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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Troll Island Notes 34: Thursday, May 7, 2020

" O Lord Jesus Christ, who alone hast power over life and death, over health and sickness: Give skill, wisdom, and gentleness to doctors and nurses and all who minister to the sick; that always bearing about thy presence with them, they may not only heal but bless, and shine as lamps of hope in the darkest hours of distress and fear; who with the Father and the Holy Spirit livest and reignest ever one God, world without end.  Amen. "

Literature 7-8
I enjoyed reading the essays you wrote about a person who is special to you, your own personal "Mrs. Flowers."  I was pleased to see the variety of people you wrote about and the seriousness with which you took the assignment (though I haven't heard from everyone).  Your writing about your encourager was an encouragement to me, and I urged many of you to share what you wrote with the person you wrote about.  It's easy to complain; it often takes more effort to be grateful.  Be grateful, say thank you, and do things that show your thankfulness.  The Lord is pleased when we recognize his gifts (including people) and thank him for them.
Our next nonfiction text is "The Street," beginning on p. 393.  First read about the author, Richard Wright, on p. 397.  As always, respond in complete sentences.  1. Where did this selection come from?  2. What made his early life difficult?  3. What did he say kept him alive? 
Now read the selection.  Most of the people who will read this blog have never known hunger of the kind Wright describes.  He wants us to understand and to feel what it was like to suffer serious hunger.  4. Give 2 examples of creative language in the first paragraph that help the reader to feel Wright's hunger.  5. Wright is young at this time.  What doesn't he understand about his hunger?  6. Wright's mother goes to work as a cook. a) How does that change her? b) What does that mean for young Richard and his brother? 
7. What happened the first time Richard went to the store by himself?  8. What happened the second time?  9. What was his mother's solution to this problem?  10. Retell what happened the third time.  11.  According to the author, what was the lasting impact of what happened that night?
Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8.  Do not send me this assignment today.

American Literature
Read this before you do anything else.
Poetry can be about a lot of things, but human relationships are especially important.  we saw this in the previous poem, "Mending Wall," which is really more about invisible walls that we build between each other than it is about walls of stone.  "Home Burial" (528ff.) is another such poem.  It is about a shadow that has fallen between a husband and wife and their inability to understand one another.  The narrator does not inject himself into the story, but simply reports what he sees and hears.  As you read, imagine this as a play. You don't know what the characters are thinking, but you can make inferences by their actions and their words--and sometimes by what they don't say or do.  Listen to a recording of the poem here and follow along in your book.  Notice the things the wife (Amy) brings up against her husband.  Notice also the different emotions that the husband expresses in the course of the argument, and why he responds that way.
Next, share your thoughts and impressions about this poem and about the drama that it portrays.  do so in a paragraph of about 150 words.  You will almost certainly have some questions as well.  Do not put those in the paragraph, but list them separately. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8.

British Literature
It was good to see so many of you during yesterday's Zoom session. I hope you benefited from being there.
Please read and respond to ch. 3 for tomorrow.

C.S. Lewis
See previous post.

Luke and Acts
We have been reminded that the way of salvation is the way of the cross.  It was true in Jesus' day, in the time of the apostles, and it is still true today.  Please remember to pray regularly for your brothers and sisters in Christ who are paying a high price for their loyalty to him, and pray that we will be faithful in the circumstances we are in. 
Luke's narration of Paul's third missionary journey begins in Acts 18:23 and continues into ch. 21.  If you need a map for reference, look here. Read 18:23-28.  Respond in complete sentences.  Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8. Do not email this assignment today.
1. Where does Paul start from?  2. Where does he go next?  3. What direction is he going? 4. What does he do there? 
5. Luke then interrupts his narrative about Paul to say something about a man named Apollos.  He is a Jewish believer who is both knowledgeable and eloquent.  What does "eloquent" mean?  6.  However, Apollos is lacking (deficient)  in some way.  What is it?  7. Who helps him with this deficiency? 
8. Apollos is in Ephesus at the moment, but he wants to go to the region of Achaia. Paul already visited that region on the second missionary journey.  Which 2 important cities in the region did he visit?  9. What is the most dramatic even that happened in each of these cities?
10. The church in Ephesus supported Apollos' idea warmly.  What did the believers do to help him? 
11. How did he help the church in Achaia?  Be specific.  12. On the basis of Apollos' story, would you say that the study of rhetoric may have value for Christians?  Why? 13.  On the basis of Apollos' story, would you say that it is important for Christians to know the OT as well as the NT?  Why?

Poets and Prophets
I gave your assignment to you orally during the Zoom session yesterday.  It is due by 3:00 pm today.

For tomorrow, read Is. 49:1-7 (the second Servant Song) and respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8. 
1. The first couplet in v. 1 uses metonymy.   a) What does this term mean?  b) How does it works here?  2. How is the rest of the verse similar to Jeremiah 1:4-5?  3. Why is this something that needs to be said? 
4. The second verse uses a series of related images.  What is the lexical field here?  5. What is the point (pun intended)?  6. What similar, bizarre images are found in Rev. 1:12-16. 7. Briefly explain what these images convey about Jesus, and by extension, his Church. 
8. The third and fourth verses portray a kind of disconnect.  Briefly explain.  9. What would this look like in the case of a prophet like Elijah, for example?  10. What did it look like in the case of Jesus? 
11. How does v. 5 recall Jeremiah 1 again?  12. Connect it to some verses in Ps. 139. 
13. Connect v. 6 to Is. 9.  12. Connect the first half of v. 7 to Ps. 22.  13.  Connect the second half of v. 7 to Ps. 2. 

Introduction to French
Follow along as Maman Doudou reads you a funny little story in French here.  There are a few words you don't know, but the pictures and context will help you figure out the most important ones.  You can pause it or watch it more than once. Guess from context what these words and phrases mean : 1. un amour de petit bonhomme; 2.  ses petits bisous; 3.  elle revient; 4.gargouille (related to the English words "gargle" and "gargoyle"! 5. surgit (related to "surge"); 6. elle me fait des grimaces; 7. elle me pince les fesses! 8. des prises secretes de karate; 9. je suis un redoubtable petit chasseur de monstre.
Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8. 

Intermediate French
Watch this version of a famous children's story here.  Turn on the closed captions to see the words as well as hear them.  As you watch or after you watch, guess the meanings of the following words as you hear and see them in context. Put the word or phrase in one column, your guess in the second column, and, if your guess is somewhat off, the actual meaning in the third column.  Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 8. 
(Both tied to "canard"): 1. la cane; 2. les canetons.  (Connected to "la mer"): 3. la mare.
4. la file indienne  5. patauger  6. le cygne  7. les roseaux  8. renifler. 
(Related to "chaud"):  9. rechauffer. (Tied to "besoin"): 10. soigner.
11. la mamie; 12. reculer; 13. ca alors.

Advanced French
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