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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Troll Island Notes 32: Tuesday, May 5, 2020

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Ps. 27:1

Literature 7-8
Please read all of the following before you do any writing.
Maya Angelou was having a very hard time when Mrs. Flowers came into her life.  This woman did not make Maya's problems go away, but she encouraged Maya when Maya most needed that encouragement.  She took notice of her, recognized her gifts, spent time with her, and in different ways helped Maya see that she had value and had potential.  It was a friendship that lasted for years, but it all began the day that Maya brought home her groceries for her.  Through small acts of kindness, Mrs. Flowers encouraged Maya's love for language and steered her in a better direction.
All of us have or have had people in our lives like Mrs. Flowers, people that have stood out because of the way they have encouraged us.  I could make a very long list of relatives, friends, pastors, teachers, church members, and co-workers who have encouraged me in various ways over the years.  We can see such people as gifts from God; in fact, that's how we ought to see them.
Think about people like that in your life, and choose one of them to write about.  1. Begin by introducing your encourager and saying a little about your relationship to him or her.  2. Maya Angelou focuses on one particular incident to illustrate the power of Mrs. Flowers's friendship.  In the same way, choose one particular story that demonstrates how your person encouraged you.  3. Set up the story with the essential background.  4. Narrate the story in a clear, organized way.  5. As you tell the story, use some vivid details and creative metaphors like the ones that Maya Angelou used.  The point is not to be fancy. The point is to express something more than the bare facts of the story, but to convey a sense of your affection and gratitude.  6. Conclude your story in a way that will be satisfying to your reader.  7. Mistakes can rob your writing of its power, so make sure to fix errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. 
Your nonfiction story should be no fewer than 150 words.  It is due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, May 6.  Do not send it to me today.  All I want from you today is an email saying that you have read and understood the directions.  If you don't understand, email me a question.  Again, no stories today; only your email.

American Literature
1. Read "About the Author" (Robert Frost) on p. 524.  Note 5 things about him that are worth knowing.  2. Read "About the Selections" and respond in complete sentences: a) What was Frost's "rare talent"?  b) What was the focus of much of his poetry?  c) What is blank verse?  3. We will be studying "Mending Wall."  Listen to it here and respond in complete sentences: a) What did you think of the narration?  b) What are your first impressions of the poem?  (50 words). 

British Literature

See previous post.  Send me your response by noon tomorrow. I will incorporate your questions and comments into our Zoom discussion.  Come and come prepared.

C.S. Lewis
See post from Friday.  If you have not yet turned in the "Fisher King" portion, do so today.  Your reading responses should be in by noon tomorrow so that I can incorporate your questions and comments into the discussion. 

Luke and Acts
Today we review Paul's second missionary journey (Acts 15-18).  Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, May 6.  1. Why didn't Barnabas come this time?  2. Besides preaching and serving the church in other ways, Paul and his companions delivered the decision made at the Jerusalem council.  What was it?  3. which were the first churches they visited?  4. From there they went to Troas.  What message did Paul receive there?  5. Tell the story of Lydia in Philippi (50 words). 6. Tell the story of the Philippian jailer (50 words). 7. Where did they go next after Philippi?  8. What accusation was made against them there?  9. Which city did they visit next?  10. Write out Acts 17:11.  11.  Summarize what happened in Athens (50 words).  12. From there Paul went to Corinth.  Who are Aquila and Priscilla?  13. Why is Crispus mentioned?   14. Why is Gallio mentioned?  15. What did Paul do at Cenchrea?  16. From there Paul went to Ephesus and Caesarea.  Where did the missionary journey end? 

Poets and Prophets
I have rescheduled the Zoom meeting for tomorrow.  You have an invitation.  See yesterdays' post for your assignment.  Come and come prepared. 

Introduction to French
Read ch. 8 of  Presque Mort (the last chapter).  Answer the following questions in complete sentences in French.  Make the responses factually accurate and use your best French.  Use spell-check to detect and fix errors.  Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, May 6.
  1. Pourquoi est-ce qu’Ann est triste?
  2. Jacques est aussi triste.  Pourquoi?
  3. Elle parle de quoi avec ses amis bretagnes?
  4. Et vous, vous parlez de quoi avec vos amis américains? 
  5. Ou est-ce qu’il font des promenades?
  6. Ou est-ce que Dominique fait des promenades?
  7. Qu’est-ce qu’on fait au fest-noz? 
  8. Au restaurant, Yannick a un problème.  Qu’est-ce que c’est?
  9. De quelle couleur est son visage?
  10. D’habitude, de quelle couleur est le visage de Theodore? 
  11. Qui aide a Yannick?
  12. Qu’est-ce qu’il fait pour sauver sa vie?
  13. Yannick est différent après son expérience au restaurant.  Comment est-ce qu’il est changé? 
  14. Expliquez en anglais le différence entre “au revoir” et “adieu.”

Intermediate French
Lisez  Chapitre 17 et repondez en faisant des phrases completes.  Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, May 6.

Advanced French
Finissez le roman et ecrivez une reponse pour jeudi. 

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