Literature 7-8
"How Dictionaries Are Made" (411-412). Write out italicized part of each item and respond in your own words as directed. Do your own work. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15.
1. According to the author, what is the misunderstanding that many Americans have about dictionaries?
2. According to the "About the Author " section, Mr. Hayakawa was a semantics expert. How does that make him an authority on dictionaries?
3. What is the first step in creating a dictionary from scratch?
4. Lexicographers (dictionary makers) no longer use physical cards as the author describes, since the information is digitized. But they still collect the same information. What do they collect along with the word?
5. How long can it take to prepare a major dictionary?
6. How does an editor decide on the meanings of a word?
7. What common mistake must an editor avoid?
8. "The writer of a dictionary is a historian, not a lawgiver." What does the author mean by that?
9. He also says, "We should not credit the dictionary writer with gifts of prophecy." In context, what does this mean?
10. Cite an example that he gives to make his point.
Remember to arrange with Mrs. West to pick up a copy of The Slave Dancer at school. Reading will begin early next week.
American Literature
"Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird." Respond thoughtfully. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15
1. Many of the sections of this poem use contrast as a way of helping us to see. State the main contrast in each of the following sections: a) I; b) V; c) VI; d) VII; e) X; f) XIII.
2. Other sections highlight similarity. What is the nature of the similarity in the following sections? a) II; b) III; c) IV; VIII; d) IX; e) XII.
3. State in your own words what you think the following sections mean: a) IV; b) V; c) X.
4. Reflect on the significance of section XIII.
3. According to our discussion, what idea is at the heart of this poem?
British Literature
Best wishes to the seniors as they make their presentations tomorrow. I will be watching, and I hope many others will be as well. I have every expectation that your presentations will be interesting and well done.
Today's assignment is for Monday: Read and respond to ch. 8.
C.S. Lewis
See yesterday's post. The assignment is for Monday. If you wish to read ahead: chs. 10-11 for Wednesday; 12-13 for Friday; 14-17 for the following week. Please do not respond, however, until I ask you to do so.
Luke and Acts
Acts 20: 13-38. For each item below, write out the italicized portion and respond. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15.
1. Use the map here to follow the next steps of Paul's journey. What direction is he going?
2. Why is Paul in such a hurry?
3. Despite his hurry, Paul doesn't want to neglect the people he loves so much. Who comes to meet him at Miletus?
4. Summarize what Paul says about his conduct among them.
5. Why do you think he needs to say this?
6. Summarize what he says about his preaching.
7. a) What lies ahead for him? b) How does he know? c) How does he feel about it?
8. Paul uses metaphorical language to warn these men. a) Who are the shepherds? b) Who is the flock? c) Who are the wolves?
9. What must the shepherds do?
10. Read John 10:11-18. a) What is the main idea of the passage? b) How does it connect to these verses in Acts?
11. In vv. 32-35 Paul uses himself as an example to these men. a) What does he say about his conduct? b) What does he say about the weak?
12. Why are these men so sorrowful?
13. Write out the directions for this assignment.
Poets and Prophets
This assignment is due for Monday. Use your notes. Do not send it in until then.
Create a chart or table with 3 columns. In the first column, write the number of each psalm we studied together; in the second, write the "official" nickname we gave it; in the third column, write out a quotation from the psalm that closely ties in to the nickname.
Introduction to French: The assignment will be sent to you later today.
Intermediate French
Lisez le chapitre 19 et repondez aux questions en faisant des phrases completes. Due no later than 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, May 15.
Advanced French
Pour mardi, lisez et repondez aux chaptires 5, 6, et 7 de l'Ecclesiaste.
Meatball says hi.
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