I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
May my meditation be pleasing to him,
for I rejoice in the Lord. (Ps. 104:33-34)
Literature 7-8
"The Dog That Bit People" (p. 388ff.) by James Thurber. Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7. Do not send me this assignment today. Follow directions.
First read "About the Author" p. 392. 1. What kind of animals did he write about? 2. What kind of animals do you know well enough to write about? 3. What was evidently his favorite animal? 4. What kind of people did he like to write about? 5. What physical disability did he have? 6. What did he consider to be one of our great natural resources?
Next, read the whole essay, enjoy the humor, and respond in complete sentences. 7. What funny thing happened with the French poodle? 8. Muggs the Airedale is the real subject of the essay, though. How did he act toward Thurber? 9. How does Thurber make the mouse problem seem funny?
10. One of the humorous aspects of the story is not just the behavior of Muggs, but how Mother would treat Muggs. Give an example. 11. Give another example. 12. Others were afraid of Muggs, and with good reason. Give an example. 13. Give another example. 14. Tell about the "thunder machine" (25 words). 15. What's funny about Muggs's burial (25 words)? 16. What's something funny in the story that you haven't written about already?
American Literature
"Mending Wall" (p. 526 ff. ): In complete sentences, write out the answers to "Reviewing the Selection" 1-10 and "Understanding Literature" 1, 3. Please note that some items may have more than one question. If that is the case, clearly label each question with a letter. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7.
British Literature
For tomorrow, read ch. 2 in Lord of the Flies: "Fire on the Mountain." Some things to pay attention to: the expanding geography of the island, till now restricted to the beach and a bit of the forest; the development of the main characters and relationships; and Golding's sometimes brutal realism (like Orwell in 1984 and Greene in The Power and the Glory).
Respond as directed on Friday's post. You may read ahead, but do not respond until I ask you to do so. We will be reading approximately one chapter per class day. You are welcome to email me questions at any time, however.
C.S. Lewis
For Friday, read chs. 3 & 4 in That Hideous Strength. Some things to pay attention to: 1) Lewis has already used the technique of telling more than one story at a time. Continue to pay attention to this. 2) New characters are being introduced all the time. Make sure you know which "side" they are on, and how they are connected to Mark and Jane and each other. If we were in a classroom, I would make a character web; you may find it useful to do it yourself.
After you read each chapter, respond to it as described in Friday's blog post.
Luke and Acts
We continue to review today, with a focus on this motif: "Those who are faithful to the Lord often suffer for it." Respond in complete sentences. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7. Do not send me this assignment until tomorrow. Follow directions.
1. Write out Jesus' exact words in Luke 9:23. 2. Read Luke 9:57-62. What is the gist of what Jesus says here? 3. What parable in Luke 14 makes a similar point? 4. Jesus didn't just teach this, he lived it out. Explain.
5. As the world treated Jesus, so it will treat his followers. This is an important teaching in the book of Acts. How were the apostles mocked in Acts 2? 6. How were Peter and John persecuted in ch. 4?
7. How were all the apostles persecuted in ch. 5? 8. What happened to Stephen in ch. 7? 9. What happened to the church in Jerusalem immediately afterwards? 10. In what humiliating way did Paul have to leave Damascus in ch. 9? 11. Who had James put to death in ch. 12? 12. How was Peter persecuted in ch. 12?
13. We see this motif on the first missionary journey. Who forced Paul and Barnabas to leave Pisidian Antioch? 14. Who plotted against them in Iconium so that they had to leave? 15. How was Paul persecuted in Lystra?
16. It continued with Paul and Silas on the second missionary journey. How were they persecuted in Philippi? (ch. 16) 17. Who was behind the riot against them in Thessalonica (ch. 17)? 18. Who stirred up trouble against them in Berea (ch. 17)? 19. Why did some of the philosophers mock him in Athens (ch. 17)? 20. Who opposed Paul in Corinth?
Poets and Prophets
I will give you your next assignment at today's Zoom session. You will need your Bibles and the notes that you prepared for the session.
Introduction to French
Write a paragraph in French that summarizes the main events of the book with respect to Ann, Paul, and Yannick. You should write in the present tense. Your sentences can be short, but do your best to put them in standard French spelling, grammar, etc. Do not use a translator, but use your books (including the glossary) and a spell-check program to help you avoid avoidable mistakes. It should be 50-75 words. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7.
Intermediate French
Lisez "Revision 3" et repondez aux questions. Due no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 7.
Advanced French
Vous avez une reponse pour demain.
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