. How far did the Word spread from there?
10. Luke relates an unusual sign of God's power through Paul--what is it?
11. Retell in your own words (in complete sentences) the story Luke relates in vv. 13-17. It should be about 50 words.
12. Retell in your own words (in complete sentences) the story Luke relates in vv. 18-20. It should be about 50 words.
13. Paul is planning to revisit Macedonia--what important city is there?
14. He is also planning to revisit Achaia--what two important cities are there?
15. He also plans to visit Jerusalem, but what city is his ultimate goal?
16. Go back and read the directions again. Did you follow them completely?
Poets and Prophets
The next of the servant songs is found in Isaiah 50. Focusing on vv. 4-11, explain how various details of the prophecy may relate to Christ. Write one paragraph of 100 words or more. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11.
Introduction to French
Watch "La peur du monstre" again--the link is on yesterday's post. Respond in complete, accurate French sentences. Due no later than noon on Tuesday, May 12.
First, a few words to help you: pas du tout = not at all; des que = as soon as; lorsque = when; en a assez = she has enough
1. Comment s'appelle le monstre qui raconte l'histoire?
2. Comment est sa tete?
3. Est-ce qu'il aime sa maman?
4. Le monstre qui habite sous le lit ressemble a qui?
5. Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait pendant la nuit? a) D'abord....b) Puis....c) Apres....d) Ensuite....
6. Est-ce que le narrateur est vraiment courageux?
7. Vous avez un monstre sous le lit: a) Il ressemble a quoi? b) Qu'est-ce qu'il fait pendant la nuit?
Intermediate French
Revisons la partie 3. Repondez en faisant des phrases completes. Due no later than noon on Tuesday, May 12.
1. Pourquoi est-ce que Napoleon Bonaparte est celebre?
2. Qui est Louis-Philippe?
3. Le regne du empereur Napoleon III est un desastre. Expliquez.
4. Pourquoi est-ce qu'ils sont celebres? a) le general Joffre; b) Georges Clemenceau; c) le general Foch
5. Pourquoi est-ce qu'ils sont celebres (ou infames)? a) le marechal Petain; b) le general de Gaulle
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Troll Island Notes 34: Thursday, May 7, 2020
" O Lord Jesus Christ, who alone hast power over life and death, over health and sickness: Give skill, wisdom, and gentleness to doctors and nurses and all who minister to the sick; that always bearing about thy presence with them, they may not only heal but bless, and shine as lamps of hope in the darkest hours of distress and fear; who with the Father and the Holy Spirit livest and reignest ever one God, world without end. Amen. "
Literature 7-8
I enjoyed reading the essays you wrote about a person who is special to you, your own personal "Mrs. Flowers." I was pleased to see the variety of people you wrote about and the seriousness with which you took the assignment (though I haven't heard from everyone). Your writing about your encourager was an encouragement to me, and I urged many of you to share what you wrote with the person you wrote about. It's easy to complain; it often takes more effort to be grateful. Be grateful, say thank you, and do things that show your thankfulness. The Lord is pleased when we recognize his gifts (including people) and thank him for them.
Our next nonfiction text is "The Street," beginning on p. 393. First read about the author, Richard Wright, on p. 397. As always, respond in complete sentences. 1. Where did this selection come from? 2. What made his early life difficult? 3. What did he say kept him alive?
Now read the selection. Most of the people who will read this blog have never known hunger of the kind Wright describes. He wants us to understand and to feel what it was like to suffer serious hunger. 4. Give 2 examples of creative language in the first paragraph that help the reader to feel Wright's hunger. 5. Wright is young at this time. What doesn't he understand about his hunger? 6. Wright's mother goes to work as a cook. a) How does that change her? b) What does that mean for young Richard and his brother?
7. What happened the first time Richard went to the store by himself? 8. What happened the second time? 9. What was his mother's solution to this problem? 10. Retell what happened the third time. 11. According to the author, what was the lasting impact of what happened that night?
Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8. Do not send me this assignment today.
American Literature
Read this before you do anything else.
