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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Troll Island Notes 48: Thursday, May 28, 2020

Literature 7-8
Read "The Old Man" and respond in complete sentences.  Due Friday, May 29. Do not send it before that.
1.  Describe the new location Jessie is living in.  50 words.
2. Daniel treats Jessie differently from Ras.  Give an example.
3. Why do you think he treats them differently?  Explain briefly.
4. How do Jessie and Ras manage to communicate during their time at Daniel's?
American Literature
Refer to "i thank You God" on the previous post and respond in complete sentences.  Due Friday, May 29. Do not send it before that.
A. Cummings uses many poetical devices in this poem, many of which are already familiar to us.
1. Give an example of internal rhyme.
2. What device is being used in line 2?
3. What device is being used in line 7?
4. What does the term "allusion" mean?
5. There are several biblical allusions in this poem. a) How does it allude to the creation story in Genesis?  b) Read Psalm 96.  What's the connection?  c) Read Isaiah 35.  What's the connection?  d) Quote a line from the poem that alludes to resurrection.
6. What does the term "paradox" mean?
7. Explain how the third section uses a paradox.
B. More than most writers, Cummings uses poetic license. 
1. What does this term mean?
2. One example of this is inverted syntax.  What does that mean?
3. Give an example of inverted syntax in the poem.
4. He also uses capitals in a non-standard way.  Why would he capitalize "God" but not capitalize the first person singular pronoun?
5. What are 2 unusual features of his use of punctuation?
British Literature
AP students only: What value may Lord of the Flies have for Christian readers?  150 words. Due Friday, May 29. Do not send it before that.
For all students: Read p. 761 on Gerard Manley Hopkins. Read "Pied Beauty" on p. 762 and "God's Grandeur" on p. 764.  Respond to the poems in one paragraph of no fewer than 150 words.  Due Monday, June 1.  Do not send it before then.
C.S. Lewis
Luke and Acts
Read Acts 28 and respond in complete sentences.  Due Friday, May 29. Do not send in before that.
1.  Use the link here to follow Paul's journey to Rome.  According to this map, where is Malta?
2. How did the Maltese people show hospitality to Paul and the other survivors?
3. Retell the snake story. 25 words.
4. How is this story similar to what happened at Lystra (Acts 14)?
5. Publius, the chief official of the island, was also hospitable.  How did Paul help him?
6. Who are the "brothers" who greet Paul at Puteoli and at Rome?
7. Paul is under house arrest, meaning that he is not in jail but under constant guard in a rented house.  he is able to receive visitors regularly.  He meets first with Jewish visitors.  What does he tell them about himself? 
8. What does Paul do all day while he is under house arrest? 
9. How long did he remain there?
10.  Paul was restricted in his movements.  According to the last verse, what was not hindered?
Poets and Prophets
Read Isaiah 66 and respond in complete sentences.  Due Monday, June 1. Do not send in before that.
A. vv.1-2
1. What is the Lord's true house?
2. To whom does he reveal himself?
B. vv. 3-4
1. Cite a vivid image of a worthless ceremony.
2. Why does the Lord consider these offensive?
3. Where have we heard this sort of thing before?
C. vv. 5-6
1. Briefly explain the hypocritical behavior the Lord condemns here.
2. What noise is coming from the temple?
3. How does this relate to Is. 6?
D. The next section (vv. 7-13) contains a remarkable series of maternal images. 
1. The first maternal image is childbearing.  a) Who is the mother, and who are the children?  b) What do you think this is referring to?  Briefly explain.
2. The next maternal image is nursing.  a) Who is the nursing mother, and who are the children? b) What do you think this is referring to? 
3. The next maternal image is comforting.  Perhaps to our surprise, the Lord describes himself as the mother here.  The Bible never addresses God as mother (as some Christians do), and I don't think we should, either.  However, the Bible does at times attribute maternal characteristics to God, as Isaiah does here.  a) What maternal image of himself does Jesus use in Matt. 23:37?  Sometimes Jesus' followers, though not female themselves, may use maternal language as well.  b) What does Paul say about himself and the Thessalonians in I Thess. 2:7?
E. vv. 15-17
1. What image of final judgment does Isaiah use here?
2. What historical event in the Bible does this remind you of?
F. vv. 18-21 depict the gathering in of the nations
1. Where have we seen this in Isaiah before?
2. What psalm focuses on this? 
G. vv. 22-24
1. There is a promise of a new heavens and a new earth.  a) What does II Peter 3:10-13 say about how this will happen?  b) What does the same passage say about how this should impact us now? c) Briefly, how does Rev. 21 depict the new heavens and earth?
2. Isaiah ends on a note of judgment.  What is it?
Introduction to French
Write a few sentences in French telling me about your plans for the summer.  You can use the present tense.  Due Friday, May 29. Do not send in before that.
Intermediate French
See earlier post. 

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