Literature 7-8
" I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, " second part (383-386). Read and respond in complete sentences. Due no later than tomorrow, Tuesday, May 5, at 3:00 pm.
1. Maya is in a bad place in her life as the second part begins. It's not that she's just being moody or difficult. She has had to deal with some truly terrible things in St. Louis, and they are weighing down on her heavily. But now she is back in Stamps, and Mrs. Flowers is the lifeline that she needs. the author uses creative language to help the reader understand what a special person Mrs. Flowers was. One technique she uses is metaphors. a) Define "metaphor." (See the Guide at the end of the book if you need help.) b) What metaphor does she use of herself in the first paragraph to describe her mood most of the time? c) Mrs. Flowers always seems cool. In what creative way does the author describe her ability to appear cool? d) What metaphor does she use to describe the richness of her skin? e) What metaphor does she use to describe the power of her memory of Mrs. Flowers?
2. Mrs. Flowers calls Maya by her real name. a) What is it? b) How does that make Maya feel? c) What has she heard about Maya that concerns her? d) What to Maya is "a totally new idea"? e) What does Mrs. Flowers say about the human voice?
3. Mrs. Flowers encourages her with words. She also encourages her by lending her books. a) Why does she want her to read them aloud? b) What does Mrs. Flowers say about how her books should be treated? Quote her exact words.
4. Mrs. Flowers then makes Maya feel even more special by giving her a treat. a) What is it? b) Explain the difference between ignorance and illiteracy. c) What does Mrs. Flowers say about ignorance and illiteracy? d) What is the "poetry" that Maya hears for the first time in her life? e) What "assignment" did Mrs. Flowers give her? f) Why do you think she did that?
American Literature
"Grass" by Carl Sandburg. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than tomorrow, Tuesday, May 5, at 3:00 pm. Read "About the Author." 1. What are 5 things worth knowing about the author? Read "About the Selection." 2. How do your editors interpret this poem? (By the way, I disagree.) 3. Listen to the poem as recited by the author here. (You can stop it at about :50). a) What did you notice about the way Sandburg recited? b) What did he add in the recorded version? c) Why do you think he did that?
The questions in this section require some thought. Your responses should not be long, but they should be clear and accurate. 4. The poem has an unusual shape on the page. It's not arbitrary. Explain it as well as you can. 5. Make the case that this is an anti-war poem. 6. Now make the case that the theme of the poem is something else.
7. The image of grass has a different function here than in "Song of Myself" (p. 472ff.) a) How does the image function in Sandburg's poem? b) What are the 5 metaphors for grass that Whitman uses in lines 19-30?
8. Reread Melville's "Shiloh" here. Compare and contrast the two poems. 75 words.
British Literature
For Wednesday, read ch. 1 of The Lord of the Flies. Pay attention to the setting of the novel, the time and the place in which it takes place. It will be important for you to get a sense of what the island is like in general, but different part of the island have a different character and "feel."
Also pay attention to the characters. Most of the boys are lumped into an undifferentiated mass known as "the littluns." However, four boys begin to differentiate themselves from the rest: Ralph, Piggy, Jack, and Simon. Notice their physical appearance, the way they speak, and the way they act.
Be aware of how these might lead to conflict.
In your written response: a) ask a question of clarification, if you need to; b) share some of your thoughts on the matters highlighted above (about 50 words); c) write out a sparkle with a brief comment.
You may read ahead as much as you wish, but don't respond until I give you instructions to do so.
C.S. Lewis
See previous post.
Luke and Acts
Paul's second missionary journey concludes in Acts 18:18-22. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than tomorrow, Tuesday, May 5, at 3:00 pm.
1. Whom did he bring with him to Ephesus? 2. What does this tell you about how Paul thought of them? 3. In what direction is Ephesus from Corinth? 4. Why did Paul get a haircut? 5. This may have something to do with Nazirites (or Nazarites). Read the first paragraph of the article here.
What is the main idea? 6. Where did Paul go to speak? 7. So what? 8. What kind of response did he get? 9. Next Paul went to Caesarea. What direction is that from Ephesus? 10. What did he do there? 11. Where did he complete his journey?
Poets and Prophets
I am planning on a Zoom session with you tomorrow at 2:00 pm (EST!) You will receive an invitation later today. Thank you for your ideas about what to cover. To prepare for that session, please bring questions you have about what we have done in Isaiah so far. Also, we will work together on Is. 42:1-17. Please read it ahead of time and note connections with other texts that we have studied. We will be doing a close reading of it, and I will be asking you to respond. Attendance is required, and you should take notes.
French classes: see previous post.
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