Literature 7-8
" A Running Brook of Horror" (398ff.). Read the story through the top of p. 403. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11. Do not send in your assignment until Monday.
1. What's so strange about the photograph of Grace Wiley? 2. What is she doing when the author first sees her? 3. What sort of animals are in her yard? 4. Why does the author say the Indian cobra is "the world's most deadly creature"? 5. What amazing thing does Grace do with this deadly animal?
Grace uses science, not magic, to perform this amazing feat. The author learned Grace's technique by studying with her, and he explains it to us by comparing the rattlesnake and the cobra. 6. Explain how a rattlesnake can strike farther than a cobra. 7. Explain how a rattlesnake can inject venom more easily than a cobra can. 8. Why was the cobra unable to bite her when her hand was over its head?
9. How could the cobra strike her palm without harming her?
Grace is particularly proud of her pair of king cobras. 10. What is her name for them? 11. Cite a fact that shows how deadly these snakes are. 12. Cite a fact that shows how aggressive they are. 13. What is unusual about the way Grace talks about them?
American Literature
"The Snow Man". Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11.
1. Read "About the Author" and write 5 facts about Wallace Stevens that are worth knowing.
2. There are several literary terms that are relevant to discussing this poem. Use your glossary if you need to, and identify each of them: a) enjambment; b) pathetic fallacy; c) epiphany; d) alliteration; e) assonance; f) onomatopoeia.
3. Read "The Snow Man" aloud to yourself: a) How does it appear on the page? b) What is the rhyme pattern? c) On average, about how many strong beats are in each line (they are not all the same)? d) How many sentences make up the poem? e) List 5 significant words that are repeated. f) Give an example of alliteration. g) Give an example of assonance. h) Give an example of onomatopoeia. Explain, if necessary. i) How did the poem make you feel? j) Who or what is the snow man?
British Literature
Read and respond to ch. 4 for Monday.
C.S. Lewis
Read and respond to chs. 5, 6, & 7 for Wednesday. Do your responses one at a time, please.
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 19:1-22. Write out each question and respond to it. Your response does not have to be in complete sentences, unless otherwise noted. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11. Do not send in your assignment until Monday.
1. Did Apollos make it to Corinth?
2. Who is Apollos again?
3. Explain what is unusual about the believers Paul finds in Ephesus.
4. Tell what happened to them next.
5. For how long did Paul preach in the synagogue?
6. What led to his decision to leave the synagogue?
7. What phrase is used to identify Paul's religion?
8. Where did he go next? How long was he there?
9. How far did the Word spread from there?
10. Luke relates an unusual sign of God's power through Paul--what is it?
11. Retell in your own words (in complete sentences) the story Luke relates in vv. 13-17. It should be about 50 words.
12. Retell in your own words (in complete sentences) the story Luke relates in vv. 18-20. It should be about 50 words.
13. Paul is planning to revisit Macedonia--what important city is there?
14. He is also planning to revisit Achaia--what two important cities are there?
15. He also plans to visit Jerusalem, but what city is his ultimate goal?
16. Go back and read the directions again. Did you follow them completely?
Poets and Prophets
The next of the servant songs is found in Isaiah 50. Focusing on vv. 4-11, explain how various details of the prophecy may relate to Christ. Write one paragraph of 100 words or more. Due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday, May 11.
Introduction to French
Watch "La peur du monstre" again--the link is on yesterday's post. Respond in complete, accurate French sentences. Due no later than noon on Tuesday, May 12.
First, a few words to help you: pas du tout = not at all; des que = as soon as; lorsque = when; en a assez = she has enough
1. Comment s'appelle le monstre qui raconte l'histoire?
2. Comment est sa tete?
3. Est-ce qu'il aime sa maman?
4. Le monstre qui habite sous le lit ressemble a qui?
5. Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait pendant la nuit? a) D'abord....b) Puis....c) Apres....d) Ensuite....
6. Est-ce que le narrateur est vraiment courageux?
7. Vous avez un monstre sous le lit: a) Il ressemble a quoi? b) Qu'est-ce qu'il fait pendant la nuit?
Intermediate French
Revisons la partie 3. Repondez en faisant des phrases completes. Due no later than noon on Tuesday, May 12.
1. Pourquoi est-ce que Napoleon Bonaparte est celebre?
2. Qui est Louis-Philippe?
3. Le regne du empereur Napoleon III est un desastre. Expliquez.
4. Pourquoi est-ce qu'ils sont celebres? a) le general Joffre; b) Georges Clemenceau; c) le general Foch
5. Pourquoi est-ce qu'ils sont celebres (ou infames)? a) le marechal Petain; b) le general de Gaulle
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