Literature 7-8
Invitations to the literature/Bible Zoom session will be sent out today. Attendance is required, and come prepared as instructed below. No chats or uninvited guests will be permitted.
For the literature portion of our time together, we will be doing some review of the nonfiction unit and some of the wall words we have been using. If you have any questions, make sure you ask them. I will have some questions for you as well. Come ready to shine!
We will be doing one more novel together this year--The Slave Dancer by Paula Fox. There will be copies available at school starting tomorrow. Call Mrs. West at the school to schedule a time to pick them up.
American Literature
Invitations to the Zoom session will be sent out today. Attendance is required, and come prepared as instructed below. No chats or uninvited guests will be permitted.
Our first order of business will be to go over questions you have about recent poems like "The Snow Man" and "Home Burial." After that, I will be discussing with you Wallace Stevens' poem "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird." Listen to it here. I know you will have questions--you should! We will deal with some of those tomorrow. What I would like you to do today is to note some of your impressions of the poem after your first reading. You will be asked to share them tomorrow.
British Literature
Invitations to the literature/Bible Zoom session will be sent out today. Attendance is required, and come prepared as instructed below. No chats or uninvited guests will be permitted.
Read ch. 6 for tomorrow. You do not need to make a written response this time, as we will be discussing it in our session tomorrow. We will also be talking about the book so far. Come prepared with questions, insights, and observations. A written response to ch. 7 will be due on Thursday.
C.S. Lewis
See earlier posts.
Luke and Acts
In our Zoom session tomorrow, we will be reviewing Acts 13:1-19:41--Paul's three missionary journeys. Bring any questions you may have. Be prepared to discuss motifs in these chapters and specific incidents that are examples of these motifs. Be ready to make a good impression.
Poets and Prophets
For our online session tomorrow, I will take questions and do a little review. After that, I plan to start working through Is. 53 with you. Read it ahead of time, and be prepared with questions, insights, and observations on what you have read.
Introduction to French
Go to the Language Guide vocabulary section on le jardin. (Note that there is a following page without any pictures. We are not using that yet.) With the sound on, go over the vocabulary terms you find on this page. Make a 3-column chart of all the vocabulary on that page. 1. In the first column, give the French word (with the article, if applicable). 2. In the second column, put the English equivalent. 3. In the third column, make a mem for words that are not obviously cognates, even if you know them already. Due tomorrow, Wednesday, May 13, no later than 3:00pm.
Intermediate French
Go to the Language Guide vocabulary section on les plantes. With the sound on, go over the vocabulary terms you find on this page. Make a 3-column chart of all the vocabulary on that page. 1. In the first column, give the French word (with the article, if applicable). 2. In the second column, put the English equivalent. 3. In the third column, make a mem for words that are not obviously cognates, even if you know them already. Due tomorrow, Wednesday, May 13, no later than 3:00pm.
Advanced French
Lisez et repondez a l'Ecclesiaste 3-4 pour jeudi.
To all you who have gone out of your way to help make remote learning a success for others--all you moms and dads and other caregivers, older brothers and sisters, friends and classmates--thank you! We teachers couldn't do it without you. This troll's for you--because two heads are better than one.
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