Poetry can be about a lot of things, but human relationships are especially important. we saw this in the previous poem, "Mending Wall," which is really more about invisible walls that we build between each other than it is about walls of stone. "Home Burial" (528ff.) is another such poem. It is about a shadow that has fallen between a husband and wife and their inability to understand one another. The narrator does not inject himself into the story, but simply reports what he sees and hears. As you read, imagine this as a play. You don't know what the characters are thinking, but you can make inferences by their actions and their words--and sometimes by what they don't say or do. Listen to a recording of the poem here and follow along in your book. Notice the things the wife (Amy) brings up against her husband. Notice also the different emotions that the husband expresses in the course of the argument, and why he responds that way.
Next, share your thoughts and impressions about this poem and about the drama that it portrays. do so in a paragraph of about 150 words. You will almost certainly have some questions as well. Do not put those in the paragraph, but list them separately. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8.
British Literature
It was good to see so many of you during yesterday's Zoom session. I hope you benefited from being there.
Please read and respond to ch. 3 for tomorrow.
C.S. Lewis
See previous post.
Luke and Acts
We have been reminded that the way of salvation is the way of the cross. It was true in Jesus' day, in the time of the apostles, and it is still true today. Please remember to pray regularly for your brothers and sisters in Christ who are paying a high price for their loyalty to him, and pray that we will be faithful in the circumstances we are in.
Luke's narration of Paul's third missionary journey begins in Acts 18:23 and continues into ch. 21. If you need a map for reference, look here. Read 18:23-28. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8. Do not email this assignment today.
1. Where does Paul start from? 2. Where does he go next? 3. What direction is he going? 4. What does he do there?
5. Luke then interrupts his narrative about Paul to say something about a man named Apollos. He is a Jewish believer who is both knowledgeable and eloquent. What does "eloquent" mean? 6. However, Apollos is lacking (deficient) in some way. What is it? 7. Who helps him with this deficiency?
8. Apollos is in Ephesus at the moment, but he wants to go to the region of Achaia. Paul already visited that region on the second missionary journey. Which 2 important cities in the region did he visit? 9. What is the most dramatic even that happened in each of these cities?
10. The church in Ephesus supported Apollos' idea warmly. What did the believers do to help him?
11. How did he help the church in Achaia? Be specific. 12. On the basis of Apollos' story, would you say that the study of rhetoric may have value for Christians? Why? 13. On the basis of Apollos' story, would you say that it is important for Christians to know the OT as well as the NT? Why?
Poets and Prophets
I gave your assignment to you orally during the Zoom session yesterday. It is due by 3:00 pm today.
For tomorrow, read Is. 49:1-7 (the second Servant Song) and respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8.
1. The first couplet in v. 1 uses metonymy. a) What does this term mean? b) How does it works here? 2. How is the rest of the verse similar to Jeremiah 1:4-5? 3. Why is this something that needs to be said?
4. The second verse uses a series of related images. What is the lexical field here? 5. What is the point (pun intended)? 6. What similar, bizarre images are found in Rev. 1:12-16. 7. Briefly explain what these images convey about Jesus, and by extension, his Church.
8. The third and fourth verses portray a kind of disconnect. Briefly explain. 9. What would this look like in the case of a prophet like Elijah, for example? 10. What did it look like in the case of Jesus?
11. How does v. 5 recall Jeremiah 1 again? 12. Connect it to some verses in Ps. 139.
13. Connect v. 6 to Is. 9. 12. Connect the first half of v. 7 to Ps. 22. 13. Connect the second half of v. 7 to Ps. 2.
Introduction to French
Follow along as Maman Doudou reads you a funny little story in French here. There are a few words you don't know, but the pictures and context will help you figure out the most important ones. You can pause it or watch it more than once. Guess from context what these words and phrases mean : 1. un amour de petit bonhomme; 2. ses petits bisous; 3. elle revient; 4.gargouille (related to the English words "gargle" and "gargoyle"! 5. surgit (related to "surge"); 6. elle me fait des grimaces; 7. elle me pince les fesses! 8. des prises secretes de karate; 9. je suis un redoubtable petit chasseur de monstre.
Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8.
Intermediate French
Watch this version of a famous children's story here. Turn on the closed captions to see the words as well as hear them. As you watch or after you watch, guess the meanings of the following words as you hear and see them in context. Put the word or phrase in one column, your guess in the second column, and, if your guess is somewhat off, the actual meaning in the third column. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8.
(Both tied to "canard"): 1. la cane; 2. les canetons. (Connected to "la mer"): 3. la mare.
4. la file indienne 5. patauger 6. le cygne 7. les roseaux 8. renifler.
(Related to "chaud"): 9. rechauffer. (Tied to "besoin"): 10. soigner.
11. la mamie; 12. reculer; 13. ca alors.
Advanced French
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Literature 7-8
I enjoyed reading the essays you wrote about a person who is special to you, your own personal "Mrs. Flowers." I was pleased to see the variety of people you wrote about and the seriousness with which you took the assignment (though I haven't heard from everyone). Your writing about your encourager was an encouragement to me, and I urged many of you to share what you wrote with the person you wrote about. It's easy to complain; it often takes more effort to be grateful. Be grateful, say thank you, and do things that show your thankfulness. The Lord is pleased when we recognize his gifts (including people) and thank him for them.
Our next nonfiction text is "The Street," beginning on p. 393. First read about the author, Richard Wright, on p. 397. As always, respond in complete sentences. 1. Where did this selection come from? 2. What made his early life difficult? 3. What did he say kept him alive?
Now read the selection. Most of the people who will read this blog have never known hunger of the kind Wright describes. He wants us to understand and to feel what it was like to suffer serious hunger. 4. Give 2 examples of creative language in the first paragraph that help the reader to feel Wright's hunger. 5. Wright is young at this time. What doesn't he understand about his hunger? 6. Wright's mother goes to work as a cook. a) How does that change her? b) What does that mean for young Richard and his brother?
7. What happened the first time Richard went to the store by himself? 8. What happened the second time? 9. What was his mother's solution to this problem? 10. Retell what happened the third time. 11. According to the author, what was the lasting impact of what happened that night?
Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8. Do not send me this assignment today.
American Literature
Read this before you do anything else.
Poetry can be about a lot of things, but human relationships are especially important. we saw this in the previous poem, "Mending Wall," which is really more about invisible walls that we build between each other than it is about walls of stone. "Home Burial" (528ff.) is another such poem. It is about a shadow that has fallen between a husband and wife and their inability to understand one another. The narrator does not inject himself into the story, but simply reports what he sees and hears. As you read, imagine this as a play. You don't know what the characters are thinking, but you can make inferences by their actions and their words--and sometimes by what they don't say or do. Listen to a recording of the poem here and follow along in your book. Notice the things the wife (Amy) brings up against her husband. Notice also the different emotions that the husband expresses in the course of the argument, and why he responds that way.
Next, share your thoughts and impressions about this poem and about the drama that it portrays. do so in a paragraph of about 150 words. You will almost certainly have some questions as well. Do not put those in the paragraph, but list them separately. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8.
British Literature
It was good to see so many of you during yesterday's Zoom session. I hope you benefited from being there.
Please read and respond to ch. 3 for tomorrow.
C.S. Lewis
See previous post.
Luke and Acts
We have been reminded that the way of salvation is the way of the cross. It was true in Jesus' day, in the time of the apostles, and it is still true today. Please remember to pray regularly for your brothers and sisters in Christ who are paying a high price for their loyalty to him, and pray that we will be faithful in the circumstances we are in.
Luke's narration of Paul's third missionary journey begins in Acts 18:23 and continues into ch. 21. If you need a map for reference, look here. Read 18:23-28. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8. Do not email this assignment today.
1. Where does Paul start from? 2. Where does he go next? 3. What direction is he going? 4. What does he do there?
5. Luke then interrupts his narrative about Paul to say something about a man named Apollos. He is a Jewish believer who is both knowledgeable and eloquent. What does "eloquent" mean? 6. However, Apollos is lacking (deficient) in some way. What is it? 7. Who helps him with this deficiency?
8. Apollos is in Ephesus at the moment, but he wants to go to the region of Achaia. Paul already visited that region on the second missionary journey. Which 2 important cities in the region did he visit? 9. What is the most dramatic even that happened in each of these cities?
10. The church in Ephesus supported Apollos' idea warmly. What did the believers do to help him?
11. How did he help the church in Achaia? Be specific. 12. On the basis of Apollos' story, would you say that the study of rhetoric may have value for Christians? Why? 13. On the basis of Apollos' story, would you say that it is important for Christians to know the OT as well as the NT? Why?
Poets and Prophets
I gave your assignment to you orally during the Zoom session yesterday. It is due by 3:00 pm today.
For tomorrow, read Is. 49:1-7 (the second Servant Song) and respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8.
1. The first couplet in v. 1 uses metonymy. a) What does this term mean? b) How does it works here? 2. How is the rest of the verse similar to Jeremiah 1:4-5? 3. Why is this something that needs to be said?
4. The second verse uses a series of related images. What is the lexical field here? 5. What is the point (pun intended)? 6. What similar, bizarre images are found in Rev. 1:12-16. 7. Briefly explain what these images convey about Jesus, and by extension, his Church.
8. The third and fourth verses portray a kind of disconnect. Briefly explain. 9. What would this look like in the case of a prophet like Elijah, for example? 10. What did it look like in the case of Jesus?
11. How does v. 5 recall Jeremiah 1 again? 12. Connect it to some verses in Ps. 139.
13. Connect v. 6 to Is. 9. 12. Connect the first half of v. 7 to Ps. 22. 13. Connect the second half of v. 7 to Ps. 2.
Introduction to French
Follow along as Maman Doudou reads you a funny little story in French here. There are a few words you don't know, but the pictures and context will help you figure out the most important ones. You can pause it or watch it more than once. Guess from context what these words and phrases mean : 1. un amour de petit bonhomme; 2. ses petits bisous; 3. elle revient; 4.gargouille (related to the English words "gargle" and "gargoyle"! 5. surgit (related to "surge"); 6. elle me fait des grimaces; 7. elle me pince les fesses! 8. des prises secretes de karate; 9. je suis un redoubtable petit chasseur de monstre.
Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8.
Intermediate French
Watch this version of a famous children's story here. Turn on the closed captions to see the words as well as hear them. As you watch or after you watch, guess the meanings of the following words as you hear and see them in context. Put the word or phrase in one column, your guess in the second column, and, if your guess is somewhat off, the actual meaning in the third column. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8.
(Both tied to "canard"): 1. la cane; 2. les canetons. (Connected to "la mer"): 3. la mare.
4. la file indienne 5. patauger 6. le cygne 7. les roseaux 8. renifler.
(Related to "chaud"): 9. rechauffer. (Tied to "besoin"): 10. soigner.
11. la mamie; 12. reculer; 13. ca alors.
Advanced French
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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Troll Island Notes 33: Wednesday, May 6, 2020
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
May my meditation be pleasing to him,
for I rejoice in the Lord. (Ps. 104:33-34)
Literature 7-8
"The Dog That Bit People" (p. 388ff.) by James Thurber. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7. Do not send me this assignment today. Follow directions.
First read "About the Author" p. 392. 1. What kind of animals did he write about? 2. What kind of animals do you know well enough to write about? 3. What was evidently his favorite animal? 4. What kind of people did he like to write about? 5. What physical disability did he have? 6. What did he consider to be one of our great natural resources?
Next, read the whole essay, enjoy the humor, and respond in complete sentences. 7. What funny thing happened with the French poodle? 8. Muggs the Airedale is the real subject of the essay, though. How did he act toward Thurber? 9. How does Thurber make the mouse problem seem funny?
10. One of the humorous aspects of the story is not just the behavior of Muggs, but how Mother would treat Muggs. Give an example. 11. Give another example. 12. Others were afraid of Muggs, and with good reason. Give an example. 13. Give another example. 14. Tell about the "thunder machine" (25 words). 15. What's funny about Muggs's burial (25 words)? 16. What's something funny in the story that you haven't written about already?
American Literature
"Mending Wall" (p. 526 ff. ): In complete sentences, write out the answers to "Reviewing the Selection" 1-10 and "Understanding Literature" 1, 3. Please note that some items may have more than one question. If that is the case, clearly label each question with a letter. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7.
British Literature
For tomorrow, read ch. 2 in Lord of the Flies: "Fire on the Mountain." Some things to pay attention to: the expanding geography of the island, till now restricted to the beach and a bit of the forest; the development of the main characters and relationships; and Golding's sometimes brutal realism (like Orwell in 1984 and Greene in The Power and the Glory).
Respond as directed on Friday's post. You may read ahead, but do not respond until I ask you to do so. We will be reading approximately one chapter per class day. You are welcome to email me questions at any time, however.
C.S. Lewis
For Friday, read chs. 3 & 4 in That Hideous Strength. Some things to pay attention to: 1) Lewis has already used the technique of telling more than one story at a time. Continue to pay attention to this. 2) New characters are being introduced all the time. Make sure you know which "side" they are on, and how they are connected to Mark and Jane and each other. If we were in a classroom, I would make a character web; you may find it useful to do it yourself.
After you read each chapter, respond to it as described in Friday's blog post.
Luke and Acts
We continue to review today, with a focus on this motif: "Those who are faithful to the Lord often suffer for it." Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7. Do not send me this assignment until tomorrow. Follow directions.
1. Write out Jesus' exact words in Luke 9:23. 2. Read Luke 9:57-62. What is the gist of what Jesus says here? 3. What parable in Luke 14 makes a similar point? 4. Jesus didn't just teach this, he lived it out. Explain.
5. As the world treated Jesus, so it will treat his followers. This is an important teaching in the book of Acts. How were the apostles mocked in Acts 2? 6. How were Peter and John persecuted in ch. 4?
7. How were all the apostles persecuted in ch. 5? 8. What happened to Stephen in ch. 7? 9. What happened to the church in Jerusalem immediately afterwards? 10. In what humiliating way did Paul have to leave Damascus in ch. 9? 11. Who had James put to death in ch. 12? 12. How was Peter persecuted in ch. 12?
13. We see this motif on the first missionary journey. Who forced Paul and Barnabas to leave Pisidian Antioch? 14. Who plotted against them in Iconium so that they had to leave? 15. How was Paul persecuted in Lystra?
16. It continued with Paul and Silas on the second missionary journey. How were they persecuted in Philippi? (ch. 16) 17. Who was behind the riot against them in Thessalonica (ch. 17)? 18. Who stirred up trouble against them in Berea (ch. 17)? 19. Why did some of the philosophers mock him in Athens (ch. 17)? 20. Who opposed Paul in Corinth?
Poets and Prophets
I will give you your next assignment at today's Zoom session. You will need your Bibles and the notes that you prepared for the session.
Introduction to French
Write a paragraph in French that summarizes the main events of the book with respect to Ann, Paul, and Yannick. You should write in the present tense. Your sentences can be short, but do your best to put them in standard French spelling, grammar, etc. Do not use a translator, but use your books (including the glossary) and a spell-check program to help you avoid avoidable mistakes. It should be 50-75 words. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7.
Intermediate French
Lisez "Revision 3" et repondez aux questions. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7.
Advanced French
Vous avez une reponse pour demain.
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
May my meditation be pleasing to him,
for I rejoice in the Lord. (Ps. 104:33-34)
Literature 7-8
"The Dog That Bit People" (p. 388ff.) by James Thurber. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7. Do not send me this assignment today. Follow directions.
First read "About the Author" p. 392. 1. What kind of animals did he write about? 2. What kind of animals do you know well enough to write about? 3. What was evidently his favorite animal? 4. What kind of people did he like to write about? 5. What physical disability did he have? 6. What did he consider to be one of our great natural resources?
Next, read the whole essay, enjoy the humor, and respond in complete sentences. 7. What funny thing happened with the French poodle? 8. Muggs the Airedale is the real subject of the essay, though. How did he act toward Thurber? 9. How does Thurber make the mouse problem seem funny?
10. One of the humorous aspects of the story is not just the behavior of Muggs, but how Mother would treat Muggs. Give an example. 11. Give another example. 12. Others were afraid of Muggs, and with good reason. Give an example. 13. Give another example. 14. Tell about the "thunder machine" (25 words). 15. What's funny about Muggs's burial (25 words)? 16. What's something funny in the story that you haven't written about already?
American Literature
"Mending Wall" (p. 526 ff. ): In complete sentences, write out the answers to "Reviewing the Selection" 1-10 and "Understanding Literature" 1, 3. Please note that some items may have more than one question. If that is the case, clearly label each question with a letter. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7.
British Literature
For tomorrow, read ch. 2 in Lord of the Flies: "Fire on the Mountain." Some things to pay attention to: the expanding geography of the island, till now restricted to the beach and a bit of the forest; the development of the main characters and relationships; and Golding's sometimes brutal realism (like Orwell in 1984 and Greene in The Power and the Glory).
Respond as directed on Friday's post. You may read ahead, but do not respond until I ask you to do so. We will be reading approximately one chapter per class day. You are welcome to email me questions at any time, however.
C.S. Lewis
For Friday, read chs. 3 & 4 in That Hideous Strength. Some things to pay attention to: 1) Lewis has already used the technique of telling more than one story at a time. Continue to pay attention to this. 2) New characters are being introduced all the time. Make sure you know which "side" they are on, and how they are connected to Mark and Jane and each other. If we were in a classroom, I would make a character web; you may find it useful to do it yourself.
After you read each chapter, respond to it as described in Friday's blog post.
Luke and Acts
We continue to review today, with a focus on this motif: "Those who are faithful to the Lord often suffer for it." Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7. Do not send me this assignment until tomorrow. Follow directions.
1. Write out Jesus' exact words in Luke 9:23. 2. Read Luke 9:57-62. What is the gist of what Jesus says here? 3. What parable in Luke 14 makes a similar point? 4. Jesus didn't just teach this, he lived it out. Explain.
5. As the world treated Jesus, so it will treat his followers. This is an important teaching in the book of Acts. How were the apostles mocked in Acts 2? 6. How were Peter and John persecuted in ch. 4?
7. How were all the apostles persecuted in ch. 5? 8. What happened to Stephen in ch. 7? 9. What happened to the church in Jerusalem immediately afterwards? 10. In what humiliating way did Paul have to leave Damascus in ch. 9? 11. Who had James put to death in ch. 12? 12. How was Peter persecuted in ch. 12?
13. We see this motif on the first missionary journey. Who forced Paul and Barnabas to leave Pisidian Antioch? 14. Who plotted against them in Iconium so that they had to leave? 15. How was Paul persecuted in Lystra?
16. It continued with Paul and Silas on the second missionary journey. How were they persecuted in Philippi? (ch. 16) 17. Who was behind the riot against them in Thessalonica (ch. 17)? 18. Who stirred up trouble against them in Berea (ch. 17)? 19. Why did some of the philosophers mock him in Athens (ch. 17)? 20. Who opposed Paul in Corinth?
Poets and Prophets
I will give you your next assignment at today's Zoom session. You will need your Bibles and the notes that you prepared for the session.
Introduction to French
Write a paragraph in French that summarizes the main events of the book with respect to Ann, Paul, and Yannick. You should write in the present tense. Your sentences can be short, but do your best to put them in standard French spelling, grammar, etc. Do not use a translator, but use your books (including the glossary) and a spell-check program to help you avoid avoidable mistakes. It should be 50-75 words. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7.
Intermediate French
Lisez "Revision 3" et repondez aux questions. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7.
Advanced French
Vous avez une reponse pour demain.
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